Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.

  • So, I know what you're thinking, "we already have a solo ship, it's called the Sloop". Well, while true, it's a lot harder to use a ship that isn't fully crewed, especially against ships that are. Would you fight a fully crewed Sloop in your solo Sloop? The answer is probably no, and that's not even mentioning the bigger ships.

    This leads us to this thread, and I want your help. Let's pull our ideas on what a Solo only ship should be like, and come up with a functioning design, so that Rare can develop it into an actual ship we can play in game, and be able to play solo, and not be at a disadvantage against fully crewed ships.

    I'll make edits here of the most popular ideas that people can add to.

    @mysticdragon297 said in Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.:

    @Genuine-Heather, done with effort.


    i made this design a little while ago and im still very proud of it. unlike the rowboat or sloop, it actually adds something that is not already in the game.

    I really like this design, and it can easily be used as a base for other designs.

    @william-flint said in Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.:

    I like the direction you are goimg in, but I think the ship is still unnecessarily big. Since they launched rowboats, and I went on a few extended rowboat advemtures, I have thougt it would be fun to have a single player longboat. I will try to upload a scrawl of it....and before anyone beats me to it I know my drafting skills are nonexistent.

    ![alt text](Longboat https://imgur.com/gallery/U9efonv)

    The idea is that it has the same speeds as the sloop, or perhaps even slightly slower, but makes up for it in maneuverability and stealth. You could sail using the gaff rig and rudder, or the mast could be collapsed and you could use the oars.

    Between the seat with the rudder and the one with the oars is a small map table, which in my thoughts incorporates the biggest changes. To increase difficulty and to represent not having a ships navigational equipment, the map would only show one region at a time, and would indicate your position, but not what direction you are facing or provide a path you have taken. Perhaps it could even have a hazy larger circle for your position rather than a precise dot. There would be no compass, so you would have to do some minor navigation on your own amd pull out your own compas.

    Food, plank, weapon and ammo storage would be crates rather than barrels, like you see at the shipwrights, and they would be secured on the side of the boat to either side of the bench with the rudder. This way they would provide a little cover from fire while you are sailing, though the player should still be visible. Less important chests like cloathing, vanity, and equipment can be crammed up front. There would be a small anchor winch in front of the mast, and winches to adjust sails and raise/lower the mast on either side of it. Finally there would be a single harpoon right at the prow. There is no cookimg station, you would have to rely on finding cooking spots on islands to cook food.

    The longboat would be about as wide and maybe half again as long as the current rowboat, so that it coild make it into some island streams and into small gaps in rocks, or over shallows ships can't handle. As far as damage, I was thinking it would work the same way as a rowboat: x amount of shots will outright destroy it, but you can actually repair damage unlike the rowboat.

    I think this setup could provide a lot of fun, opening possibilities for players who want to run pve undetected, or who want to focus on stealthy robbing other players ships.

    I think, with some work from others, this idea has merit.

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  • If I were to design a solo ship, it would be exactly like the sloop. Done. I've fought and won against fully crewed sloops, brigs, and galleons. The sloop is a very capable ship in the right hands, easily manageable by one skilled sailor. The trick is in becoming that skilled sailor.

    If the sloop is still too much to handle, however, there is one other vessel that's perfect for solo play. The rowboat.

  • @Genuine-Heather, done with effort.


    i made this design a little while ago and im still very proud of it. unlike the rowboat or sloop, it actually adds something that is not already in the game.

  • @mysticdragon297 Don't get me wrong, that's an awesome design. Very nicely done indeed. But what advantage does that have over a sloop? A sloop is already quite manageable by a single player, plus it's more seaworthy and carries two guns. I love your design but I don't see it being worth the time or expense in terms of development and implementation. It's too small a niche. I'm not saying I'd be upset if Rare introduced it, but I don't see it happening.

  • @genuine-heather said in Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.:

    @mysticdragon297 Don't get me wrong, that's an awesome design. Very nicely done indeed. But what advantage does that have over a sloop? A sloop is already quite manageable by a single player, plus it's more seaworthy and carries two guns. I love your design but I don't see it being worth the time or expense in terms of development and implementation. It's too small a niche. I'm not saying I'd be upset if Rare introduced it, but I don't see it happening.

    to explain:

    the ship is designed to be a leisurely vessel with a gaff-rigged sail that automatically catches the wind.

    from the helm, which is directly attached to the rudder, the player is able to control the ships direction and speed by adjusting the sail's freedom (up and down). the player can also hold down a certain action to release and lift the anchor.

