Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0

  • Ahoy there Pirates!

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    Check out our New Release Note Page here.

    Release Notes - Launch 1.0.

    We are doing a rolling launch, so to check when the game is available for you to play in your region, check our Support Article!

    Download size:
    Xbox One: 9.16GB
    Xbox One X: 19.28GB
    Windows 10: 19.25GB

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.


    • Pick a Pirate – When selecting a pirate, we heard your feedback that the choice was difficult! So, we've added an additional option to favourite a pirate during the selection process, so you can keep the ones you like and refresh the others!

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    • Progression Unlocked –For the very first time, players can now progress to level 50 within each trading company, unlocking lots of new cosmetics along the way.
    • Mermaid Respawn – Based on feedback from our Betas and Scale Tests, we have changed the respawn flow when your ship has sunk. Instead of respawning your mermaid at the site of your shipwreck, if your ship is sunk and you die, you will now automatically spawn at your new ship from the Ferry of the Damned.
    • Removed Auto-Lock on Melee Attacks – We received feedback from our Betas and Scale Tests that this was a clunky experience, so it has now been removed. No more accidental cutlass-killing the pirate crews you’ve made un-easy alliances with!

    Known Issues

    • Bounty quest skeletons sometimes do not spawn or cannot be found.
      If you encounter this bug, a potential work around is to sail away from the island until it’s out of range, and then sail back in to trigger the Island Name banners.
    • Joining a dead player whose ship is parked at an active skeleton fort will prevent the joining player’s radial menus being opened.
    • If you are next to a Pirate when they equip a Title it won't display until you move away from them and come back.
    • Sometimes players will load onto the Ghost Ship without their clothes.


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    • Order of Souls – a Trading Company formed by conjurers and seers who wish to control ancient magic. In the Sea of Thieves this ancient magic is bound to the bones of accused former pirates, now transformed into forsaken skeletons, who had their own adventures finding and burying hoards of treasure. The Order Of Souls seeks the lost knowledge bound to these skeletons, and they'll reward anyone who brings the skulls back to them!
    • Achievements – Eaten your first banana (skin included)? Remember that moment forever, and many others! As you venture across the Sea of Thieves and forge your legend, achievements will now be unlocked! We have a huge list of 60 Achievements for you to discover and unlock, check them out in this news article.

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    • Pirate Legend – The time has come to create your legend! Build your reputation with the Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls and Merchant Alliance trading companies to prove yourself worthy of the fabled title. The Pirate Legend Hideout awaits those who earn the right of entry, boasting the most challenging and rewarding legendary voyages.
    • Kraken – Did you spot the murky water and enormous ship wrapping sea beast in our launch trailer? Sailing the seas has never been more dangerous! Who will be victorious when you cross paths with the creature lurking below?
    • Player Titles – What title represents you? Now you can choose at the vanity chest! As you progress through the trading companies ranks and earn commendations, unlock titles to display to the seas what you have achieved.

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    • NPC Voice Lines - The world is constantly evolving! First we brought you NPC Dialogue, they have spoken voice lines, voiced by Rare Staff! What a wide range of voices, can you guess who is who?

    Equippable Items

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    • Ship Customisation – The Shipwright has received her shipment of stock! Now you can purchase fancy new livery, sail or figurehead for your ship and equip it from the Ship Customisation Chest.

    Island Updates

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    • Snakes – Joining chickens and pigs on the islands, we now have snakes! These dangerous creatures will form part of the Merchant Alliance voyages and can be used to b***y trap your precious cargo. Beware of their poisonous spit, you may want to play them a calming melody before you transport them!
    • Skeleton Forms – New Skeleton Forms with varying strengths, weaknesses and abilities have emerged. Adventuring pirates now need to adapt their tactics to overcome plant, metal or shadow skeletons. Use all the tools at your disposal, your bucket and torch can be just as deadly as any pistol!
    • Lore Items – Keep an eye out for new items within the Sea of Thieves, which may have a story to tell. Lost treasure… who, why and when?!

    Bug Fixes

    • When cashing in rewards at the Trading Companies, the reputation notification no longer appears twice.
    • When spawning at Ancient Spire Outpost the ship will now spawn in the correct place.
    • Small ships no longer take damage on spawn.
    • Gold Hoarder's NPC dialogue is now localised.
    • Animals and Skeleton movement no longer appear jittery.
    • Text size has increased for 4K monitors.
    • Skeleton Forts vaults will now always contain treasure when you open them.

