PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?

  • Hello,

    PVP player and exclusively PVP on Sea Of Thieves for over a year now, I want to share my feelings and my vision of things in the game right now.
    Unfortunately, it's not that good.

    Talking about updates, they are very good and there is something to do. Damned canonballs add something very interesting to the game.
    Balancing weapons is perfectible, especially for the sword, but in overall that's OK.

    In fact, the problem is not the content of the game, but players.

    SOT offers a world where PVE quests can be accomplished, while having a completely free PVP. There is no safe place, and everyone can kill any other crew, even in an alliance.
    The game is meant to be "PVPVE".

    Players are therefore supposed to make PVE content, while paying attention to their environment and potential attack. When a boat is in sight, we can choose to attack it or not.
    Unfortunately, the reality is very far away.

    The problem is the players on Sea Of Thieves absolutely do not know how to fight, flee and ignore all the PVP aspect.
    When I approach a boat to attack it, here are the possible reactions of the other crew, sort from more to less frequent:

    • The opponents do not see us coming. My crew dances on their boat while waiting for their return, and we then smash them.
    • The opponents see us arrive, and immediately decide to flee for a long time.
    • The opponents let us approach them, tell us they are friendly. We usually earn insults when we tell them we want to fight.
    • The opponents immediately scuttle their ship when they understand they will soon be attacked.
    • The opponents will try to defend themselves, but they are far too badly positioned and / or not ready at all for defense.
    • The opponents give us a real counter attack (should represent 3% of cases)

    Also note that our acts of piracy are often accompanied by insults.
    According to some people, we would ruin the game, and we do not have a personal life.
    It's been over a month since I've received a single attack from another crew. We must always be on the initiative.

    The overall level of players is seriously low.
    Understand me well, I am not an incredibly good player. I have a good level in PVP, but I am very far from the level you can see on some known streamers.
    But sessions without any challenge comes most of the time. We explode the entire server, everyone ragequit, too hard to have fighting spirit on the part of our opponents, and in less than an hour we find ourselves in an empty server.

    I am well aware that the "Skill" in PVP is not innate to everyone. Flick-shot and a good aim, this kind of mechanics, it's not for everyone. I accept it.
    But please, a minimum of combativeness ...

    • Is it too hard to watch the boats coming in while you're doing your quest?
    • Stop full sail at anchor in front of an island, seriously?
    • Escape for an hour, that's all you can do?
    • A minimum of combativeness, it is possible? Maybe try to fight back?

    And this kind of player, not happy to be, how to say ... really not very good in PVP, ask PVE servers, to be sure to be able to do their quests PVE in peace.
    Although Rare said no (and luckily), that will happen with the release of The Arena: the good players who know how to defend themselves, so rare on SOT, will go in this new game mode , separating the PVP community and PVE.

    The good news with the patch that arrives is thanks to harpoons, fleeing professionals will have to change their strategy.
    But ... do I really want to continue chasing these not head chickens ?

  • 38
  • Why would i fight a pvp boat? They have nothing? It waste time and supplies and there is nothing to win? I like shipbattles but pvp is inefficiënt

  • I agree with @Ruigtand-NL here. The open world PvP is great to be a pirate and the real ship battles often happen at forts but to chase a ship is to waste time so I don't do that. And fighting the same PvP ship the whole time is annoying because they don't bring anything to the table.

  • @netryxa I agree with you sir. PvP a year ago was much more competitive and common than it is nowadays.

    Do you want to know why most of your encounters are against unskilled players? XBOX GAME PASS. Look no further, game pass dilutes the living ship out of the skill pool.

    In the last month, I’ve joined roughly 100 open crews in an attempt to complete a particular achievement. When communicating with players that actually had a mic, a large majority of them said they recently downloaded it via game pass. Even the players that didn’t have mics showed statistics of only having completed 0 to 4 voyages total, and it’s not a stretch to presume that most of these players are also playing via game pass.

