Rowboats: They are official. Now, let's see how they will be like in game?

  • The new trailer showed two ships, one of a two masted ship, and one of a rowboat. So, let's get to some speculation about the Rowboat. Wait, why the rowboat We already got the Brig/Ketch in the trailer? Why the rowboat? Because they would be on.... every single ship we have.

    Let's get down to the first thing. How will they work? Well there's three real ways it could be added to each of our ships. Either on deck over the grill heading below deckand needing a crane to hoist it out with a crane (Like on Hermione frigate), hanging off the side like on the USS Constellation, or towed behind the ship like Henry Grace a Dieu. The latter being the easiest to do since it's towed behind. The second would be kinda a challenge since it would require new mechanics and placing of the boat below. the third the hardest since it's a crane and having to operate that and get the crane hook to the boat.

    Hmmmm now to think of it, the galleon gets the boat crane, the new brig gets to have the over side hangin thing, and the sloop can have either of the three I mentioned.

    How will they work? Looking at the trailer, there is one at the very front so no position there, A second player rowing the ship, and possibly a third at the back with a rudder? I can't really tell. Anyways, from doing a quick reserch of how rowboats work, let's talk about it.

    If they do uphold the rowboat promise we can see how they could be used. One, to row players too and from islands and other ships without the danger of sharks. Or, more likely, to get treasure off your ship as it sinks, and row away from the scene. But won't the other ship catch you if you are in a rowboat? Well.... from my research, the cruising or normal speed is 4 knots, and if you are going fast, 7 knots at most. A galleon is 8 knots, so if we are going slow the galleon will go twice our speed. if we are fast we might be a TAD bit faster than the sloop. So, it is a good last resort option to get loot away from the enemy if you sink. But with that we should get a way to climb onto a rowboat. Plus they can easily sink but can be repaired as fast if I am correct. Maybe.

    Now for the size of the rowboats... the sloop would have one only fit for two, another (One in the trailer) for the galleon, and somewhere in the middle for the new ship type.

    So, guys, what do you all think of that?

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  • ...You just want to know how much they can carry, don't you? Probably unlimited chests

  • @cheatingpirate funny thing is...i didn't finish readin yet, so hold ye sails pal the rowboat was supposed to be added from the get go but they scrapped the idea, so i wonder if they are resurrecting the project and actually adding it in after all the comments about why do we not have them?

  • @onyx-wartooth Hmmmm, or not enough time. Or it was like the retractable ladders... tho that could be fixed if you could pull it from the bottom, and stop the problem with sword dash boarding

  • @cheatingpirate yea, this game was sorta rushed out the door, but hopefully we will actually get rowboats, instead of them always in the screenshots and trailers and we cant use them.

    but can we talk about the crabs? i mean that thing was adorable

  • Why would the sloop need a rowboat? You can pretty much always just pull right up to the island
    Galleons however sit much deeper in the water so they can't go in too close without running aground, plus they're much longer and wider making parking in specific places harder and are a bit more difficult to maneuver and stop without a crew who knows what they're doing

  • i have seen people say that the rowboat could be stored in a chest sized container, and then built in the water. this would remove the need for dedicated storage space on the existing ships, and allow you to pick it up like normal loot. maybe it would need wood put into the crate to build it.

  • @uhndeth Rowboats are also meant to save yourself and loot from a sinking ship.

    @Sandmanbakery Well what's the fun with that? Could be how it is but I doubt it tbh.

    @Onyx-Wartooth Yeah, you felt it Mr. Krabs

  • I would hardly say rowboats are "confirmed". The hungering deep showed a crab and harpoons, neither of which came into the patch. The cave paintings from that patch also showed rowboats, now that I think about it.

    Edit: it was brought to my attention that EP Joe Neate released an article yesterday that does in fact confirm rowboats for september's Forsaken Shores update. Still no news on crabs though.

  • @rockinpodunk its confirmed. along with the new ship type for 3 players. theres a e3 interview that confirms it...its in another thread somewhere..i had to rub my eyes to believe me

  • Rowboats coming in Forsaken Shores (September)

  • @rockinpodunk said in Rowboats: They are official. Now, let's see how they will be like in game?:

    I would hardly say rowboats are "confirmed". The hungering deep showed a crab and harpoons, neither of which came into the patch. The cave paintings from that patch also showed rowboats, now that I think about it.

    Couple of comments in that article which are relevant -

    we are committed to continuing to expand the Sea of Thieves fleet.

    Accompanying this (Forsaken Shores), we are also introducing a Row Boat for players to use, supporting them in navigating this perilous new world.

  • @katttruewalker Well that is interesting...

  • I've been noticing that the models for the rowboats on the islands are pretty decent models. Just like where the crashed Galleons are just ripped appart versions of an actual galleon model I think the rowboat will be the same. so not really big but that doesnt matter since you can stack up players and treasure anyhow. Also they dont seem to have a rudder so the steering will be done by the player rowing and since rowing is done with your back to the front you'll want to have someone navigating.

