September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day!

  • Let's see all yer favourite piratey memes, images an' treasures to celebrate the day!

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  • @katttruewalker Aye! Same as every other day of the year.

  • Right then, ye scurvy dogs -

  • @katttruewalker

    Edit Just missed seeing Katts post thingy so adding it "Meow" :P

    Whos on my crew?
    Ship Sea King
    Captain Captain Black Bart
    Right Hand James Kelly
    Good Lady Miranda Barlow

  • Just found out that not only can you set Facebook to 'pirate' language but Google too!

    https: //

  • Tis been the 19th for almost 18 hours 'ere in the forgotten land of Oz.

    Who's on Your Pirate Crew (thingy Katt posted)
    I'd be sailin' the all mighty Scowerer under the direction of Captain Henry Morgan with Anna Bonny and snuggling the fair lady Max.
    Good Gawd I hope he she has shaved it's legs.

  • My favourite day of the year Yarr!

    alt text

  • @piratecraggy lol Watch the eyes of the bloke behind.

  • @katttruewalker - Here's a wee flashback from the Alpha days!

    Who's on my crew?
    Ship: Bachelor's Delight
    Captain: Aruj Barbarossa
    Right Hand: "Calico" Jack Rackham
    My Good Lady: Mary Carleton

  • @katttruewalker
    Everyone can do it....

  • @tartansnake-8 Hahahahahhahha!

    That still happens now matey :( You can tell because it goes all quiet.

  • Some hints and tips from this website -

    Startin' Rules

    Double up on all your adjectives and you'll be bountifully bombastic with your phrasing. Pirates never speak of "a big ship", they call it a "great, grand ship!" They never say never, they say "No nay ne'er!"

    Drop all your "g"'s when you speak and you'll get words like "rowin'", "sailin'" and "fightin'". Dropping all of your "v"'s will get you words like "ne'er", "e'er" and "o'er".

    Instead of saying "I am", sailors say, "I be". Instead of saying "You are", sailors say, "You be". Instead of saying, "They are", sailors say, "They be". Ne'er speak in anythin' but the present tense!

  • @katttruewalker yarrr... I created this majestic raretle just the other day while swillin' my grog I saw the most beautiful apparition.

    A head almost perfect for a turtle, the deed must be done.. alt text

  • @katttruewalker You can change your Facebook to pirate to in the language settings.

    I don’t it to my mum a few years ago and she couldn’t figure out how to switch it back. So by the time I offered she had got used to it and wouldn’t let me lol.

  • Arrrrh it be! :-)

  • Who's on my crew

    Ship: New York Revenge
    Captain: Captain Black Bart
    Right hand: Anne Bonny

    There will only be two joining me, as my right hand is my good lady.

  • @katttruewalker Pirate Consultants will always be the best!

  • Wish I could act like Pirate folk.
    But there be just one problem inhibiting me!
    I be a merchant sailor!

  • @sgt-palooggoo Awwww matey! We've all got to start somewhere ;D

  • @musicmee
    There's Always a time to act like Thieving barnacles!

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