Questions about Emissary Flags

  • I'll get right to it, below are a few questions which I couldn't find clear answers for in articles or the wiki.

    1. If my ship sinks but I manage to save my emissary flag, can I somehow set it back up on my new ship and keep my grade?
    2. If I'm a non-reaper emissary, and I sink a reaper emissary who's been hunting me. Can I steal their broken emissary flag and sell it for a reward (Without leaving my current job as a non-reaper emissary)? If so, is it worth it without the added bonus of the reaper emissary grade (It really feel like other companies should accept Reaper flags and reward you for keeping the seas safe!).

    I've been finding the game amazing after getting back to it, with so many new mechanics and tall tales... But today we had an extremely boring session of never ending ship chases.

    I just doesn't feel right that there seem to be very little incentives to actually turn and fight, risking your loot... Other than to save the precious time these other players seem to have so much of (How are they enjoying chasing my ship for 45 minutes when they aren't even reapers, ahah).

    This is why I am asking... I am looking for a reason to motivate myself to turn and fight without feeling like I'll have nothing to show for the last two hours spent in the game for daring to take on better players who have probably spent the last 2 years logged on to SoT.

    Thank you!

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  • @verminpup

    1 ) No.

    2a ) Yes.

    2b ) Yes.

    Your motivation to fight is both keeping the enemy off of you, showing them who's boss, and gaining whatever they had. If they have no loot, take their resources. But either way, fighting usually gets a point across, whereas running just makes everyone bored.

    I usually try to fight and salvage anything I can, but if my spoils are too, too high, I'll turn tail. For instance, I'll fight to grab supplies and loot, or even a flag, and if not, I'll fight to hold my ground and scare them off. There is ALWAYS something to gain from fighting.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Questions about Emissary Flags:


    1 ) No.

    2a ) Yes.

    2b ) Yes.

    Your motivation to fight is both keeping the enemy off of you, showing them who's boss, and gaining whatever they had. If they have no loot, take their resources. But either way, fighting usually gets a point across, whereas running just makes everyone bored.

    I usually try to fight and salvage anything I can, but if my spoils are too, too high, I'll turn tail. For instance, I'll fight to grab supplies and loot, or even a flag, and if not, I'll fight to hold my ground and scare them off. There is ALWAYS something to gain from fighting.

    Not if you know for a fact you or your crew is not as competitive as the other team, and you'll probably get annihilated in under a minute while having to listen to some toxic voice chat from the other crew ;)

    Thanks for the answers though!

  • Rule #1 is: never fight an equal or larger crew if you have something to lose.

    It's unfortunate that sinking doesn't force a server merge. A lot more people would turn around and fight if they knew there was the possibility of being done with the aggressive crew for good. As the mechanic now stands, you are better off running, selling your high end loot, sailing off into the Red Sea and switching servers. Trying to sink them is a bad move. Strategically and business-wise. They rarely carry loot and will be just back on your tail in a few minutes anyways.

  • @verminpup Have some confidence!

  • @viperishemu2992 said in Questions about Emissary Flags:

    Rule #1 is: never fight an equal or larger crew if you have something to lose.

    It's unfortunate that sinking doesn't force a server merge. A lot more people would turn around and fight if they knew there was the possibility of being done with the aggressive crew for good. As the mechanic now stands, you are better off running, selling your high end loot, sailing off into the Red Sea and switching servers. Trying to sink them is a bad move. Strategically and business-wise. They rarely carry loot and will be just back on your tail in a few minutes anyways.

    I'm inclined to agree. The only problem is, with real life time being a resource, every other crew I encounter seem to have no problem chasing me literally forever. I've circled an island 7 times with them making no progress... Then sailed back from the far east to the far west and back, through storms and ghosts fleets... And they just don't care. It doesn't seem logical. They could have made more coins chasing others folks or doing other voyages... But I guess at this point they are either just looking for a fight because they played so much they don't need the coins, or need a commendation? Or more likely, it's just pride.

    Eventually, and ultimately, one of my crew needs to go to bed and its time to turn and fight, which makes the whole thing unsatisfying!

    You are right that a forced server hop upon syncing would really change the dynamic of PvP, probably for the better. It would most likely also reduce the amount of toxicity over extended and repeated engagements. I guess the only downside would be for the few people out there who use alliances and would lose them upon sinking (Which arguably makes sense anyway!).

    @klutchxking518 said in Questions about Emissary Flags:

    @verminpup Have some confidence!

