New Features and Ships / Unique Curses

  • Hi, I was wondering if it would be possible to add a few more ships, a new feature, that allows you, and your ship to get cursed, and sail as a ghost, or a sea monster?
    Kinda like in the Pirates Of the Caribbean series, where The Flying Dutchman can go underwater and rise up, or The Silent Mary can eat enemy ships, or how The Black Pearl has a mist and torn sails, with skeletons.
    I think it would be a really cool feature to have, and might have interesting battles, if 2 cursed players encountered each other on the sea!
    And also, was wondering if items can be saved on your ship, every time you log out, rather then having to recollect stuff from your previous session?
    Thanks for reading and hope to hear back soon!

  • 9
  • I say "no." Applying cosmetic curses to your ship is one thing, but gameplay-altering ones are definitely not something I would like to see. There will always be a "best" curse to use, and everyone will use it unless it gets slapped with a drawback, but then everyone will jump over to the next "best," ad infinitum.

  • @blam320 That's why there would be pros and Cons to each Curse.
    One Curse, you won't be able to step on land, Another curse, you will only be cursed in the moonlight, etc

  • @ancforiginal said in New Features and Ships / Unique Curses:

    @blam320 That's why there would be pros and Cons to each Curse.
    One Curse, you won't be able to step on land, Another curse, you will only be cursed in the moonlight, etc

    That's just plain dumb from a gameplay perspective. I would sure as heck not want to equip a curse that prevents me from going ashore to help my crew stock the ship or search for chests.

    And again, there's always going to be a "meta" curse that is plain better than the others, whether it's because the effect it gives is that good, or if the drawback is negligible enough.

    Plus, Rare has been pretty keen on not introducing "sidegrade" items. Even the three firearms in the game occupy their own niches.

  • @blam320 sagte in New Features and Ships / Unique Curses:

    There will always be a "best" curse to use, and everyone will use it

    Everybody is using the best whatever for every situation anyway.
    Nothing gamebreaking would be added in that sense. It happens all the time.

    But it is Rare's job to give a disadvantage for every advantage.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee said in New Features and Ships / Unique Curses:

    @blam320 sagte in New Features and Ships / Unique Curses:

    There will always be a "best" curse to use, and everyone will use it

    Everybody is using the best whatever for every situation anyway.
    Nothing gamebreaking would be added in that sense. It happens all the time.

    But it is Rare's job to give a disadvantage for every advantage.

    Curses are different; however. While, for example, each firearm is distinct and is better at something, everyone has access to them immediately and permanently. They're not unlocked. Personally, if Curses like this were to be acquired, they should either all be immediately unlocked for everyone, or found in the world tied to an item, similar to the Cursed chests.

  • @blam320 sagte in New Features and Ships / Unique Curses:

    Personally, if Curses like this were to be acquired, they should either all be immediately unlocked for everyone, or found in the world tied to an item, similar to the Cursed chests.

    I wrote they should have a 10% dropchance from each individual creature.
    As someone who's first language was not english I can only wonder and ponder why my own topic regarding curses was ignored so brilliantly.

    But I suspect the post was just too long and the lazy, selfentitled people of this forum cannot be bothered to read for a longer period of time.
    They probably have to eat something every 2 minutes and drink a beer to wash it down.
    Hell I must take breaks from this... °cough°, this "forum".
    My respect level is dangerously decreasing.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee said in New Features and Ships / Unique Curses:

    @blam320 sagte in New Features and Ships / Unique Curses:

    Personally, if Curses like this were to be acquired, they should either all be immediately unlocked for everyone, or found in the world tied to an item, similar to the Cursed chests.

    I wrote they should have a 10% dropchance from each individual creature.
    As someone who's first language was not english I can only wonder and ponder why my own topic regarding curses was ignored so brilliantly.

    But I suspect the post was just too long and the lazy, selfentitled people of this forum cannot be bothered to read for a longer period of time.
    They probably have to eat something every 2 minutes and drink a beer to wash it down.
    Hell I must take breaks from this... °cough°, this "forum".
    My respect level is dangerously decreasing.

    I didn't even follow the link.

    But as for a 10% drop chance from "each" creature, again that's another "no" from me. That makes acquiring a powerful curse with game-altering properties too random.

  • A huge balancing nightmare ...

    Furthermore, the game is on the Xbox Gamepass and just released on Steam, which means a lot of people are pretty fresh to the game at the moment and that more new players will be coming on a regular basis. The game PvP is frustrating enough for fresh-seamen as it is : they already need to step up their game pretty fast against a lot of different PvE threats and PvP tools that are mastered and used by a lot of first hour gamers. More diversity is good as long as you can use them as soon as you learned how they work. The other way is just bullying tools for seasoned captains against newcomers that'll have to wait to earn them, along with the game knowledge and the skill, to be able to counter it.

    Fun and fancy idea, but it will be nightmarish.

4 out of 9