    Game Pass players are generally playing this game as a quick demo, often uninstalling any game pass title as quickly as they install it. Another tell-tale sign is looking at their achievement list. You’ll notice that they’ve downloaded many xbox game pass titles(as would I), but only have a couple achievements per game pass title. Therefore, the likelihood of them getting integrated with a particular game is low.

    You’re attacking a bunch of Game Pass Greenhorns.

    People who have purchased the game are far more likely to become invested and integrated. An owner of a game is far more likely to learn the skills and interest necessary to put up a good fight.

  • Your problem seems to be that they are not playing the game the way you want them to, but you are also not playing the game the way they want you to. Its a sandbox, and players can do whatever they want, not just what you want.

    Your harpoon wont help against experienced pve players. If they had to set sail when you were 10 seconds away prior to harpoons, they will just set sail when you are 30 seconds away post harpoons...or you are surprise attacking greenhorns with castaway chests.

    If you find yourself in empty servers, just drop the anchor and force a merge, problem solved.

    If you are looking for pvp, go to forts, fleets, or reapers mark. They are usually the ships that actually want to pvp, and are prepared for it. The ships that run away usually lack pvp skill, or have loot that goes to the red sea long before it goes to you. You are simply wasting everyone's time, including your own.

    I never advocate for pve servers, but it would at least increase the chances of good pvp, instead of chasing ships into the red sea for 7 minutes :)

  • Just wait until Tuesday. The servers are pretty barren right now because everyone is waiting for the update so not a lot of players out there. Once the update hits all the PL's who havent played in a while will be back as well as a ton of unsuspecting noobs that you'll be able to attack all you'd like. Next week is gonna be chaos out there.

  • @netryxa Also don't forget the Arena coming with the update. It is designed to be all about PvP.

  • @bootmaclir Yeah...... sorry but no.

  • @bootmaclir the average skill level in arena isnt any higher.
    people dropping all three sails as low as possible to get to the island 100m away, then dropping the anchor while simultaneously hitting the beach, then jumping off without repairing. jockying for the helm, having no idea where they are headed (keeping the enemy out of the arc of fire at all times), zero situational awareness, etc etc.

    ...and to actually win arena and rank up, you are encouraged to flee from combat.

  • @netryxa sagte in PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    The problem is the players on Sea Of Thieves absolutely do not know how to fight, flee and ignore all the PVP aspect.

    Thats a bad generalisation i cannot confirm based on my own experiences and it is plain wrong and a very good example follows here:

    When I approach a boat to attack it, here are the possible reactions of the other crew, sort from more to less frequent:

    • The opponents see us arrive, and immediately decide to flee for a long time.

    This is not a PvP Arena, but a PvP Sandbox and therfore this is a valid and imho good if not the best PvP tactic if they can loose their loot and you don't, because what @Ruigtand-NL said.
    Not worth to fight you. Too much risk for no reward.

    It's been over a month since I've received a single attack from another crew. We must always be on the initiative.

    I got attacked and i atttack almost every session i play.
    So we seem to have different experiences about PvP.

    The overall level of players is seriously low.

    Understand me well, I am not an incredibly good player. I have a good level in PVP, but I am very far from the level you can see on some known streamers.
    But sessions without any challenge comes most of the time. We explode the entire server, everyone ragequit, too hard to have fighting spirit on the part of our opponents, and in less than an hour we find ourselves in an empty server.

    Your analysis in the beginning is very accurate and now you miss your own point.
    Its a PvPvE game!
    Its nor pure PvE neither pure PvP, but you wrote you are playing PvP only.
    So you miss the fact that this game is not about killing for killings sake and looting PvE'rs only.
    Imho it is about competing over PVE.
    Forts are the perfect example.
    You go there, you meet others or you will get attacked at a fort by a crew who want the loot of the fort.
    They compete and PvP for the PvE content and loot.
    What you do is going only for PvP, refusing PvE content, but want the Loot while not risking anything before attacking.
    Or do you attack while you have the booty of all the ships you sank before on board.
    I'm PvPvE player, i mainly do PvE and i like to get attacked and i also attack people, but only if they have loot or are in the way to get loot like at forts.
    I also keep my loot often to raise the tension.
    But if i know there are only coming for killings sake and my loot and are in an advantage by shipsize and crew count, i flee for sure. This is then the best PvP tactic decision i can do.
    PvP is not only about fighting in a pvpve sandbox.