    the map is angled toward the helm, so that players would not have to leave the helm at all to quickly look at the map.

    as opposed to the sloop, literally everything is within view from the helm.

    naturally, every interaction on the ship will be faster than even that of the sloop.

    not only does it take less time to make a full turning radius, the ship is also most maneuverable at its top speed, making it hard to hit and ram.

    it can also sail upon much more shallow waters. meaning it can often sail right through some islands without a scratch.

    the ship could easily be just as fast as the sloop to compensate for its lack of firepower, but that is still undetermined. this will, however, be naturally the fastest ship against the wind.

    another discussion was brought up in the my original post concerning encounters. some believed it to be fair that the ship would attract little to no PvE encounters, similar to how the sloop was before the shrouded spoils update.

    i specifically made a thread like the OP in hopes to design a ship based on community input. this was the result.

  • I’ve always imagined a solo ship being a sail boat in design. No cannons and the sail angle is locked in place. To adjust speed you raise or lower the sail. With the wind directly into the sail it is the fastest ship. With wind against the sail it’s the slowest. The ship would be 3/4 the hull size of the sloop.

    Players could hide the ship easily due to its size and small sail profile. Would have no lanterns. No stove. Just a barrel for planks and food.

    So pretty close to the amazing concept up above.

    My two cents.

  • This seems to be going in the direction of a ship that never fights, and never needs to. At that point you're just needlessly taking up server spots imo. I think the sloop is fine for solo. Yes, you're at a disadvantage against everyone else, but you should be when you're playing alone.

  • @rk1-turbulence said in Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.:

    This seems to be going in the direction of a ship that never fights, and never needs to. At that point you're just needlessly taking up server spots imo. I think the sloop is fine for solo. Yes, you're at a disadvantage against everyone else, but you should be when you're playing alone.

    even on a sloop, a solo player can choose not to fire a single cannonball or not engage in battle in general. it really gets on people's nerves when a players just does not want to fight, doesn't it?

    anyway, i think a unique solo player ship would really be great addition to the game in general and would make a lot of players happy and more welcome. if a solo player wants to continue to play "hard mode", they can always just pick the sloop on a closed crew. better yet, a galleon.

  • "it really gets on people's nerves when a players just does not want to fight, doesn't it?"

    Not at all. But if you don't want to fight you better be good at running. Making it too easy to run away kinda ruins it. And it's not like you can't run away as it is currently, I've done it many times solo.

  • @mysticdragon297 So dude, awesome design, and I love all the thought you put into this and the fact that youre looking for feedback. I also love that you are trying to add something to the game to give players what they are asking for. Some thoughts I had about your design that may be helpful.

    1. how does ship damage work on you ship? with it being so small and only one floor a single large hole would likely sink your ship in seconds.

    2. you are attacked by a kraken, do you just sink?

    3. where does the rowboat go?

    Now for how I feel about actually making a solo player ship. I don't find it is needed, I usually solo sail a sloop and am able to angle the sails, raise anchor, steer and check the map by only taking a couple of steps either left, right, backwards or forwards. Managing your ship is a huge part of the game, when you simplify that youre basically removing content. Obviously you could still opt to sloop, but based on how streamlining systems have affected other games, this would likely lead to many players using the easy mode ship. Which in turn dilutes the Sea of Thieves experience.

    I want to be crystal clear, I think youre a very smart and talented individual. And I would love to continue to discuss this on both sides. The ways we can improve your design and the reasons why it probably( I want to emphasize that probably) shouldn't be in the game.

  • @rk1-turbulence said in Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.:

    "it really gets on people's nerves when a players just does not want to fight, doesn't it?"

    Not at all. But if you don't want to fight you better be good at running. Making it too easy to run away kinda ruins it. And it's not like you can't run away as it is currently, I've done it many times solo.

    yet at first you say that solo players who dont fight are just wasted server space, and now your talking about escaping and how easy it is to do so. i am not convinced.

    i just think one more ship in the game is just one more ship, and each ship should provide a unique play style. i just dont think the sloop has an appropriate play style for solo players.

  • I really like the design it’s awesome , but the ship needs weapons.

  • @mysticdragon297 said in Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.:

    @rk1-turbulence said in Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.:

    "it really gets on people's nerves when a players just does not want to fight, doesn't it?"

    Not at all. But if you don't want to fight you better be good at running. Making it too easy to run away kinda ruins it. And it's not like you can't run away as it is currently, I've done it many times solo.

    yet at first you say that solo players who dont fight are just wasted server space, and now your talking about escaping and how easy it is to do so. i am not convinced.

    i just think one more ship in the game is just one more ship, and each ship should provide a unique play style. i just dont think the sloop has an appropriate play style for solo players.

