Getting into Halloween mood

  • @codename-jenova 🕸️🕷️ Cobweb Jenova 🕷️🕸️

  • Nice to see people, other than boatswains, to participate. Boatswains are being kinda forced into it on discord. :D

  • What have I done....... I have created a monster!

    I only changed my name to cheer me up lol.

  • @sir-lotus Disclaimer: No Boatswain has been harmed in the making of this thread

    Now come on Pirates, give us you best most spooky name change !

  • Testing sorry

  • @j4dio - hummm I am leaning to this one. The other - Genieva with a genie emoji.

  • @musicmee said in Getting into Halloween mood:

    What have I done....... I have created a monster!

    ..............It's alive

  • alt text

  • @specialadvisor the Halloween vibe is here.. and it's scary.. Crook's Hollow will be mine for the end of the month... All Mine Muwhahaha

  • I've only been playing for a few months.... but I've been playing so much that my wife bought me a pirate costume for Halloween this year. Is it weird to wear the hat and eye patch while playing? I may have a problem....

  • @codename-jenova CrowDame Jenova

  • alt text

  • @sir-lotus how about Ecryptse?

  • 💀🦴 RayzTheDead 🦴💀

  • @ecljpse @Rayzback both are pretty good.

    also we're slowly making our way up the totem pole. I'm not gonna call them out, but some deckhands stepped up as well. I'm sure there will be more coming.

  • @sir-lotus Wow, we really have infected everyone... The Halloween name curse is here!

  • I think i have the impossible name lol.

  • @ve111a He111ahound lol

  • I altered mine to be Captain Spoopton from Captain Carton

  • BOOOGirrl, obvs, right? ;)

  • @ecljpse said in Getting into Halloween mood:

    @ve111a He111ahound lol

    that's a really good one.

    edit: see everyone? if you can't come up with it yourselves, just ask for help in here.

  • @ve111a 🐺 🦴He111ahound🦴 🐺

  • 🎃 Jack-O-dinho 🎃

  • NightLight? L**o that’s what my brother calls my gamer tag and for some reason most Americans call it KnightLife.

    My imagination sucks I genuinely can’t think off one L**o

  • in case you're not on SoT official discord, we already have others participating, including Rare employees.

  • @ecljpse said in Getting into Halloween mood:

    @ve111a He111ahound lol

    L**o I dig it. "Dang girl that isn't just a hound its a He111ahound!"

  • How about Scooby Doo Where Are You!

    Oh and the other day I saw the Mystery Machine!

  • @sir-lotus GhostlyLeech

  • nice ideas everyone!

  • @sir-lotus

  • @fishst1ck I hate clowns. And even tho I see your nickname every day, it still creeps me out... good job :D

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