    Windows 10 PC Only

    • 'Left Click' to select a pirate in the Pirate Selector is now enabled.
    • Text chat now works correctly with Russian language input.

    Coming Updates

    Death Cost - This new feature has the Captain of the Ferry of the Damned deduct a small gold fee when you die. Rates are dependant on the cause of death, so the more avoidable the death, the less patience the Captain will have when we enable this feature!

    That covers the release notes for Release Notes - Launch 1.0.

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  • The death cost is a good addition i'd say. Makes people care more for their lives, haha!

  • Many of the fixes i didn't even realize while playing. That means, you guys have done an awesome job! :D

  • I'm also behind the death cost, as pirates should value their lives more. There's definitely going to be an outrage though. Brace yourself if you want to push it through.

  • The new skeleton form is amazing; Buckets and lanterns? I want to test this today.
    Lore lost items in the world, I always believed that they would come and you really brought, great job!!

  • The death cost is a bit iffy.. It can go both ways.

    • What if your already at 0 gold and you die? What happens?
    • What if you get spawn camped? (If an enemy doesn't sink your ship and stays on your ship waiting for you to respawn)
    • What about friendly accidental kills?
  • Is the gold bug where you get it half an hour later ,fixed in this patch?? Also previous gold that we didnt end up getting , will we get it after we logged out of the game at a later date or if you log out you'll never receive it?

  • I can see one side of the reasoning behind the death cost; make players value their lives more and maybe discourage those who have been defeated from continually returning time and time again.

    Except, that won't discourage them because most of those players don't care about their gold anyway as their only goal is to fight not earn money and standing.

    Also, announcing an additional gold sink when some of us are experiencing cases where our rewards are not merely delayed, but never received (30k+ at the time of writing), is a bit worrying...

  • Death cost will not fix problem with reckless players they already dont care about gathering gold, they will simply get more joy by knowing that their target is losing gold too. Also, its hard enough to make friends when you get blasted first then a dialogue opens up after 2nd or 3rd death, losing gold each time would really detour from approaching strangers with good intentions imho. To reiterate, Really BAD idea!

  • Coming Updates

    Death Cost - This new feature has the Captain of the Ferry of the Damned deduct a small gold fee when you die. Rates are dependant on the cause of death, so the more avoidable the death, the less patience the Captain will have when we enable this feature!

    What happens if you have no gold ?

  • It will make you appreciate Life more :)

  • Good I've already paid about 6,000 gold in advance for upcoming deaths with gold I haven't received from better work on that first.

  • @khaleesibot just to note;

    Spawned at Ancient Spire yesterday morning in a solo Sloop and there was a mysterious hole in my ship with noone around so I don't think that's fixed at least.

    Also, technically, Fort vaults won't always have loot in them when opened. If you open the vault at the wrong Fort it'll likely be empty, might have done that once by accident...ahem

  • @khaleesibot No death cost, the cost should be in time spent on the ferry and you should be able to decrease it by performing jobs for the ferryman. Add a mop using the animation and model for the spade and mud and it's removal using the digging mechanics. Could bail water for him, trim the sails for him, raise the anchor. All things already in the game so not too much development work?

  • @oldmansutii said in Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0:

    I can see one side of the reasoning behind the death cost; make players value their lives more and maybe discourage those who have been defeated from continually returning time and time again.

    Except, that won't discourage them because most of those players don't care about their gold anyway as their only goal is to fight not earn money and standing.

    Also, announcing an additional gold sink when some of us are experiencing cases where our rewards are not merely delayed, but never received (30k+ at the time of writing), is a bit worrying...

    I agree. Not a fan of being penalised even further...

  • There's currently an intermittent bug where you can't equip/switch to any of your items. The workaround for this is to just die and respawn.

    Please fix this bug first before you penalize players for "avoidable death."

  • @drachmul That's not a bug, that's the server having problems processing all the input from players and such... As a result of maybe some bugs producing several input requests more than necessary etc.

    For instance, the fact that the "leave game" option doesn't send you back to the ship menu, but sends you back to the login screen is murdering the login servers, bad design choice, but rare is learning. x]

  • Hopefully today’s maintenance fixes slot of the issues. Tyler at Daggertooth sounds like a mute when you go to the shop they need to fix that for sure

  • Hi Rare Team,

    Id like to put forward a few things.....

    1. I find it is crazy that the game is only 9GB at launch... This gives me an immense feeling that the rest of the game (the other 45GB or so, which usual games are) is going to be locked behind dlc downloads... this will kill the game.