    @pomalotacusmk3 sagte in PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    Your problem seems to be that they are not playing the game the way you want them to, but you are also not playing the game the way they want you to. Its a sandbox, and players can do whatever they want, not just what you want.

    This ^ +1

  • @ruigtand-nl dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    Why would i fight a pvp boat? They have nothing? It waste time and supplies and there is nothing to win? I like shipbattles but pvp is inefficiënt

    Waste? Sorry but I think you dont got the point of the game... level up... for what? its not making u stronger, since SoT doesnt have levels on ur character, he doesnt grows, the player does, its just a reputation system, but not level. Do you think people was like 8 months ago, forming alliance made by 3 galleons against a single kraken and being sunken, just for nothing? These times having the kraken on our sea was a mith... a lot of people thinking kraken doesnt exist because they never saw one... No one of them was thinking on treasure they doesnt drop, since they give you very much and very nothing!
    If you think you are going to do things only to get a reward, its not only this game... you are going to be very unhappy!!

    @hynieth dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    I agree with @Ruigtand-NL here. The open world PvP is great to be a pirate and the real ship battles often happen at forts but to chase a ship is to waste time so I don't do that. And fighting the same PvP ship the whole time is annoying because they don't bring anything to the table.

    The game is called Sea of Thieves... Its meant to rob...
    Piracy definition: the practice of attacking and robbing ships at sea.

    If you are just buying and selling, you are mercant, if you dig for treasures, you are archeologist, if you kill something already dead... it makes you archeologist too!.
    ¿Dont bring something to the table? It gives u a good fight.

    @tehstepford dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    @bootmaclir the average skill level in arena isnt any higher.
    people dropping all three sails as low as possible to get to the island 100m away, then dropping the anchor while simultaneously hitting the beach, then jumping off without repairing. jockying for the helm, having no idea where they are headed (keeping the enemy out of the arc of fire at all times), zero situational awareness, etc etc.

    ...and to actually win arena and rank up, you are encouraged to flee from combat.

    Its hard to find people understanding that this is a naval game, and most of people make base all attacks about the close combat crew's individual habilities for boarding and killing all the crew of the enemy ship... worst... some of them are just camping, so they waste a lot of time on waiting instead of getting experience themselves. Its just like people who say they are training exercises weekly, but they use the bike seat just to be static sitting on the square and then moving the legs only when the situation requires it.

    Im tired of this too, somedays the only PvP we fight is against campers with this two behaviors (hidding of course, since they are campers):

    -They sink very easily because they are real though oponents, having each one of them Robin of Lockesley accuracy, strong arms, but their hands are still soft because they doesnt use them on board.

    -They know a bit of sailing and then they pass away when they notice the things are going dark and are not trained for continuous attack, since they use all the time flash attack tactics. This kind of camper, who is a better opponent, has some calluses on their hands, but if you shake their hands, you may notice its a lightweight hand.
    So, if they fail their attack, they are passing away and not returning in a big while to make u be not aware and try to strike again... Yaaawn!
    They are just watching while you are getting all the fun on a free for all fight made by 3 ships fighting all the time, and a 4th ship (not the same all times) in travel back to the storm after they sink in a 40 minutes no rest battle. If you wait a lot and use flash attacks all the time, you may be sailing a lot of time, but you are reducing a lot the exposing to the experience time by yourself, intentionally...

    @they-sank dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    Do you want to know why most of your encounters are against unskilled players? XBOX GAME PASS. Look no further, game pass dilutes the living ship out of the skill pool.