  • You could just swim up to the front of the row boat, press X to grab the rope and then swim to the back of the Galleon, press X to attach the rope and done.

    alt text

  • With regards ships. I would expect it only will make sense to have a row boat with a Galleon, or possibly the new two mast ship. Why would you use it with a Sloop, you can almost moor on the beach anyway.

  • @katttruewalker said in Rowboats: They are official. Now, let's see how they will be like in game?:

    @rockinpodunk said in Rowboats: They are official. Now, let's see how they will be like in game?:

    I would hardly say rowboats are "confirmed". The hungering deep showed a crab and harpoons, neither of which came into the patch. The cave paintings from that patch also showed rowboats, now that I think about it.

    Couple of comments in that article which are relevant -

    we are committed to continuing to expand the Sea of Thieves fleet.

    Accompanying this (Forsaken Shores), we are also introducing a Row Boat for players to use, supporting them in navigating this perilous new world.

    I just saw that article. Great news!

  • for repairing a row Canon shot aloud blow it to smithereens if you ask me.

  • @crimson-aa What if the water is so shallow you can only use row boats to navigate into it?

  • I would imagine that if it's this new land area that brings the Rowboats.

    I imagine you wouldn't want to bring your main ship, and only way away from giant spewing volcano of death, anywhere near it. So probably be a beachhead or port area where you leave your ship and then rowboat yourself into that death trap.

  • @cheatingpirate This is a great feeling. I made a post about rowbotas months ago and seing that rare listens to player feedback just feels good!

  • @katttruewalker

    You mean repairing from hitting bottom? You wouldn't be going fast enough to put a hole. seriously a real row boat would be destroyed if hit by a Canon ball...also what happens if your rowboat sinks does it spawn back on boat?

  • @crimson-aa Imagine sitting on the ship anticipating all this fabulous treasure to be delivered to the outpost and seeing the row boat pop back up before getting a single sold notification lol.

  • @crimson-aa

    I'm just looking at the image and it seems to me as if it's a pretty hazardous area, with the sea covered in mist or steam, you'd want to go slowly. I'm not sure tbh, it's all speculation at the moment. But yes, I'd expect rowboats to be pretty fragile, which makes me wonder if they're going to have limited exposure to being sunk by galleons or sloops in the first place?

  • Would be cool if the rowboat was controlled by using the joysticks (left stick for left oar, right stick for right oar) and you had to rotate them like you were actually rowing...but PC cross play kind of tosses that idea out the window

  • @el-dunco said in Rowboats: They are official. Now, let's see how they will be like in game?:

    Would be cool if the rowboat was controlled by using the joysticks (left stick for left oar, right stick for right oar) and you had to rotate them like you were actually rowing...but PC cross play kind of tosses that idea out the window

    I think it will work more in a natural way with the oars, if you use the left oar you will turn right :) so I guess on the controller it will be left/right trigger and on PC two keyboard keys.

    It could be fun to have a player on each oar!

  • I think rowboats should be both an asset and a liability. Obviously the rowboat could be used to move into venture into rocky areas and into shallow waters from a much larger boat. But if you aren't perceptive/careful a rowboat should be able to pull up to docked ship and board it. Similarly, imagine swimming and sneaking aboard a galleon, stealing some loot and leaving on the galleon's rowboat before they even know what happens.

  • Would be neat if the rowboats would need to be purchased at an outpost and equipped to the ship. Once they sink or get left behind you'd have to purchase a new one. Maybe you could find random ones spawned off beaches.

    Also, maybe only have rowboats available for galleons due to their size. I do like the idea of stealing a ships rowboat but only allow galleons to hoist up a rowboat.

  • @cheatingpirate I've been jonesin' a rowboat for a while. Raise sails off shore far enough to be safe and load up the dingy with skulls/chests rather than all the swimming constantly! Supply box might be nice aboard but I'll take an empty boat...

  • @biter-wylie

    I could see reasons why, being chased with loot? Split it up between raft and boat, they can’t chase both, alternatively just use it as a decoy.

    Problem I would have with sloop having a dingy is size and carrying capacity, dingy would slow a sloop down too much dragging behind and would likely capsize a vessel if it were attached,

  • @warlordwoody22 but if a tugboat can tow a ship many times bigger than itself, then how would the dinghy cause the sloop to capsize simply by being towed?

  • Who says rowboats have to belong to a ship? Maybe they'll be a separate item you can find randomly on different islands, and then use until they sink or you go back to your ship?

  • Maybe a good way to keep your loot after sinking.

  • @allamerican-440

    Well the easiest answer is a tug boat pulls a load behind it, it does not carry it. A sail boat, in this case a sloop is a wind driven vessel, not a twin turbo Diesel engine.

    Having a vessel nearly as large as the sloop itself attached would cause it to capsize.

    It could tow behind but without those Diesel engines it would be incredibly slow

  • @allamerican-440

    Also take into consideration tug boats themselves are slow, they’re built for horesepower and torque, towing capacity not speed.

    So now imagine your slower than a tugboat being chased down by every other ship for the sake of having a dingy. If it were me I’d literally cut the dead weight and escape

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