What kind of pets would you like to see?

  • I’m very excited for rare to add pets to the game even if they cost real money I can wait to have a little buddy monkey on my shoulder or maybe a cool looking snake rapped around me. What pet would you guys like to have?

  • 22
  • @luckydaddy0731
    I am a huge animal lover with heaps of pets IRL but strangely enough I don't want to see pets in the game.
    I think I'm mainly concerned with them being abused or possibly killed.

    There are enough cruel jerks in this world, we shouldn't let them practice firing animals from cannons, etc.

    Edit: Sorry for coming across as a party pooper and I do realise it is only a game but I can't help feel this way.

  • @luckydaddy0731 I think that crab was quite awesome.

    Because it is sea of thieves, I would like to see something mystical. My favorite animal since I was a kid was the tasmania wolf aka tasmania tiger, because there is a remote possibility they still exist. I think it would fit right in with SoT; and look cool doing it.

    I too would like the owner of the pet to be able to toggle others' ability to manipulate the pet.

  • @violentandroid Hey mate, you might be interested in this news article.

  • @dutchyankee
    That's it Sea Biscuit, you're off my Xmas card list. lol

    Nah, Flipper would be smart enough to release the keg at such a depth that it floats up to the hull from a safe distance. :o)

  • I'd go with the regulars cats, monkey, parrots has it was the most usually to see around pirates and ships.

    Then we could have awesome skins as well ... Ghostly (legendary) glowing green pets, skeleton skins, bilge rats looks and things like that

  • I want Crabatha, an octopus, and Conker.

  • How about turtles, you cant hurt them at all, can swim and do this kamikadze kaiten stuff, can walk around island, most multitasked animal ever immune to psychopaths. Right @Admiral-RRRSole?

  • Monkeys, macaws, parrots, cats and goats from my side. @Admiral-RRRSole Despite being possible to fire them out of cannons, maybe they're going to be immune to death, and whatever, they're going to respawn just like the pirates when lost at distance. There's actually animal violence ingame when you pick that white chiken that cross in your path at the bush while you where chasing the golden one, so I think this only could go better with the poor animals if they make a pet update XD

  • @admiral-rrrsole I really hope they wouldn’t let other players abuse them!

  • Ah nice piñata pet for me sparrowmint maybe

  • @admiral-rrrsole I agree. I don’t want pets in the game, but for slightly different reasons. I don’t think people are really thinking this through. They’re going to turn the game into a ridiculous menagerie. Everybody is going to want one, so you’ll never see a pirate without some little animal following them around. They’ll be distracting and immersion-breaking and silly. I’m a true animal lover, but I am dreading this whole idea. Ugh.

  • @genuine-heather said in What kind of pets would you like to see?:

    @admiral-rrrsole I agree. I don’t want pets in the game, but for slightly different reasons. I don’t think people are really thinking this through. They’re going to turn the game into a ridiculous menagerie. Everybody is going to want one, so you’ll never see a pirate without some little animal following them around. They’ll be distracting and immersion-breaking and silly. I’m a true animal lover, but I am dreading this whole idea. Ugh.

    I don't want to see that either. I'm hoping pets may be one per ship (like a ship customization). Long ago, they said pets would be something everyone on the crew could interact with, so it'd be a shared enjoyment/experience.

    It could get tricky, for several reasons, but I hope Rare handles it well. So far, they have my trust that they will.

    As far as I what I want to see...
    I want to see parrots on pirates' shoulders. Monkeys work, as well.
    Cats are trickier... I can't see them on a pirate's shoulder so much, but we've seen a glimpse of them.

    Beyond that... you know, despite being a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean, I never even thought about undead pets... until I saw Salty the parrot in-game. Brilliant!

    Also, I'll just say that the way Salty looked, and was animated, made me think that Rare was going above and beyond for how pets may be.

  • @pdt-mindstream One per ship would be tolerable. Hopefully that’s what they have in mind. I agree about Salty. Really well done. You’re right that Rare deserves a degree of trust in this regard, so I guess we’ll see. 😊

  • I'm fairly certain that cats, monkeys, and parrots are all but confirmed at this point, and I personally would love to see pet dogs (like that dog from Pirates of the Carribean that always had the keys), as well as the usual animals we already have as pets - chickens, snakes, and pigs. Can you imagine a pirate rocking a pet pig, chicken, or snake?

  • I want a monkey holding a knife in its teeth.

  • I think chickens snakes and pigs should be offered as in game rather then paid content too. Give a free option

  • Pets are a great idea. Dogs, monkeys, parrots, and maybe a dolphin.

  • Obviously a parrot.

  • I just want pet snakes in sea of thieves

  • @lionstorm7871 2 year necro... but snake pets exist. last 1 session and can be killed. they come in 4 varieties. red, blue, black, and gold.

  • @lionstorm7871

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