    Ok, but why Xbox has that conditions? Consoles are made to play most games alone... that means you will never encounter PvP, so, you are talking about a community where most players doesnt think about even talking to others... doing a lot of PvE and trying to find the boss weakness, and then exploiting it again and again, because the machine doesnt learns, it doesnt has a soul and is not going to learn your weakness on middle of a fight and make u pay expensive for it.
    If you want a change, you must be the change, recruit Xbox and train them. I found that the thoughest sailor is not the Legend, is who is constantly training and never stops! What about Xbox? Some of our best sailors are part of the 20% Xbox pirates that want to make real friends, knowing and being aware that at the other side of the screen there is an human; this Xbox user salutes and says bye, and is not disconnecting suddendly.

    @netryxa dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    The problem is the players on Sea Of Thieves absolutely do not know how to fight, flee and ignore all the PVP aspect.

    • The opponents see us arrive, and immediately decide to flee for a long time.
    • The opponents let us approach them, tell us they are friendly. We usually earn insults when we tell them we want to fight.

    Some of them flee for a long time, and at the same time are insulting, but... why do you paint your ship as Legendary if you speed runned it? worst... they started the attack, that is hipocresy, so we chased and sunk that puny legendary brigantine to watch what they had inside for 1 hour, yes... the fact is that we had a slowier ship... the final had some interesting explosions... Anyway I think brasil servers have more piracy than others, but the skill is decreasing.
    If you dont want to be attacked and being chased, dont flag yourself with shiny colors if the inside is not so shiny.

    @bugaboo-bill dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    But if i know there are only coming for killings sake and my loot and are in an advantage by shipsize and crew count, i flee for sure. This is then the best PvP tactic decision i can do.
    PvP is not only about fighting in a pvpve sandbox.

    Ok, I think you are REALLY WRONG with this... the ship size doesnt means a disadvantage or advantage, its just different, and people only wants to board and kill, and shoot the cannons... if you do so, you are going down against a bigger ship, since u re using only strenght.

    You are not going to give a sniper rifle to the soldier having parkinson!

    To a new recruit, is better to give him a shotgun / galleon. (Explained?)

    And, you say PvP its not the only... but I say u: PvE is not the only.
    Both are the right thing: PvPvE all together, you cannot focus on pvp or you dont get enough money, and you cannot focus on PvE so you bewcome looted.

  • Never fight a battle under your adversaries terms .

    Sun Tzu in Art of War

  • @el-kape it looks like you were drunk by the time you replied to my comment... Cheers!

  • @el-kape

    Srry but i prefer skellyboats over pvp battle so i choose to ignore pvp and save supplies and time for things i like more

  • Since day one, I haven't actively searched for PvP in the Sea of Thieves. I normally play on the defensive as I prefer to pursue PvE content instead of other players. Getting immersed in the game world and learning more about this universe's lore is why I play this game.

    But that is how I choose to play. It's what I like to do.

    I'm certainly not going to demand PvE exclusive servers because then it feels like I'm forcing my play style on others. This is a PvEvP game. Every time I log in to play I invite the chance that I will encounter players who are not playing the same way. That's fine. As long as we can keep it civil, mature, and most importantly, fun.

  • @shrkb8t How would that be forcing your play style on others? If it's a separate server/mode then its also a sperate experience with no affect on the other. As it stands right now PVP players are free to play the game how they want but PVE players are forced to be entertainment for others.

  • @blackelite-id16 said in PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    @shrkb8t How would that be forcing your play style on others? If it's a separate server/mode then its also a sperate experience with no affect on the other. As it stands right now PVP players are free to play the game how they want but PVE players are forced to be entertainment for others.

    Also it could be argued that Arena mode is PVP only, adventure mode is PVEVP mode, so why not have a PVE only mode? I'm personally not against this but TBH it probably would divide the community some but since only 6 ships max per adventure mode and 5 ships max in arena mode it doesn't seem to hurt the game if people are sectioned off to different server types.