    We have plenty confidence. I am confident in my capacity at the helm to never get caught by a ship unless I want to. I am confident in my crew's ability to angle the sails, go on their boat and drop the anchor, or sell precious loot on an island drive-by.

    I'm also aware that some of them aren't good at aiming cannon, and that I am generally unable to win a sword fight against other players because I haven't had much of a chance to practice it and do not have the time to do so!

  • @verminpup Don't say you have no chance to practice in the same post which you said you always run away.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Questions about Emissary Flags:

    @verminpup Don't say you have no chance to practice in the same post which you said you always run away.

    What I mean, is I don't have a lot of time to play. When I do, it's with people who play even less than may and who usually don't play FPS games. I don't have a chance to practice, because if I use the little time I have with the game just to fight other crews, I'll spend most of it not doing voyages, tall tales, emissary jobs, etc.

    So yes. I the same thread in which I said I run away from other ships, I think I'm entitled to say I don't have much of a chance to practice and try to catch up with toxic kids we've been encountering, screaming toxic stuff in their microphones, and with most likely a lot more free time to play Sea Of Thieves than I do. What you are saying is basically "get gud", and no one likes that kinda person.

    You answered my original question. So I'm not sure why you're still here trying to dismiss what I'm saying.

  • @verminpup

    You answered my original question. So I'm not sure why you're still here trying to dismiss what I'm saying.

    I might tack in my opinion here, I would dismiss what you are saying, because I find it rather silly. Claiming you want a reason to fight, yet at every opportunity you choose to run. You can't simultaneously want to fight, yet at every opportunity run. To me that just sounds like you always want to run and by saying you want to fight is just you giving lip service.

    I'm not a fan of the "Always run " types, not because I think they are cowards, because they are the type of people who psych themselves out before the fight even begins. If you can't out sail them that bad, high chance that crew will sink like a stone. This game isn't an FPS or in the very least plays like one. Sailing skills will always trump the player vs. player portion.

    There is plenty of reasons to fight, you will never see those reason is if all you do is turn tail. Hell, one of the biggest reasons is letting you get back to doing what you were doing before quicker. You will hear stories of people running for actual hours, only in turn to finally sink. Yet, had they actually just turned and fight, they would have been back to adventuring almost immediately.

    Maybe lets try a different approach, what do you want exactly? Does a ship need to drop a chest on sinking regardless if it had any loot? You want incentive, but what exactly? I don't agree with the server swap on sink idea, because I quite enjoy grudge matches between crews. I welcome the return visits, because if I can sink them once, I can certainly do it again. Even if they do return immediately, its not as if they can hope to accomplish much. They have no supplies or such low quantities of it, they can't really hope to achieve much. Fresh spawns sink like stones.

    So yes. I the same thread in which I said I run away from other ships, I think I'm entitled to say I don't have much of a chance to practice and try to catch up with toxic kids we've been encountering, screaming toxic stuff in their microphones, and with most likely a lot more free time to play Sea Of Thieves than I do. What you are saying is basically "get gud", and no one likes that kinda person.

    Nah, I respect the Git Gud crowd, I like them. They got the right mindset, rather then force the game to change for them, they change for the game. If you are weak in one area, that means try to improve in it. To comment on your toxic voice chat problems, you can mute at any time. Its an old tool that people seem to never want to use. Don't want to be exposed to that kind of chat? Then use the tool that has been there since the beginning. There is no shame in using it.

    Quite frankly, I don't think there is anything I could say to have you turn and fight. You seem to already psyched yourself out. Your comments prove it, you talk about lack of confidence in fighting, not being able to dedicate time in learning, and even blaming your crews lack of experience. Experience you will never gain if you never actually fight.

  • @nabberwar The amount of presumption and assumption of who I am and what I want in your post is far exceeds my want to entertain your need to derail this conversation into further condescending and patronizing comments. I do appreciate any actual constructive commentary though.

    • I am a Pirate Legend, started playing day one. I am decent at the game.
    • I am not asking for a "reason to fight" in that sense. I am asking for a game incentive to do so, and as others have pointed out, there aren't many (other than time).
    • I am willing to improve and change for the game. This is why I came here to educated myself on the two questions in my orginal post, which gave me ONE, to steal their flag and sell it as well as gain a level in my emissary flag for defeating a reaper (Sadly does not apply to non-reapers, so no incentives there).
    • Some of the players I play with are not willing or capable of competing with pro and / or toxic gamers, nor should they need to. The game has advertised itself since the start as a welcoming and inclusive experience, and as so any discussions on making it more so isn't misplaced on this forum, whether or not you agree.

