@chronodusk The best info I can find is here: https://help.lootcrate.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002485232-I-was-billed-this-month-but-I-didn-t-get-a-crate-Why-
Our deadline for new subscription signups each month is on a set deadline, or earlier, if we sell out of that month’s crates. If you're interested in a crate or theme be sure to sign up before the deadline (or before we're sold out):
Loot Crate: 19th of each month at 9 PM Pacific Time
Loot Crate DX: 19th of each month at 9 PM Pacific Time
Loot Wear: 19th of each month at 9 PM Pacific Time
Loot Anime: 27th of each month at 9 PM Pacific Time
Loot Gaming: 27th of each month at 9 PM Pacific Time
Halo Legendary Crate: 15th of every even numbered month at 9 PM Pacific Time
WWE Slam Crate: 15th of every even numbered month at 9 PM Pacific Time
Firefly Cargo Crate: 15th of every odd numbered month at 9 PM Pacific Time
Marvel Gear + Goods: 15th of every odd numbered month at 9 PM Pacific Time
Wizarding World Crate: 3rd of every odd numbered month at 9 PM Pacific Time
Fallout Crate: 3rd of every even numbered month at 9 PM Pacific Time
Hello Kitty and Friends: 15th of every 3rd month (Mar, June, Sept, Dec).
If you start your subscription anytime before the deadline, you will get that current month’s crate as your first Loot Crate. If you sign up after the deadline, your first Loot Crate will be the following month’s crate.
For example, if you sign up for Loot Crate on April 18th your first crate will be the April Loot Crate, or if you sign up for Loot Crate on April 21st your first crate will be the May Loot Crate.