    2. We need bigger crews! (8 player boats!)

    3. FISHING!!! ( pirate game without fishing?!?!?!)

    4. We need to achknowledge we have killed someone!

    5. We need enemy NPC boats sailing and units on empty islands!!!!

    6. More varity of quests, maybe a sea hunting one where we have to hunt whales for meat or sharks for teeth??

    7. Fortnite has set some high expectations for games now. They are rolling out free updates weekly and patching whilst doing it. The game is free so i think the gaming community feels as if this is the way forward for games especially ones you pay for. I think the rare team needs to follow this example otherwise i can see the player base dropping dramatically in the next few months (dont say i didnt warn you! xD)

    I have heard you will be listening to the community suggestions so i hope you guys hear me out because im sure im not the only one. The game is great but the examples above will greatly improve the game!

    Thank you Rare Team,

    Fellow pirate, Wiinkso

  • @gta5dude74 said in Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0:

    Coming Updates

    Death Cost - This new feature has the Captain of the

    What happens if you have no gold ?

    I imagine you'll be brought back gratis.

  • @khaleesibot awesome that you put this on for us today did see it earlier love the release as it is very much interested in the future ferry of the damned costing and hope the captain won't be too impatient with us all in the future.

  • I think the death cost is a terrible idea. If I was a new user I probably would not bother coming back following a session with a few keen PvP players. Why would I want to be penalised for doing nothing except being killed.

  • @boooci it will have zero impact on good PvP players with lots of money. If I attack and better you by killing you I win. I grab your gold you die and loose money then get taxed for the privilege of me doing it. How am I not winning and why would I be put off doing this.

  • I must say the full game kind of disappointed me in a few ways. Like for example i hoped for Spanish npc gallions to hunt our pirates along with the kraken perhaps. Give them like epic 10-14 cannons each side and then make us fear the sea's more and more.

    But perhaps it could be having a too big impact on the server to let lets say on every server run like 5-10 Spanish gallions to sail trough the game.

    Some discussion i had was also with some others and they had the same thing. Also some of us would like to see some merchant ships too to plunder and sink ;)

  • Bring the server back online... 4h offline and i have only 1h left today... sry but iam little bit angry...
    I hope i dont need to install the patch in few minutes, when the Server are back online. I had 4h too install 19gb and I just want to play this game now :(

  • I’m a huge fan of the game, but I will say that the death cost is a horrible idea. Doing a skeleton fort is impossible without dying a few times, people hunt you down endlessly, and items are far too expensive. Plus, most of my money hasn’t even arrived. I don’t want to play the game in fear of losing money, when I can barely make any to begin with. Please reconsider this, as it would ruin the game for many of us.

  • We do not want a death cost, the game is already a grind as it is and you're going to start pushing back down. Also make the factions level up quick past level 25. You expect us to get to fifty when like 20 chests only does a level if im lucky. Also the merchants alliance is incredibly boring and terrible at rewarding players, its so difficult to level up and the level 20 missions are awful. There needs to be some changes or this game is gonna die out quick

  • @abcamper97 I agree. If your (rare) idea is to discourage too much aggressive PVP you're doing it wrong. VERY, VERY WRONG. It's gonna punish PVE players twice, since they'll lose their booty and have to pay.

    I hope you can explain it better and hear our feedback before you release this thing, because this could break the game.

  • I think death cost is a good idea because the death is not punitive. so good job :p

    "a small gold fee when you die."

    You don't loose much coins guys. Don't be angry about that ^^"

  • @edgarjaffington c'mon i love merchant alliance and this is the only company im actually doing. For me chasing a chickens/pig on the island in the night at the centre of the storm... It's not boring

  • @alendorf79 I totally agree with that. I just hope that the penalty won't be half of your coins ^^

  • @khaleesibot Death cost is a terrible idea.

  • Bring the server back online... 4 1/2h since shutdown... this the only thing i need to fix for now...

  • The death cost may be better suited to getting another ship when it is sunk rather than when the player dies. If playing Solo, the player has to fork out all the cost of a new ship, playing as a crew then the cost is split between the crew with the host of the ship paying slightly more for it. I my opinion this may stop camping at outposts to a degree as the players may lose their ship if staying in a single location. The cost of a new ship would be a flat rate. 3 - 4 crew ships obviously costing more due to its size. Hopefully the Devs see this and consider this an option instead of player death.

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