azreth's art dump

  • i've been wanting to share my SoT fanart, but didn't even think to give the forums a look.
    long post ahead
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  • @azretheatsfood Ahoy there!

    Wowzers matey, these sketches are awesome! You are a truly talented artist, keep up the good work and keep on sharing any more you do here!

    Love, love, love them!

  • @musicmee thank you! and i'll be sure to keep the thread updated with my future drawings- i can't get enough of SoT ahah

  • @azretheatsfood wooow pretty great! Nice work you made. Love your style!
    Cheers mate!

  • That's really good stuff. I like to pretend I'm the creative type myself but have a difficult time as I get older really finding my muse. So I appreciate those who can still keep the art alive. I do create images reliant on varied assets and such, but haven't built anything by hand in a long time....

    Great work!

  • @nunoazuldimeter thanks! i've definitely taken inspiration from SoT when developing my style. it's such a gorgeous, yet cartoony game

  • @azretheatsfood do you have any media Where I can follow your work? I'd love to. 😁

  • @azretheatsfood very cool :D i am writing a pirate story if you ever need some inspiration on what to draw let me know ;D haha

    that shark is awesome!

  • @jacknife-wilson thanks! i'd like to believe it's never too late to start learning something new. just give something as simple as drawing or painting a try. obviously it wont be instantly rewarding, but you've got it in you! and it can be fun to experiment around too if drawing isn't your thing

    @NunoAzuldimeter i've got a tumblr for my general work ((though right now it's a little buried in all my SoT art ahah heres a link

  • @azretheatsfood I used to be quite proficient! Time and lack of dedication have cost me... that and my love of photoshop lol

  • @revanjstone lol sure. i'll probably make a post for requests sometime in the future. feel free to drop some ideas

  • @jacknife-wilson hey, you could try digital painting! i do most all of my artwork in photoshop, it's a great tool

  • @azretheatsfood I should. I can get lost for days in digital art creation. Thanks for the kind words.

  • @jacknife-wilson yeah, most digital art programs can be quite intimidating at first. there's just so much to them, but since you're already familiar w photoshop it should be easy to pick up! and np man! i love people getting the chance to make and enjoy artwork

  • @azretheatsfood

    Some really lovely compositions there, thanks for sharing them!

  • @katttruewalker thank you! i hope to have more in the future

  • @azretheatsfood thanks for the link. you're a talent!
    Glad you shared here with us!!!

  • @azretheatsfood hey as an art person do you know what this is called? alt text
    i wana try to make some more but i dont know what to look up to find out how to do it haha.

  • @revanjstone uhh not really, sorry man
    i kinda just see it as some animated pixel chibi kinda art

  • @azretheatsfood I love the style, especially the shark is awesome! Show us more in the future please.

  • great work!

  • That's awesome! Thinking my wife would kill me if I hang a portrait of my SOT character on our wall. Maybe if I change out of Bilge Rat duds? :)

  • @AzrethEatsFood quite nice sketches! Well done...indeed :-D

  • @azretheatsfood Wow! These are great. You are very talented :) Thank you for sharing with us!

  • @Veriye thanks, i had a lot of fun w the shark. and can do B)
    @Rayzback thanks- and lol that sounds like a fun idea tho. would you be drawing it or is it just like a screenshot ahaha
    @QuietRobot @SpecialAdvisor @IOnEI-Falcon thanks all! i've had such a warm welcome to the forums and it's really inspiring me to do more

  • @azretheatsfood said in azreth's art dump:

    @Rayzback thanks- and lol that sounds like a fun idea tho. would you be drawing it or is it just like a screenshot ahaha

    I wish I could draw like that.... seeing your work made me want one though :)

  • yesterday i was considering opening up requests and ive decided might as well go thru with it.
    if anyone has any pirate-y prompts or wants me to draw their pirate just let me know. i cant promise i'll get to every request, but i'll do my best

  • @azretheatsfood Wow! great artworks there! :)

  • These are really awesome @AzrethEatsFood!

  • @azretheatsfood Excellent work there matey, really talented. Totally loving the coin flipping guy, well done, I salute you !

  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

    I LOVE IT.

  • @azretheatsfood AYE!!!! good drawings matey

  • @stacky-a @khaleesibot @J4dio @SirioNDB @ClosingHare208
    thank you all so much!! i really appreciate all the kind words
    i also need to get on drawing more pirates to share here with everyone ahah

  • i've got some more art, new and old
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