    This is all there is to say. If you want players to get good and you want your grudge matches, then by all mean go and have them outside of this thread, thank you.

  • I make it a point to try and play a little more PvP focused session once a week, win or lose. Just for the experience and to hone my severely lacking PvP skills.
    You kinda derailed your own thread with the aside at the end of your reply to Klutch. Has nothing to do with competitiveness, non-confrontational perhaps or lack of will.
    Yeh, time constraints are a pain, hence why I try one play session as PvP. I'm a step-father to a very active child, I cook for a living and am now putting the finishing touches on opening up a new restaurant concept. So yeh, I hear you with being strapped for time. I'm a max rep as well, don't need to grind voyages, so I can afford to practice. My incentive is that I am getting better at PvP, I'm improving my own personal skill, so that when it DOES finally come down to me defending some booty or killing a shadowing crew, I've got more skill and confidence than I had before.

  • @conal-cuan said in Questions about Emissary Flags:

    I make it a point to try and play a little more PvP focused session once a week, win or lose. Just for the experience and to hone my severely lacking PvP skills.
    You kinda derailed your own thread with the aside at the end of your reply to Klutch. Has nothing to do with competitiveness, non-confrontational perhaps or lack of will.
    Yeh, time constraints are a pain, hence why I try one play session as PvP. I'm a step-father to a very active child, I cook for a living and am now putting the finishing touches on opening up a new restaurant concept. So yeh, I hear you with being strapped for time. I'm a max rep as well, don't need to grind voyages, so I can afford to practice. My incentive is that I am getting better at PvP, I'm improving my own personal skill, so that when it DOES finally come down to me defending some booty or killing a shadowing crew, I've got more skill and confidence than I had before.

    I mean, yes. I'm on board with all of that and have been doing it. I don't think that I derailed anything, or that there is anything wrong with discussing options, or giving context to the reasons why I wanted to know the answers to those questions (Especially as a way to lead into potentially more relevant answers).

    I just don't think that there was anything constructive in some of the comments above. I'm trying to be a fun person to play with for my less game-experienced friends (especially with FPS games, which does come into play a lot as soon as people jump on your ship and drop your anchor).

    As such I'm looking for either ways to avoid fights, or for a motivation other than TO SHOW THEM WHO'S BOSS LOL, because we have no desire to establish any kind of dominance over other players and only enjoy PVP against players who also happen to be decent people in chat (And yes I know toxic people can be muted, but it still blemishes the experience overall).

    Anyway. I found the answers I was looking for. Hope you all have a nice day.

  • @verminpup I have advocated a "forced server merge" upon sinking for some time now. And I've had many discussions on the topic with people on both sides of the argument. So I am aware of the advantages and disadvantages of it as a game mechanic. After weighing in on these, I still feel that having "serious" consequences to sinking (being sunk) would benefit the game, over all.

    Plus, 90%+ of the time. A "forced server merge" would go largely unnoticed by the crew. The servers are all sycronized with the same weather and time. And the times that players did think "damn that sucks!" when they sink.... well good. That's exactly what you should think when you ship sinks!

  • @verminpup How hippocritical is it for you to judge me in your post here:

    What you are saying is basically "get gud", and no one likes that kinda person.

    And then get flustered about being judged yourself in the next post down:

    The amount of presumption and assumption of who I am and what I want in your post is far exceeds my want to entertain your need to derail this conversation into further condescending and patronizing comments.

    You also ask this in your OP:

    This is why I am asking... I am looking for a reason to motivate myself to turn and fight without feeling like I'll have nothing to show for the last two hours spent in the game for daring to take on better players who have probably spent the last 2 years logged on to SoT

    And then you follow up saying that you aren't asking:

    I am not asking for a "reason to fight" in that sense. I am asking for a game incentive to do so, and as others have pointed out, there aren't many (other than time).

  • when i play solo and feel the enemys are good in cannon aiming and close combat,sure i run away lower flag and drop all my loot into the ocean did it plenty times as reaper, maybe people realize then that solo player have a huge disadvantage,and anyway when they have no emissary raised its what is most of the time the case its just annoying, i like pvp but the reapers fraction is just streamers server hopping service....

6 out of 15