Connection Issues as of 2nd May Confirmed by Diego (Rare Community Manager)

  • @psych0-knightro It is not working on PC too so it is more than just an xbox issue.

  • I hope they fix it soon this is just torture some people say that they can play but cant and website saying it's running but really it's not it's just a cruel trick to do on us Pirates

  • Sot...I HATE STRAWBERRYS...also i can't log in either, about 90% of the time i get strawberrybeard error, but at times i also appear to get the lapizbeard error..? sooo...

  • @mad-jack-ketch What will then because they are claiming everything is running normally when in fact things are not running normally and xbox support claims they have fixed the issue also yet it is not fixed.

  • @cptnspaulding71 said in Connection Issues as of 2nd May Confirmed by Diego (Rare Community Manager):

    Support site now says "all services are running normally" but I still am getting the lapisbeard error so the support site is lying.

    Works for me, FINALLY!

  • Why do they keep lying to us !!!

  • @cptnspaulding71

    Xbox Server Issue*

  • I checked Xbox Support the only game with issues is Minecraft on Xbox no sea of thieves issues on xbox support list

  • It is working for me now on both PC and xbox, Woo-Hoo!

  • evryone restart your console the probleme should be fix once restarted


  • @algorum yeah dude nobody wanted to play it all this time til now... Should stop making it cross platform

  • Nvm u can log in but cant join server Bronzebeard

  • Yay the torture is finally over we can finally get Treasure !!!

  • @nh-sierra it should be working now

  • This really has me bummed. I've had this planned for a few days to play the new Tall Tales with a mate because today was the only day we could play. It's now been down for 3 hours and we still can't play. It let's me get as far as the crew set up but will not load into the game.

  • @cptnspaulding71 Just patience and time, they will resolve the issue, it's Xbox services also. I know you maybe inpatient, but good things happen to those Pirates whom wait it out matey! :)

  • I am still getting the Strawberrybeard error

  • It says reporting for duty when I load in, then strawberry beard.

  • I too have been stricken w the dreaded Strawberrybeard! I hope this update does not ruin the original concept. The simplicity and rawness of the game definitely should not have been tamprered with.

  • Strawberry beard on my scorpio...3 hard resets, still broken !

  • Current-Issues-Strawberrybeard/Lapisbeard

    Been discussed on numerous threads now, but think this is the "correct" thread.

  • Still getting (Strawberry Beard) Error but I did get through twice now and it stopped me at "Inlisting Pirate" but giving me the (Lapis Beard) Error :/ - Xbox One

  • Still nothing...been trying a while now one friend got in but no luck here

  • As of 10 minutes ago, RARE says issue is fixed. 11:40pm est

  • Strawberrybeard is apparently back

  • I'm getting the strawberries 😢

  • Ahoy maties!

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