I'm a songwriter, so thought I'd try my hand at a shanty. Before I get further into it, perhaps y'all can help me steer with some feedback. It's fashioned after shanties that bounce back-and-forth between a cantor and full crew singing. I've got an idea of how it's sung and I might pepper the verses with instrumentals. But for now I'm mainly just trying to form the lyrics. It starts with the chorus (full crew).
heave ho! heave ho!
fetch up the lines and raise the stone
heave ho! heave ho!
unfurl her sails and let her go
arrhg, aye! arrgh, aye!
chase the wind and plead the sky
arrgh, aye! arrgh, aye!
we probably will sail until we die
heave ho! heave ho!
what do you see from up high, crow?
heave ho! heave ho!
nothing but blue and sailors old
hold now! hold now!
i see a ship afore the prow
cannons now! cannons now!
sing 'em a surly thunder, how
heave all! heave all!
we'll sail her through the blackest squall
heave all! heave all!
boom and crackle, crash and snap, and...
heave, yell! heave, yell!
iron forged harder than Hell
heave, yell! heave, yell!
you've got to live to tell the tale
Maybe I can work a kraken into the final verse.