Why it's hiding Duke, and who is hiding from?

  • As we can see, Duke is hiding. If we talk to him he says something about a strange pirate. Who is that pirate, and why is Duke hiding from him?
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    I think the guy is Demarco, from The Arena trailer and the Sea Dogs faction leader.
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  • Why would anyone hide from Demarco? He's the charming social son of the Pirate Lord! Maybe he's hiding from Demarco's twin sister Lesedi? She's far more intimidating.

  • @boomtownboss Yeah, I don't know why Duke would hide from Demarco. So, this is as of the latest update, eh?

  • The impression I got upon talking to Duke was that he's hiding from salty pirates who may be "disappointed" by the fact that he has no new Bilge Rat Adventure for them this week. He seems rather embarrassed to have nothing to offer. He did mention he thought he saw a "shifty pirate," but let's face it...that pretty much describes every pirate who's ever sailed the Sea of Thieves.

  • @boomtownboss I own all of the SoT literature but haven't read any of it because it's part of my collection and want to keep it in good condition. I need to buy a second copy of each so I can actually understand the lore lolol.

  • @eggamer13 I think duke is hiding because of Wanda the warsmith has come back to the sea of thieves

  • @closinghare208 looks like it relates to fizzy foxxy as the beware poster has been taken down https://i.imgur.com/XTfsvP7.png

  • Duke mentions at the end of his dialogue something about how nothing’s happened and even bildge rats need a day off. So he was most likely just out of ideas and trying to think of something to send you out on and adventure.

  • @kenneth-bosch that poster is just in one tavern, duke is in every tavern so i don't think the poster is removed. He did mention that Tina's (if i recall correctly) grog taste funny and i think she is at Golden Sands. I don't know if the new update has something to do with the Shores of Plenty region or it doesn't have any meaning.

  • It's just me that's noticed a certain pirate with a tendency to poison people has disappeared, then?

  • @kenneth-bosch maybe?

  • @capn-clegg yeah I've noticed too

  • I can solve the mystery, its me hes hiding from... i was in there Friday night having a quiet drink and he spilt my pint... didnt even offer to buy me a new one and then when I was having a go on the fruit machine... he tried it on with my missus!... shocking behaviour!

  • @nikjw I don't think so mate your just drunk go back to shark bait cove and have a sleep

  • @closinghare208 you sssshtarting too mate... hic.... more grog... hic.... c'mon then.... you and duke.....outside...... i'll take all 4 of you!!!.... hic (closely followed by vomiting in ones bucket)

  • @nikjw just go to merrick's camp at shark bait you'll feel better in the morning mate

  • @nikjw and I'll jjjust hic pull my pistol and take all four of youss hic

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