    Never did I say running away as a solo player is easy, I said it can be done. I'm saying it shouldn't be easy.

  • Solo players who dont want to fight, efficently hide and complain about Kraken and Skalleones etc should use a rowboat!

    Best single player ship you can imagine.

    Edit: also good to learn about the Map ;-)

  • I originally thought this idea wasn't introducing anything necessary, but I really like the suggestions you're bringing up. It seems like a "I'm going to go fishing for fifteen minutes" boat, where the sloop is a more "I want a bigger adventure" boat. It's less of a ship for one person, and more of a different option to choose from.

  • I think I would appreciate a little leisure solo boat like in Wind Waker, imagine going full speed over the waves

  • @genuine-heather said in Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.:

    If I were to design a solo ship, it would be exactly like the sloop. Done. I've fought and won against fully crewed sloops, brigs, and galleons. The sloop is a very capable ship in the right hands, easily manageable by one skilled sailor. The trick is in becoming that skilled sailor.

    If the sloop is still too much to handle, however, there is one other vessel that's perfect for solo play. The rowboat.

    I like you, a gamer after my own heart. A buddy of mine recorded this, we love the row boat; its the greatest weapon in game; I am the guy rowing the boat, not the film crew.


  • Even if they add this...
    U want this so u can full crew a solo ship yes. Because if u sloop your crew aint full and other ships do have full crews.

    But how does it help to make a solo ship so u are full crewing it.
    U will come across other vessels with full crews 1 up to 4.

    So its solo full crew vs full crew galleon?

    How does this help u?

  • I like your design but I can think of a lot of better ways for the Rare Devs to spend their time/energy/money.

    The Sloop is already an excellent 1-person ship. Yes having a second player makes it a more dangerous foe. But that is only because of the second player, not because of the Ship.

  • I still think my solo submarine idea that would go with an expansive underwater environment update, and avoids boss fights like the meg and kraken, while supplmenting the player population but not the ship count, would be kinda cool.

    No cannons and can only open and close, and repair or attach 1 keg as a depth charge, when surfaced, and then has a “destruction limit” when taking damage where it insta sinks rather than fill with water.

    Needs more to it im sure but would be funny stealth gameplay, with even more risk if you did try and attack anyone, but more security if you dont.

  • I like the direction you are goimg in, but I think the ship is still unnecessarily big. Since they launched rowboats, and I went on a few extended rowboat advemtures, I have thougt it would be fun to have a single player longboat. I will try to upload a scrawl of it....and before anyone beats me to it I know my drafting skills are nonexistent.

    ![alt text](Longboat https://imgur.com/gallery/U9efonv)

    The idea is that it has the same speeds as the sloop, or perhaps even slightly slower, but makes up for it in maneuverability and stealth. You could sail using the gaff rig and rudder, or the mast could be collapsed and you could use the oars.

    Between the seat with the rudder and the one with the oars is a small map table, which in my thoughts incorporates the biggest changes. To increase difficulty and to represent not having a ships navigational equipment, the map would only show one region at a time, and would indicate your position, but not what direction you are facing or provide a path you have taken. Perhaps it could even have a hazy larger circle for your position rather than a precise dot. There would be no compass, so you would have to do some minor navigation on your own amd pull out your own compas.

    Food, plank, weapon and ammo storage would be crates rather than barrels, like you see at the shipwrights, and they would be secured on the side of the boat to either side of the bench with the rudder. This way they would provide a little cover from fire while you are sailing, though the player should still be visible. Less important chests like cloathing, vanity, and equipment can be crammed up front. There would be a small anchor winch in front of the mast, and winches to adjust sails and raise/lower the mast on either side of it. Finally there would be a single harpoon right at the prow. There is no cookimg station, you would have to rely on finding cooking spots on islands to cook food.

    The longboat would be about as wide and maybe half again as long as the current rowboat, so that it coild make it into some island streams and into small gaps in rocks, or over shallows ships can't handle. As far as damage, I was thinking it would work the same way as a rowboat: x amount of shots will outright destroy it, but you can actually repair damage unlike the rowboat.

    I think this setup could provide a lot of fun, opening possibilities for players who want to run pve undetected, or who want to focus on stealthy robbing other players ships.

  • @viperishemu2992 the development time is a matter of opinion. I could think of plenty of things that would have been more valuable than all the time spent on adding fishing. Including going home for the day to relax with a pint of grog or watching paint dry on the walls. Yet jere we are.

