Full ship re-skins.

  • I think we should get some different variants of the Brig,Sloop and Galleon to add some variety to the seas instead of looking at the same 3 ships over and over again. Im not asking for a crew size increase, just the looks of the ships.

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  • @travis354 We already have a ton of reskins... What you're asking for is a remodel - and those could potentially affect gameplay, particularly where on-ship combat is concerned. Furthermore, you're asking for a lot, because all past and future skins will have to be adapted to the new model, which is why I don't think it will ever happen.

  • @galactic-geek He's really not asking for a lot...

    This concept is well covered by most games at this point. Any of the Battle Royal Games and Rocket League in particular are great examples. Rocket league introduces new "models" every month and they all work with previous universal skins.

    The new models wouldn't impact gameplay as long as they were built with the same "hit box" in mind.

    Skinning new models with the old skins would not be very difficult either. Especially since it's only one customization, which is the hull color.

    If I had to come up with a reason why this hasn't been done, it's a memory issue, but who really knows.

    I love the idea @Travis354 , and really, really hope they will introduce new models of the different liveries.

  • @travis354 I would like it a lot. I dont see anything wrong with not knowing the layout of an enemy ship

  • I completely agree.

    I wish that the ships were like the pets with three "versions" under the same overall type; they might look different but ultimately perform the same task.

    Maybe this is also how Rare could throw in different cannon layouts with forward/aft options?

  • @thagoochiestman Throwing in the different cannon layouts ups the complexity and impact 100x in my opinion. Not impossible, but I think there would have to be waaaaay more testing to make sure everything is balanced.

    "Simple" re-skins and new models of current liveries with the same layout and hitbox seems super reasonable to me.

  • Just new shapes with same attitudes? ...just got my "Battletoads" skin. Love it:-)

  • @xx-mirth-xx That's kind of what I was thinking/hoping for because different cannon positions would introduce new strategies for ship vs ship battles. But that's also what I find to be the most fun; I guess you could say I'm more into the Master and Commander combat experience than the Pirates of the Caribbean sword & gun fights.

    Having said that, I'll take any additional variations to ships even if they're solely cosmetic.

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