  • @they-sank dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    @el-kape it looks like you were drunk by the time you replied to my comment... Cheers!

    Maybe your argument would be solid if you explain it... and... telling us the point I would understand the way are you going to.
    Im thinking you really hate the xbox community because you meet them so hardly that you just got tired... u said they have a very big pool of games, and they use to be testing all of them, but you are still playing with them unless you hate them...
    That its like to feed snakes with protein shots... and venom is a complex made of proteins, so, you would get a very concentrate spread bite!!
    Your non base answer of grog... ok, nice to meet you Mrs Toxicity, I realise both you are close friends here, cheers for that!
    So I learned something today, now im going to sleep with an idea on the head: I dont want to be fighting toxic behaviors, with toxic behaviors... I got a really hard thing to do, but if I answer, please help me to make some of constructivity and good intention no matter the other's intentions.

    @barnabas-seadog dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    Never fight a battle under your adversaries terms .

    Sun Tzu in Art of War

    At last! Someone understanding me!!

    If someone is interested on hearing it, search it at Ivoox on play store.

    @blackelite-id16 dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    @shrkb8t How would that be forcing your play style on others? If it's a separate server/mode then its also a sperate experience with no affect on the other. As it stands right now PVP players are free to play the game how they want but PVE players are forced to be entertainment for others.

    People is not forcing you to PvP, the game forces you! its PvPvE!

    So, you come to a piracy game, to NOT do piracy?

    Congratulations! But you can understand the context if you just search "Piracy" at a dictionary. And fighting skeletons its not piracy, they are dead, so killing them may be categorized as supernatural archeology.

  • @el-kape I don't think you got the message there matey.
    I don't mind fighting people. But when I attack a ship that's at the time when I'm just doing my own thing and I do it dynamicly, so I get the opporunity and attack in stead of spawning and beelinging for the fist ship I see.

    I've fought my fair share of those people and they just plain aren't fun. They carry only few supplies, they only beeline and often are just plain bad. And the worst part? Just before sinking they scuttle so they respawn in sight and try again untill you run out of resources. That's just no fun. At all.

    I'm not for PvE servers nor do I want systems to force people to do something or another that's just not how SoT works. But I would ask people for some reason and think before you attack, or at least back off after you've been ROFLStopmed.

  • @el-kape What argument? What toxicity? I said everything I wanted to in my first post. Just relax lol.

    After reading your replies, it sounds like you think I’m hating on the xbox community. Rather, I’m pointing out observations made about the xbox game pass program. I’m saying that Game Pass is full of people new to the game, and how that ties in with why the original poster has a hard time finding formidable opponents. I also think a lot of PvPers are holding off playing until The Arena.

  • @hynieth dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    @el-kape I don't think you got the message there matey.
    I don't mind fighting people. But when I attack a ship that's at the time when I'm just doing my own thing and I do it dynamicly, so I get the opporunity and attack in stead of spawning and beelinging for the fist ship I see.

    I've fought my fair share of those people and they just plain aren't fun. They carry only few supplies, they only beeline and often are just plain bad. And the worst part? Just before sinking they scuttle so they respawn in sight and try again untill you run out of resources. That's just no fun. At all.

    I'm not for PvE servers nor do I want systems to force people to do something or another that's just not how SoT works. But I would ask people for some reason and think before you attack, or at least back off after you've been ROFLStopmed.

    Ok, to be sinking your own ship to spawn closer is an exploit... I saw the SoT team is working on it...

    I think a good idea to prevent this is: If you scuttle your ship, its just like surrend, so, you are a pirate whithout a ship... game over... then, make a new game, then, that action makes u change server when the ship dissapears. I think its a really cool idea since a lot of people is exploiting this, and to sink your own ship to continue sailing, its very fake. A patch fot this may be: if you scuttle your ship next to another ship, then, and only then, you are going to stay on the same server. The idea is to make people work for their resources and start to appreciate the ship.

