Top 5 Things You Want in Sea of Thieves?

  • Hey folks!

    I am going to make a top 5 what we want in the game (video) tomorrow so I need you guys' help! Simply just write down what you would like to see and I will filter out the most popular ones :D

    Looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with!

    If you would like to check out my channel (as I upload frequent SoT content) then click here!

    -Lord Splendid

  • 20
  • hand to hand fighting that feels authentic. Block, counter attack, shove, punch etc.

  • Oi! Ive seen some of your youtube videos, good stuff. As for things I would want to see..
    Fishing.. give me a fishing pole and a sloop and im golden.

  • L***y cliche Tavern moments. Fights, gambling, or someone passing out.

  • Housing, cursed island , taverns brawls, trading . Underwater adventures

    1. The world to be realistically populated with NPCs in port towns and ships at sea and random travelers etc.
    2. Liars dice and other appropriate games that have thorough mechanics and you can gamble in.
    3. Appropriate and wide variety of wildlife throughout the world, dangerous and passive alike.
    4. Realistic combat, ranging from; melee combat (like chivalry or something similar) with skill hits and blocks/counters etc, well balanced guns with fairly realistic reload times and accuracy/range/damage etc, ship combat with varied ammunition like chainshot and grapeshot, and extensive realistic damage beyond just holes that flood the ship, like damaged rigging and sails and broken masts etc.
    5. Field of view slider with settings that allow up to nearly normal human FOV (about 170 degrees), ideally without a terribly distorted fisheye effect. Or at the very least, the ability to play in either first or third person.
    2. SAILING
  • @Lord-Splendid

    1. I want to disable a ship, board them and take their loot/treasure.
    2. Dynamic dmg (if that make sense). Destroy the mainsail so they cant escape and ETC!
    3. Big a*s world, after 3-4h in the game, i still have alot to see in the world!
    4. Buy upgrades to your ship and the melee weapons, NOT lvl-system!
    5. Full out customization!
  • @Runic said in Top 5 Things You Want in Sea of Thieves?:

    2. SAILING

    Hey @Runic , don't forget DRINKING. Pfft... Call yourself a pirate.

  • @Lord-Splendid combat with a lot of depth so it's possible to become a legendary pirate

  • @Runic said in Top 5 Things You Want in Sea of Thieves?:

    5. SAILING

    I fixed your order.

    My top 5 in no particular order:

    1. A massive world free to explore with crazy unique landmarks (natural and man-made)
    2. Tons of interactivity with objects in the world
    3. Tons of customization options (characters, ships, flags, pets)
    4. Cross-platform multiplayer (PC and X1 players in the same servers playing together)
    5. Unique/rare content obtainable for the solo or small group player, not just "raid" level stuff.
  • Hey guys!

    Thanks to everyone who replied! Got some good points to talk about! :D

    -Lord Splendid

  • I'm going to be lazy and steal a few of the excellent ideas that came before......because...pirate. In no particular order, although I'd go for the fun, inclusive, positive community as pretty high on the far that's looking good!


    1. Tons of interactivity with objects in the world
    2. Tons of customization options (characters, ships, flags, pets)

    3. Realistic combat, ranging from; melee combat (like chivalry or something similar) with skill hits and blocks/counters etc, well balanced guns with fairly realistic reload times and accuracy/range/damage etc, ship combat with varied ammunition like chainshot and grapeshot, and extensive realistic damage beyond just holes that flood the ship, like damaged rigging and sails and broken masts etc.

    4. Fun, Forgiving, and totally into the game people.

    1. A huge, diverse world.
    2. Rum.
  • Here we go:

    1. Once you hit the maximum amount of stuff you can carry, you can hide treasure on a random island and a map for the treasure is automatically generated. If you loose a battle fight, the enemy gets the map and can go dig up and claim it...

    2. You get to have your own island as safe harbour. Where to leave your ship when you switch off.

    3. Trading

    4. Mercenary, when you don't actually belong to a crew but accept random quests to help and get rewarded accordingly.

    5. Melee island.

  • @RokuAvalanche said in Top 5 Things You Want in Sea of Thieves?:

    @Runic said in Top 5 Things You Want in Sea of Thieves?:

    2. SAILING

    Hey @Runic , don't forget DRINKING. Pfft... Call yourself a pirate.

    In hindsight I should have said "DRUNK SAILING" and "DRUNK ADVENTURING". Sorry, wasn't thinking straight. Been a little while since my last drink.

  • @KattTruewalker said in Top 5 Things You Want in Sea of Thieves?:

    I'm going to be lazy and steal a few of the excellent ideas that came before......because...pirate. In no particular order, although I'd go for the fun, inclusive, positive community as pretty high on the far that's looking good!


    1. Tons of interactivity with objects in the world
    2. Tons of customization options (characters, ships, flags, pets)

    3. Realistic combat, ranging from; melee combat (like chivalry or something similar) with skill hits and blocks/counters etc, well balanced guns with fairly realistic reload times and accuracy/range/damage etc, ship combat with varied ammunition like chainshot and grapeshot, and extensive realistic damage beyond just holes that flood the ship, like damaged rigging and sails and broken masts etc.

    4. Fun, Forgiving, and totally into the game people.

    1. A huge, diverse world.
    2. Rum.

    Yarr i'll drink to that.

    Most of it has been said with this
    Watching Lord Splendid',s previous video's,I do wonder what non-combat interactions
    will be available to the pirates,like swabbing the decks to give a small movemement boost?

    Will the captain be able to write a message in the captian's quarter ,to order someone to send it with a dove to another ship or town?
    Will players be able to organize a feast on the ship?

    @Talos-IX said in Top 5 Things You Want in Sea of Thieves?:

    Underwater adventures

    Also wonder if treasure maps will have locations at the sea?
    So a crew has to go on an underwater treasure hunt while they anchor the ship

    Still imagine most treasure hunts to be like this

  • I'd like.......

    1. A fab group of Devs that appear in game along side us pirates for some fun.
    2. An amazing community of likeminded pirates with NO drama :D
    3. A game that keeps me busy for at least the next 7 years.
    4. More competitions to win Awesome booty.
    5. Cake!
  • @Lord-Splendid Prisoners and Pets

  • @Lord-Splendid and treasure maps

  • @lizalaroo said in Top 5 Things You Want in Sea of Thieves?:

    I'd like.......

    1. A fab group of Devs that appear in game along side us pirates for some fun.
    2. An amazing community of likeminded pirates with NO drama :D
    3. A game that keeps me busy for at least the next 7 years.
    4. More competitions to win Awesome booty.
    5. Cake!

    I heard someone say cake so I came running

4 out of 20