• HELLO SOT FANS! Who remembers the days of playing that pirates of the Caribbean online PC game with PvP? (Or perhaps you don't and you enjoy fun little card games anyways!) Those were the good days which Rare has brought back to us! But, what is the single aspect of the game that we are missing? It is the Gambling, many of times in that old pirate game whenever one was either bored or had a bad addiction (; you could just pop into a tavern and play some good old black jack or hold em' poker. I believe that this should be implemented as it adds more playtime with other players and increases people in the game to come together and have a great time. Now I am no expert on game mechanics but I believe the talented people at Rare have just what it takes to implement this extremely fun game aspect! If you agree then comment below, or perhaps start your own thread about this! lets put out the word to the SOT community!

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  • Captain Bartholomew Roberts's articles
    (aka the pirate code)

    III. No person to game at cards or dice for money.

  • Well that's not a real pirate then. ):

  • I really want to see this as well as cosmetics trading.

  • Liars dice!!

  • I like this idea, it would give us something to do with all this gold just sitting in our pockets collecting sand.

  • @wondrbread Dice games! Card Games! any type of mini game in the taverns I believe would spice up the pirate life in SOT!

  • @kzoo-kid Yes! and the casino style games would bring encouragement to spend that money or at least have more fun with it!

  • @ianviorell said in GAMBLINGG!!!!!!:

    Well that's not a real pirate then. ):


    Bartholomew Roberts (17 May 1682 – 10 February 1722), born John Roberts, was a Welsh pirate who raided ships off the Americas and West Africa between 1719 and 1722. He was the most successful pirate of the Golden Age of Piracy as measured by vessels captured,[1] taking over 400 prizes in his career


    Literally the REAL pirate

  • Yup I want this.
    Could be alot of fun.

  • @squaz05 so you don't want to see gambling in Sea of Thieves?

  • Any pirate caught gambling deserves a blunderbuss in the back of the head.

    Why should Rare make a social disease like gambling any fun?
    Bad enough with fools playing shanties and throwing vomit while one guy sails the galleon.

  • @barnabas-seadog Arg matie, Sounds like you need some new friends or crew mates to sail with, why so much negativity. this thread is for feedback not slandering the SOT community.

  • @ianviorell
    Feedback dude, your perception about me is weaksauce and immaterial.
    Gambling sounds like fun for those that like MMO wannabe ideas, but at fifteen or twenty players on a server on five or six boats, what good does it do in terms of the gameplay loop?
    It makes you and you friends easier to gank. But since you and your gambling buddies are not acquiring loot for me to steal, what good are you to me?

  • I'm all for a good round of liars dice. Realistically I don't see any detailed game such as this or other suggestions having room within the game. In a world of sailing and exploration a stationary game that diverts from those thing just wouldn't make the cut. Of course I will happily be proven wrong I just don't get my hopes up on this category.

    Ultimately if it was game. Dice, something quick and less attention grabbing as far as it's independent game rules go (full blown poker seems a bit much), and lock it into taverns. Heck yeah. I like to lounge out on outposts with my friend before we call it a night. Would be fun to mess around a bit before hand. Just keep it simple. Let's not turn SoT into a lobby for minigames.

  • @john-hatter I like those ideas you are quite right with those opinions about drawing people out with full blown mini games. I wouldn't wanna see that either. Perhaps a dice game at which you can play with your crewmates either in the tavern or maybe a game mechanic that allows you to play on the ship, I know those long distances can be crazy sometimes. I know this game is about adventure and I love the game myself I could play all day, but it just seems the game could use more content. Which I know Rare is implementing with DLC updates but small things that wont draw players away from the sea could be fun!

  • @barnabas-seadog said in GAMBLINGG!!!!!!:

    Bad enough with fools playing shanties and throwing vomit while one guy sails the galleon.

    I know that scenario and IMHO players are doing that because they are bored at sea. Quick small passtimes like gambling will alleviate this.

  • @ianviorell said in GAMBLINGG!!!!!!:

    @squaz05 so you don't want to see gambling in Sea of Thieves?

    I don't want gambling in sea of thieves, It has no place in a game like sea of thieves, It has no place in a video game.

    @isaac-occam said in GAMBLINGG!!!!!!:

    @barnabas-seadog said in GAMBLINGG!!!!!!:

    Bad enough with fools playing shanties and throwing vomit while one guy sails the galleon.

    I know that scenario and IMHO players are doing that because they are bored at sea. Quick small passtimes like gambling will alleviate this.

    They are bored at sea... this is like the main problem if this game...

    When I am bored of playing sea of thieves. I shut the game down and play something that doesn't bore me like warframe/path of exile/PUBG/Fortnite [literally pick any game that doesn't bore you and add it to that list] etc....

    If I really have an urge to gamble I can always play Star Wars Battlefront II or I can go to the casino, or, if I don't want to risk real money I download those online poker games on my tablet/phone.

  • Gambling is unlikely to make it into the game in much the same way recognisable alcohol.
    With the games age rating it just opens too many issues, not assisted by media influences on in game gambling as was seen in star wars battlefront 2 not so long ago.

    Don't get me wrong, if they did add it, I'd love it but I grew up with fable and it's pros. It would never hold its age certification in a modern audience.

  • @ianviorell poker please mates at Rare

  • Mini games would be fun (Darts, Arm Wrestling, Fist Fighting, etc...

    I personally do not have a problem with the gambling aspect as long as its ingame gold obviously.

  • @john-hatter said in GAMBLINGG!!!!!!:

    I'm all for a good round of liars dice. Realistically I don't see any detailed game such as this or other suggestions having room within the game. In a world of sailing and exploration a stationary game that diverts from those thing just wouldn't make the cut. Of course I will happily be proven wrong I just don't get my hopes up on this category.

    Ultimately if it was game. Dice, something quick and less attention grabbing as far as it's independent game rules go (full blown poker seems a bit much), and lock it into taverns. Heck yeah. I like to lounge out on outposts with my friend before we call it a night. Would be fun to mess around a bit before hand. Just keep it simple. Let's not turn SoT into a lobby for minigames.

    dice too please Rare and lairs dice

  • I used to play a different pirate game which had several minigames, the most popular was poker. Unfortunately it seemed the game turned into more of a Poker Simulator and less of a pirate game...

  • @radfatherascal said in GAMBLINGG!!!!!!:

    I used to play a different pirate game which had several minigames, the most popular was poker. Unfortunately it seemed the game turned into more of a Poker Simulator and less of a pirate game...

    I'm not gonna lie... I think I spent more time playing Gwent in the witcher 3.... than I did actually playing the witcher 3....

    If minigames do what they're supposed to, which is to give players something more to enjoy, than I don't see a negative (this would depend on how minigames exist in the world of course, open world rules, etc).

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