    @they-sank dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    @el-kape What argument? What toxicity? I said everything I wanted to in my first post. Just relax lol.

    After reading your replies, it sounds like you think I’m hating on the xbox community. Rather, I’m pointing out observations made about the xbox game pass program. I’m saying that Game Pass is full of people new to the game, and how that ties in with why the original poster has a hard time finding formidable opponents. I also think a lot of PvPers are holding off playing until The Arena.

    Exactly, "what argument".
    Making derision and nothing more, is just a way to be toxic, you are free to make jokes, but trying to discalify others without adding something constructive is a toxic behavior. If you are not agree with me, explain why. I readed all you were saying, but I dont saw a real positive intention on it.
    I know the things may not be perfect, but I dont see u doing something to change what are u pointing. Just pointing... its easy to not feel fear while in the crow's nest, with the ship anchored at an island and the sun shining.

  • @el-kape I’m assuming English isn’t your first language, which would explain part of the misinterpretation. My original post explains what Game Pass does to the Open Crew option, and explained why players that purchase a game generally make better opponents(and teammates) than players who are essentially treating SoT as a demo. Yes, there are plenty of xbox game pass players who stick with it and get good at the game, but the players that the original poster was encountering were mostly new players trying the game out via Game Pass. Does this make sense?

  • @netryxa sagte in PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:


    PVP player and exclusively PVP on Sea Of Thieves for over a year now, I want to share my feelings and my vision of things in the game right now.
    Unfortunately, it's not that good.

    Talking about updates, they are very good and there is something to do. Damned canonballs add something very interesting to the game.
    Balancing weapons is perfectible, especially for the sword, but in overall that's OK.

    In fact, the problem is not the content of the game, but players.

    SOT offers a world where PVE quests can be accomplished, while having a completely free PVP. There is no safe place, and everyone can kill any other crew, even in an alliance.
    The game is meant to be "PVPVE".

    Players are therefore supposed to make PVE content, while paying attention to their environment and potential attack. When a boat is in sight, we can choose to attack it or not.
    Unfortunately, the reality is very far away.

    The problem is the players on Sea Of Thieves absolutely do not know how to fight, flee and ignore all the PVP aspect.

    Well, fleeing and not accepting your friendly offer of a PVP encounter is a variant I would attribute to PVP. At this point I leave this post with the note:
    If your opponent can escape, you might not be good at PVP.

  • @they-sank yes, my english is not native... but its enough to keep a slow conversation and understand that you are just sitting and pointing.
    "This thing is bad" but im going to keep my hands soft no matter im on a ship, and not thinking on solution...
    Wait! that guy has an idea that doesnt fit mine. Lets ridiculize him!
    This still is a finger and not a hand.

    If you brought here a solution in this thread, its very hidden. To argue is necesary to explain clearly your point, and, if you see people is misunderstanding you, you must know how to correct it. Else, your own ideas are not really clear.
    I think a good way to argue is to 1-explain context. 2-explain your viewpoint of it (you just went up to this step). 3-explain your solution.

    Now, you must understand that im going to make you work, if you dont want to work on urself, well... that may be very superficial, if you can stand with it, its ok; if you cannot stand with it, and you work, its great! but if you cannot stand with it, and you dont work... you are just going to get angry with me (I can stand with it).

    @goedecke-michel dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    Well, fleeing and not accepting your friendly offer of a PVP encounter is a variant I would attribute to PVP. At this point I leave this post with the note:
    If your opponent can escape, you might not be good at PVP.

