Shrouded Ghost Meg

  • What should the Ghost be nerfed to???
    I think in the Athena rep commendations it should only Be 1.
    What do you think?

  • 37
  • Given that there is a shrouded spoils commendation for killing one, I’d say it should be at least 5 for the top tier.

  • For the Shrouded Ghost, 1 per tier and leave the rarity alone.

  • In World of Warcraft, there's an achievement for killing 50,000 players in PvP. I've been playin' off and on since 2008 and currently sit at like 25,000 somethin'.

    It's okay for some things to be tough and take time to reach.
    Maybe adjust the spawn rate/criteria, but I wouldn't enjoy nerfing the entire commendation altogether. Leave some really hard, difficult and amazing things out there for the truly dedicated.

  • @jellyfishapod2 Megs need a rework. The way that they were introduced was pretty pointless. The different megs are literally just recolors with zero difference other than their spawn chance. There is nothing special about shrouded ghost. It's the exact same meg as all the other, but has a beyond insanely rare chance of appearing. You don't accomplish anything by getting the commendation it's just something that happens to you or doesn't. Like if you open a loot box and get a super rare skin. It's just a way for devs to keep you chasing that carrot without actually providing you a meaningful experience. Creating a truly fun and engaging experience that you work towards throughout a game such as fighting the "Nameless king" in dark souls or hunting your first elder dragon in Monster hunter is hard. Creating a lack luster monster with no depth and just typing ".00001%" in the RNG encounter slot machine is easy.

  • I'm with @R4bbi-the-Shark and @Archangel-Timmy on this one.

  • @tundra-793 said in Shrouded Ghost Meg:

    In World of Warcraft, there's an achievement for killing 50,000 players in PvP. I've been playin' off and on since 2008 and currently sit at like 25,000 somethin'.

    But this is something you can actively work towards and it's not tough at all, it's just another form of grind. Also if someone tried it wouldn't take too long to reach that mark. I used to get 100+ kills per Alterac Valley, but I don't know about the recent changes to the game.

    Just a side note: There are two more ranks of this achievement, end of the line is 250,000 honorable kills.

    Point is: 50,000 PvP kills is more comparable to "deliver 500 animals on time" than to "50 Shrouded Ghost kills". Defeating the Shrouded Ghost actually is just being lucky and there isn't really something you can do about it. Once spawned the rest is barely an issue at all. Delivering animals or killing people in PvP is just something you can set out to do. Bad luck can slow you down, but in general you can estimate how long it will take you to reach your goal. Hunting my 50th Shrouded Ghost might take longer than for you to hunt 50 in total.

    Low probability RNG is neither hard nor difficult and not a test of dedication at all.

    Either make her more frequent and actually harder to defeat or just lower the commendation numbers to match her infrequence.

  • @jellyfishapod2 why should it at all?

  • I love the rarity of the Shrouded One.. Its more of a Legend of the Seas.. an elusive beast.. a mythical creature. I have yet to see it, but one day i will come across it.. but w my luck it will probly be when i have an Athena on board and no supplies.
    Killing it multiple times to reach top tier.. that'll probly never happen.
    1 kill should equal 1 tier. 5 kills total to max.

  • @goedecke-michel Well to answer your question “why should it at all “
    I’ve finished the entire game now! 100% Gamer Score plus All commendations. I’ve killed well over 600+ megs to only get 1 Ghost.
    If it’s so rare and it should be, then the discussions I have with friends and random pirates seems to point mostly at nerfing the commendation to 1.
    15mill sailed and only 1 encounter.
    How many you think you’ll sail to get only 5 Ghosts? On the seas the talk is 1 only.

  • @jellyfishapod2 said in Shrouded Ghost Meg:

    @goedecke-michel Well to answer your question “why should it at all “
    I’ve finished the entire game now! 100% Gamer Score plus All commendations. I’ve killed well over 600+ megs to only get 1 Ghost.
    If it’s so rare and it should be, then the discussions I have with friends and random pirates seems to point mostly at nerfing the commendation to 1.
    15mill sailed and only 1 encounter.
    How many you think you’ll sail to get only 5 Ghosts? On the seas the talk is 1 only.

    Sorry, 16mill sailed.

  • @jellyfishapod2 to be honest, I don't care at all. If I will fulfill this some day, that would be nice, and if not, then I don't get upset about it.

  • @goedecke-michel said in Shrouded Ghost Meg:

    @jellyfishapod2 to be honest, I don't care at all. If I will fulfill this some day, that would be nice, and if not, then I don't get upset about it.

    Cool 😎

  • I agree with a lot of people here. Make it 5 kills in total and increase the spawn rate a bit. It should still be really rare. But how it is now is a bit ridiculous.

  • @crimsonraziel said in Shrouded Ghost Meg:

    Just a side note: There are two more ranks of this achievement, end of the line is 250,000 honorable kills.

    Yeah i had a feelin' that one was just gonna keep on keepin' on.

    Either make her more frequent and actually harder to defeat or just lower the commendation numbers to match her infrequence.

    That's kinda what I said mate;

    Maybe adjust the spawn rate/criteria, but I wouldn't enjoy nerfing the entire commendation altogether.

    As long as it's somethin' you can work towards, like you said, I'm fine with it being 50, or 100 even. The silly spawn rate is my only gripe.