    The sloop is well designed to be run by 1, but you could develop a smaller vessle focusing more on stelth and agility for players who want to play that way. I don't think that opening up more playstyles would be a waste of time at all, and if they are given additional tools to avoid, though not be immune to conflict, maybe the people who want pve servers will settle down a bit.

  • I wish there was a one person sub that could hold a limited amount of chests. Something that could be more of a stealth machine.

  • @mysticdragon297 if this is a ship that becomes real in game it should be a little bit slower than the sloop

  • @contentzilla it would be so cool if they made a submarine like the guy that used a barrel with pedals to move around under water and he sat on the barrel

  • @fast-bike94 said in Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.:

    @contentzilla it would be so cool if they made a submarine like the guy that used a barrel with pedals to move around under water and he sat on the barrel

    Yes exactly! I feel like it could totally fit into this world. And then GP barrels could be modified somehow to allow for a longer fuse and the ability to slowly sink so you could ships could attack the subs with depth charges!!! Then the person on the little sub would have to patch up any holes they get. But due to the sub being so small it would have limited supply space so at some point you would run out of wood and either sink or get out and swim. Buh bye sweet loot, buh bye!!

  • @contentzilla I actually wished gun powder barrels had a limited fuse where it didn't reset after lighting it and unlighting it it should get short and shorter to the point where if you just activate it again it instantly blows.

  • @fast-bike94 said in Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.:

    @contentzilla I actually wished gun powder barrels had a limited fuse where it didn't reset after lighting it and unlighting it it should get short and shorter to the point where if you just activate it again it instantly blows.

    Nice. Gotta say I love messing with that fuse with friendlies around, it always scares them yellow bellies!

  • The sloop when being made had the intentions of solo-play, you litterally have everything at arms reach aside from barrels down below and holes you need to repair. I undestand that i can be hard to multi-task solo, i've done it for over a year now but even this seems pretty ridiculous. Not everything can be tweaked to improve solo players in sloops better than they already are.

    I do want to mention one thing, the image doesn't even show any floor below the ship, where do the holes come from when attacked if you cant even repair em. No cover to get under from things like a megalodon bite, volcanos or cannon fire. No place for the water to go either in a storm for example. And not to mention that ship design has no cannons, nothing to fight back with at all.

  • I also would love some sort of flying vehicle, like a balloon or magic rug!

  • Gunboat:
    No Harpoons
    No Anchor
    1 Sail
    2 Angled cannons in the front instead of harpoons
    No wheel, Just a boat fin to turn left and right

    For that small size, you are immune to helm balls and anchor balls. which makes your small ship a fierce opponent in the seas. You can also easily attack galleons from the back while staying out of range.

  • @weakdexx said in Let's design a solo only ship, and why we need to.:

    Even if they add this...
    U want this so u can full crew a solo ship yes. Because if u sloop your crew aint full and other ships do have full crews.

    But how does it help to make a solo ship so u are full crewing it.
    U will come across other vessels with full crews 1 up to 4.

    So its solo full crew vs full crew galleon?

    How does this help u?

    why all of this criticism on such a ship from the PvP perspective? the concept i made was entirely meant to be a leisurely vessel, or a ship that can easily escape from fights and rarely able to engage other players.

  • Let's encourage a community that is already majority playing solo to play solo even more in a social cooperative game!

    There's a reason the galleon came before the sloop.

  • Very cool concept! It'd be interesting having one cannon over the stern so it shoots over the bow; and two harpoons on the side for tight turns. Would also be cool if it's really really fast but 'carp' ;) at turning: opposite the sloop.

    Not sure if a solo ship goes with the spirit of the game though: being social with a crew of 2-4 to sail and adventure. I know people play solo and I did to to learn the actual boat ropes... But I find the "need" for a solo ship is more a symptom of social problems: many player populations with different goals (killers, achievers, builders, socialisers) conflicting with each other...

    As a new fish to the game what are the advantages of Solo play?

  • A single player boat would still need a number of movement controls;

    1. Steering
    2. Sail angle
    3. Sail Length
    4. Anchor
      The requirement for having these means that a sloop is still the best choice... but, perhaps, if the sloop was smaller, more agile, faster, on a single level and to give you an edge and to even the playing field it could be the only boat to have a forward facing pivoting cannon.
      You'd be blooming hard to hit, you'd be quick and manoeuvrable, and with that front facing cannon, could chase other boats like a small dog at the heels of the postman.
      You'd still have to contend with powder barrel bombs and pirates leaping off the stern in the hope of boarding you, but it could be a fun addition.
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