    (ToT) sorry... this makes me cry...
    ... Do you have a suggestion to me to make my crew understand this?
    I know that you cannot chase up a bigger ship with the correct wind on their sails and sailing in straight line, but we were not enough efficient to finish the ship in several oportunities, so the enemy ship decided to escape... All this is because miscordination.
    Worst... some people is telling me that their skills are enough... Enough!
    If you love PvP you will never stop evolving...
    My personal appreciation is that "enoughing skills" is for abusive people. Training just enough to crush the opponent and make them loose something and make themselves looking bigger for that. At the other side, the troubleseekers never stop, and they are after the fight itself, not for rewards (I took the reward, but im still happy if the ship doesnt has any).
    You may think Im on Blah,blah,blah! mode... yes, I confirm: my skills are average and I suck at aiming with fireguns, but I dont stop training.

  • @el-kape you’re still making zero sense and I’m glad to have some sort of discussion here, but it’s quite difficult with the language barrier. It sounds like you’re giving me life lessons and talking down to me like I’m a dog. You must be drunk.

  • @shrkb8t said in PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    Since day one, I haven't actively searched for PvP in the Sea of Thieves. I normally play on the defensive as I prefer to pursue PvE content instead of other players. Getting immersed in the game world and learning more about this universe's lore is why I play this game.

    But that is how I choose to play. It's what I like to do.

    I'm certainly not going to demand PvE exclusive servers because then it feels like I'm forcing my play style on others. This is a PvEvP game.

    Absolutely! Same here.

    Every time I log in to play I invite the chance that I will encounter players who are not playing the same way. That's fine. As long as we can keep it civil, mature, and most importantly, fun.

    The key here is while my crew and I are playing in a civil, mature, fun manner - it is usually the other P in PVP that are not doing the same. But, they are everywhere. No worries. We be ready for 'em. Arrrrr.

  • @they-sank dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    @el-kape you’re still making zero sense and I’m glad to have some sort of discussion here, but it’s quite difficult with the language barrier. It sounds like you’re giving me life lessons and talking down to me like I’m a dog. You must be drunk.

    Zero-sense, language barrier, you are drunk; all that are discalifying, and you are still not going anywhere.
    Ok, lets analize each point:
    Zero sense: why? I explained, and you?
    Language barrier: Wich one? My written english is enough to been understanded, thinking you are just discriminating as a tool to make u have the reason.
    Drunk: Discalifying again.

    Reasoning gives you the reason. Not discrimination, not discalifying whithout explaining anything.
    Scientifics found that the mind may expand continuously, but training and eating healty is a condition.

    A social rule: You can identify someone's real identity by checking how he deals with people he thinks have less social status.
    I see here just only discalifying just for discalifying, to be over anything.
    I recognize I'm not good to know when to stop something, but at least I try to learn. So, its time to apply. Im not going to answer more toxicity from you. I realise I,m loosing my time, and im a foreign to you so, you won, I'm less than you and I may knee at you.
    (Yes, Im so poorly that I dont have a table, so I must knee to tear any not gold, nor jewels skulls for my personal collection.)

  • @el-kape sagte in PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    @goedecke-michel dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    Well, fleeing and not accepting your friendly offer of a PVP encounter is a variant I would attribute to PVP. At this point I leave this post with the note:
    If your opponent can escape, you might not be good at PVP.

    (ToT) sorry... this makes me cry...
    ... Do you have a suggestion to me to make my crew understand this?

    Well, all ships have their strengths and weaknesses. Know them and use them. For example, attack from the direction that reinforces your ship's strengths and opponents' weaknesses. Concretely? You want to attack a sloop with a galleon, the sloop is located on a beach. You will drive a large arc to the position from which the wind blows towards the sloop. You will then have tailwind, the sloop cannot escape you with tailwind. If it wants to escape, it has to cross your course. It can't go in one direction anyway, the island is in the way. If you have occupied all the cannons in time and a person in the water at the point where the sloop might try to pass by, it has little chance to escape. But don't tell anybody, it is a secret.

  • @goedecke-michel

    Wow! I was looking for someone to talk about this!

    I want to appreciate the wind much more, but every time I do... it takes too long to sail in a circle around my unhappy client... I want them to know we are not friendly, but not at enough distance to prepare an ambush... up to today I dont had care of the wind against the other ship... but now with your hint, I think we may choose the island's side if we can... thanks!

