Gamescom Stream Reveals - New Forsaken Shores Information

  • Just a quick few notes from the Gamescom stream...

    September 19th Release Date

    (Talk Like A Pirate Day. Coincidence?)

    New Volcanic Region

    You won't start off there but make a choice to take part in missions there.
    The islands have geysers and volcanos on them.

    • Water can get too hot to swim in.
    • Geysers can chuck you up in the air if under one.


    Merchant Alliance Cargo Runs

    NPCs will ask you to deliver items across the seas to other NPCs on other islands. Including:

    • Rum - Very delicate - so need to sail carefuly.
    • Expensive Cloths - Can't get wet or decreases in value.
    • Plants - Need keeping wet as not to shrivel up and die.

    Reaper's Mark

    The next Bilge Rat Adventure after Cursed Sails is Cursed Crews

    Players can show themselves on the map for others to see and hope come to chase them down. (Useful for a player started bounty or maybe to advertise a gameshow/personal event)


    Watch again!

    Anyone looking to watch the stream again can do so using the YouTube video below.

    1 hour 13 minutes in :)

    Wow, that was an information-packed stream! Hope I didn't miss anything out.

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  • Amazing features coming!! Can't wait!
    And the volcanic region looks super nice, kind of like the Wilds on fire.

  • Two things ive learnt from this!

    One: I love the idea of the Reapers mark, Its a very welcome addition indeed! I also think it will take the heat of those who wish to PvE a little.

    Two: Who needs a Sloop anymore from now on i will be soloing a Rowboat full of rum! XD

    Im actually looking forward to Forsaken Shores, havent been a massive fan over previous drops and events but this looks like the one for me! My Hypes returning!

  • I wasn't able to listen, could anybody provide any more detail on the reapers mark? What is the purpose of this, exactly? Is it a component of a voyage, or just some way for people to show themselves on the map for whatever reason?

  • @drunkpunk138 You can activate it and you will show up on the map for everyone to see :)

    I think its a way to get into PvP easier if you choose. And it will also help with people who wish to PvE stay in the shadows more.

  • I fear the rowboat may handle about as well as a drunk man riding a bicycle up a flight of stairs.

  • @knifelife said in Gamescom Stream Reveals:

    @drunkpunk138 You cn activate it and you will show up on the map for everyone to see :)

    I think its a way to get into PvP easier if you choose.

    I see. Thanks for the explanation.

  • @drunkpunk138 Shows everyone on the map where you are... like a "come get some" beacon

  • Great little glimpse into the forsaken shores update. Volcanoes look cool, geysers look like a fun gimmick. Overly excited for a revamp to merchant voyages despite already hitting pirate legend.

    Looking forward to seeing what else is in store at a later date. Need to see those rowboats in action!

  • @blatantwalk4260 Would you want it any other way? XD

  • @musicmee Some more info

    The Reaper's mark (you have a typo) will be on the the next Bilge Rats adventure Cursed Crews.

    For the Forsaken Shores, the sea can get so hot that you'll boil (so another reason to use a rowboat). The geysers on the islands can throw you in the air and rocks can crush you or your boat.

  • Pet pets pets banjos pets more PL content

    If I can't at least shoot myself into a volcano what are you even doing this update for Rare!

  • Was there any video footage shown?

  • @riareth Cheers matey!


  • Wait a minute.... Keeping plants wet with sea water is not supposed to kill them!? I wonder if you'll have to carry some fountain, River water in your bucket for this or if anything will do...

  • @knifelife fair point im sure there will be hilarious videos of people attempting to use a rowboat.

  • @dmxbox said in Gamescom Stream Reveals:

    Was there any video footage shown?

    Yes, they showed a bit of the volcanoes and some gameplay including how geisers push you up and how hot rocks from the volcanoes seem to come to your ship.

  • Just updated with some screenshots :D

  • They are really taking a lot of community feedback. Looking forward to the update!

  • Thank you @Musicmee for this post. It was hard to hear and I missed some, but thanks to you I know what the key things are! Can't wait for the 19th. Hopefully we get a chance to sail together again.

  • @knifelife said in Gamescom Stream Reveals:

    Two things ive learnt from this!

    One: I love the idea of the Reapers mark, Its a very welcome addition indeed! I also think it will take the heat of those who wish to PvE a little.

    Two: Who needs a Sloop anymore from now on i will be soloing a Rowboat full of rum! XD

    Im actually looking forward to Forsaken Shores, havent been a massive fan over previous drops and events but this looks like the one for me! My Hypes returning!

    You mean soloing a Rowboat full of rum with Reapers Mark!

  • No other changes or enhancements to the other Trading Companies? :(

  • @biter-wylie Dude...look at the thread i just put up pahaha! #illuminati xD

  • This is awesome! I can't wait! So hype to finally get my hands on rum!

  • Picture this: get a rowboat, fill it with snakes and boom barrels, Castaway chest on the front. Put out reapers mark and sink your own ship. The whole server coming towards a deadly trap :D

  • @psych0-knightro Im well hyped for this not gonna lie! Havent had this hype since post launch! FS looks sooo nice!

  • @musicmee said in Gamescom Stream Reveals:

    Just a quick few notes from the Gamescom stream...

    September 19th Release Date

    New Volcanic Region

    Including geysers and volcanos.

    • Water can get too hot to swim in.
    • Geysers can chuck you up in the air if under one.


    Merchant Alliance Cargo Runs

    NPCs will ask you to deliver items across the seas to other NPCs on other islands. Including:

    • Rum - Very delicate.
    • Expensive Cloths - Cant get wet or decreases in value.
    • Plants - Need keeping wet.

    Reaper's Mark

    The next Bilge Rat Adventure after Forsaken Shores is Cursed Crews

    Players can show themselves on the map for others to see and hope come to chase them down. (Useful for a player started bounty or maybe to advertise a gameshow/personal event)


    Wow, that was an information-packed stream! Hope I didn't miss anything out.

    See the edited post above incase you couldn't see it either ;)

  • @fishst1ck Thanks matey!

    Always saving my bacon!

  • @musicmee Ohhh there were pictures during the stream? I could only listen cuz I'm at work lol

  • Sounds like Reaper's Mark is aimed at PvP players. I'm guessing turning on the mark will be required to get the commendations.

    Wonder if and how it will work with Alliances. Maybe there will be commendations for fighting an Alliance while in an Alliance? Could lead to some big PvP ship battles if so.

  • Very HYPED I can't wait for this! :D

  • @xcalypt0x Full on video... the screenshots pretty much tell the story but there was video.

  • Very happy that the area isn't all dark and gloomy like the Wilds (from all the smoke/ash etc). The update looks pretty solid, looking forward to it! The rowboat and new merchant mission types are going to be great additions.

  • @drunkpunk138 like most things in Sea of Thieves the Reaper's Mark flag is whatever you want it to be. Sure, it can be as @KnifeLife pointed out, a way for people who are interested in PvP to flag themself as such. But for me I will be using it to find other's to complete Bilge Rat Adventures or campaigns that require teamwork and cooperation.

  • @zz-emerz-zz I actually really liked Joe's idea of a gameshow (Loot and Lore) kind of scenario!

    I cannot wait to see how people use this...

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