  • @tundra-793 said in Shrouded Ghost Meg:

    That's kinda what I said mate;

    Maybe I wasn't clear enough. There's a crucial difference.

    @crimsonraziel said in Shrouded Ghost Meg:

    Either make her more frequent and actually harder to defeat or just lower the commendation numbers to match her infrequence.

    Leaving that out she would become just as mundane as her sisters. Right now there is nothing "really hard, difficult and amazing" about her, she's just rare. Just raising her spawn rate does not achieve what you want.

    For reference: @tundra-793 said in Shrouded Ghost Meg:

    Leave some really hard, difficult and amazing things out there for the truly dedicated.

  • never even seen the white one, you guys are telling me it shows up all the time? pfft. one kill is enough when i can NEVER find it

  • @betsill They should have made the Shrouded Ghost a vengeful spirit that would seek revenge against those that would kill its meg brethren. Mechanically, the more megs you kill, the higher the likelihood is that it will appear to attack you. This could be cumulative, or per session, it doesn't really matter. The spawn rate would increase until a capped rate and every time the spawn chance increases, its difficulty does too. This would at least give some sort of reason behind it existing and also provide a way to somewhat actively antagonize it to appear.

  • @flying-poopla That's a good idea. I would like megs to get away from rng and be hunt-able like they were in the hungering deep. Each having their own triggers and conditions for spawning. Making ghosts a vengeful meg that comes for you after you kill all the types would be a cool and fun way to find it.

  • @betsill Actually, every megalodon has its own temperament. For instance, the Crested Queen will not attack you until you provoke her, and the Shadowmaw bites very frequently. Sometimes, different megs have different health, and some take less cannonballs to stop them from biting. Also, some put more or less holes in a ship.

  • @flying-poopla said in Shrouded Ghost Meg:

    @betsill They should have made the Shrouded Ghost a vengeful spirit that would seek revenge against those that would kill its meg brethren. Mechanically, the more megs you kill, the higher the likelihood is that it will appear to attack you. This could be cumulative, or per session, it doesn't really matter. The spawn rate would increase until a capped rate and every time the spawn chance increases, its difficulty does too. This would at least give some sort of reason behind it existing and also provide a way to somewhat actively antagonize it to appear.

    These days my infrequent game time is sailing a sloop solo hunting megs. It would be very cool to see a fog bank roll in knowing I had meg blood on my hands and feeling like I was about to become the hunted. Rare should take notes.

  • Play about 15 hours a week and never even seen one.

  • If I was a betting man and I'm not... I think they'll have a Ghost Meg weekend sooner or later.

  • I think that they should make it a tiny bit easier to find.

  • They did make it easier. They may be having a hard time finding just the perfect balance between people's competing interests.

    1. "I want to find it."
    2. "I want it to be too hard for most everyone else to find it. It should feel special."

    Players on these forums (not me) have seen it.

  • @ghostpaw

    Or have they??? Tall Tales! Lore to tell the pollywogs at bedtime.

  • @rayzback

  • @ghostpaw
    alt text

  • @tundra-793 said in Shrouded Ghost Meg:

    In World of Warcraft, there's an achievement for killing 50,000 players in PvP. I've been playin' off and on since 2008 and currently sit at like 25,000 somethin'.

    It's okay for some things to be tough and take time to reach.
    Maybe adjust the spawn rate/criteria, but I wouldn't enjoy nerfing the entire commendation altogether. Leave some really hard, difficult and amazing things out there for the truly dedicated.

    Rare's track record on this is not so good. They originally had some really hard commendations ie 500 Skull Fort completions as an example. There were a lot of us who grinded some specific commendations because we were truly dedicated and some probably wanted to show off a bit. Then out of the blue Rare without warning nerfed almost every commendation to point where some peeps logged into their account after the update and they just started popping like popcorn. This cause a lot of my friends to quit playing (I joined them a few weeks later due to there was nothing to do since I was max everything and there were no more commendations to work for, at that point only the achievements but those were nerfed later as well). So I'd say with this track record more than likely Rare will simply lower the commendation. I personally quit working towards them because I figure at some point Rare will just nerf them all so players can get them quicker and quicker to the point where everything is a participation trophy.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in Shrouded Ghost Meg:

    Play about 15 hours a week and never even seen one.

    Don't feel bad. I've easily (sadly maybe) averaged over 40 hours a week since launch and have never seen one.

  • @rayzback I’ve killed it, check my feed I’ve got a vid for those who want to know exactly what it looks like.

  • The shrouded ghost should appear after you kill a normal Meg!

  • @approvedjoey said in Shrouded Ghost Meg:

    The shrouded ghost should appear after you kill a normal Meg!

    That'd be too easy, but maybe after you kill each Meg, beat a Skull Fort, & destroy a Skeleton Fleet in a single game session.

  • @tundra-793 I do agree with you about keeping things hard to get but with your example, you can control how many pvp kills you get, the Shrouded Ghost is all random.

    It would be like in world of warcraft if there was an achievement to kill the the Time-Lost Proto Drake 500 times. And I think the Proto drake is more common then the shark. :P

  • I will have no problem if we have to do something hard to trigger it. Like killing every Meg type in one session. But that will be something that we really can go for it, otherwise it's just stupid wanting for it.

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