    There are hand counted cases, but, to stick to reality... exchange the ships.
    Yes, for all people, you may attack a galleon at an island with a sloop. But you must think this is not a shooter game, its a navigation game with shooting mechanics.
    Yesterday I was with a friend at Insider and saw a selling galleon at Daggertooth... was a fun fight, they defended very nice and we were close to loose the fight. We dont got so much booty... except, for a single boot!! Now you can watch Kape at the dark cellar saying: "My Precious!"

  • @ruigtand-nl said in PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:

    Why would i fight a pvp boat? They have nothing? It waste time and supplies and there is nothing to win? I like shipbattles but pvp is inefficiënt

    Actually a lot of PvP actually have loot on board. At least in my experience a lot of the ships I've PvP'ed on usually keep the loot we stole from other players and build up a good haul.

    Only time we decide to turn in immediately is right after getting fort loot or robbing someone of fort loot.

    A lot of PvP ships don't think about turning in right away after sinking someone, they mostly thing "Hey can I see anyone else to attack??"

    So if you think you have a chance, fight back. You might be missing out on loot thats been delivered straight to your door step.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    But pvp takes forever and they are back with a new boat with 5 min. People cry get spawntrapped its just not really a nice fight in adventure where there is already so much time lost on supplies monsters and skellyboats.. its a gamble dont know what im up against and dont need it so still most of the time we just sail away

  • @ruigtand-nl dijo en PVP in Sea Of Thieves ?:


    But pvp takes forever and they are back with a new boat with 5 min. People cry get spawntrapped its just not really a nice fight in adventure where there is already so much time lost on supplies monsters and skellyboats.. its a gamble dont know what im up against and dont need it so still most of the time we just sail away

    Ok, yes, it takes forever... this game is an action game, but its a slow action game. So, if you want to keep your loot, you must be working on efficience.
    If you think of this new genre game as a shooter, you are not going to have a happy experience.

  • @xultanis-dragon @Ruigtand-NL @El-Kape

    My Crew contains 2 PL 10 and 2 rather new players, wannabe PLs. We are 2 women, 2 men. Nothing is more boring than a fight between ships without cargo. We attack when we have something on board ourselves. The danger of losing everything spurs us on.

    A popular variant is to display everything that flashes and glows in the crow's nest or on the outriggers of the masts. If the opponent sees that a fight can also be worthwhile for him, it becomes very exciting and challenging, because he will not flee now, but will do everything to win.

  • @el-kape Another piece of advice from our experience, I don't know how others see it:

    Many first aim at the hull of a ship. But it's easy to repair if they have a crew on board and resources, right?

    Now think for yourself, where is your own crew in a fight before the first shots are fired? Usually one person is at the wheel, the others at the cannons, maybe someone is still fiddling with the sails. Someone is standing at the bow looking for swimmers, someone is guarding the ladders. Everyone is on deck, right? Below deck: nobody, as long as you don't have to repair them, get new bullets or need food.

    So shoot the first volleys on the deck. Send your opponent's crew into the ferryman's realm, that's your main goal first. You will notice when the enemy's shots decrease or their maneuvers get worse because the crew is no longer complete and busy. Now is the right time to punch holes in the bow as well. Keep below the waterline, shoot through waves. The opponent won't be able to shoot anymore because he is busy with buckets and boards. But now is also the time when desperate enemies will realize that their ship is going down, they may swim to your ship in one last rebellion.

  • @el-kape

    I play adventure mode i dont need pvp.. i have no investment in the boat only time and supplies im doing a voyage.. i dont need pvp on a voyage it takes more time and supplies and it gives no progress. And since the boat and new supplies are free its often more efficient to scuttle and continue then waste time on pvp. If the boat cost gold like 5.000 for new boat then i try to fight to save the 5.000.. but as of now i see no reason for pvp

    If i want shipbattle for fun i can just do arena

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