Map Table Enhancements - New Markers, Course Plotting, Toggle Visuals

  • I would like to propose a couple of changes to the current Map Table to help with plotting courses and adding a slight degree of difficulty/realism to the game.

    Extra Marker:

    Add a new marker (X) for placement on the map, rather than just the circle. Along with this change, a couple extra inputs could be added.

    (A): Place an "O", or remove an "O".
    (X): Place an "X", or remove an "X".

    This would give the ability to track primary voyages and secondary voyages separately on the Map Table.
    EDIT: As suggested by @TargasBR below, this could be used for a fun game of Tic-Tac-Toe on a long voyage :)

    Map Table - New Markers
    Larger GIF

    EDIT: My original idea was only to add an "X" as outline immediately below this message this edit, but have added a new image as per the discussion in this topic around more markers! Of course, the default will be the class "O", but options would be great.

    Marker Selection Wheel.
    Larger Image

    Course Plotting:

    Add the ability to connect multiple points on the map to plot out a course.

    (A)-HOLD: By holding (A), a "O" is place on the map. While still holding (A), drag the cursor to a new location and release. This will place the second "O" and a dotted line connecting the two points.
    (X)-HOLD: By holding (X), a "X" is place on the map. While still holding (X), drag the cursor to a new location and release. This will place the second "X" and a dotted line connecting the two points.

    This would easier navigation as you wouldn't have to decide island in a cluster to hit next over and over. The course it set, and a quick glance is all that is needed to find the next location. The original idea in my example below shows a "O" starting the route and an "X" ending it, but I figured just split it out so players can do both by holding (A) or (X).

    Map Table - Course Plotting
    Larger GIF

    Clear All:

    Add the ability to clear all marking on a map.

    (Y)-HOLD: Clear all marks on a map table.

    Sometimes I forget to clear markings, so it would be nice to wipe them out with a single button hold.

    Hide Details:

    Add the ability to toggle various things on the map such as island names, your ships visibility and also you alliance ships visibility. This should NOT include the Reapers Mark or any future "Magical/Cursed" sail. This should also be a per user experience so as not to hinder other players.

    DPad-Up: Toggle Island names On/Off
    DPad-Right: Toggle Crew Ship On/Off
    DPad-Down: Toggle Alliance Ships On/Off

    I know the islands by sight, give me that little extra realism here. I also don't need to see my ship to know where I am on the map, I know the islands and I know how to use a compass.

    Increase Marker Count:

    Increase the number of allowed markers from 10 to something larger, like 20 or 25. Especially if we get new markers or other updates *hint *hint :)

    Full Map View

    Let me zoom all of the way out on the map. This would make movement on the map much quicker which is a complaint noted from other threads.

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  • Great idea. It would be also great to get few more symbols in (such as the skull, treasure chest, treasure chest with the question mark, animals, box for the cargo run etc.) and multiple colors to choose from while planning the voyage.


    We could also play Tic tac toe this way...

  • @archaell I could definitely get behind more ways of markings as the game expands, perhaps a "shipwreck" marker. I always see one as I approach an island and forget about them when I leave :(

  • @targasbr said in Map Table Enhancements - New Markers, Course Plotting, Toggle Visuals:

    We could also play Tic tac toe this way...

    Great idea! I think we just solved part of the mini-game requests :)

  • Love these ideas mate!
    Also It'd be great if we could look at our contracts while on the map.

  • I like this idea!

    Also if you could add the option to write something on the map.

  • @sgt-palooggoo I do not have much issue pulling away from the Map Table to view the Voyages, but I could see the benefit of being able to see the contracts to some degree while looking at the table.

    I think this would take quite a bit more to implement though :)

  • @archangel-timmy great idea mate

  • @mrphilfy a little notation here or there could be helpful, but I could see nasty messages left by other players.

  • Hugs and Kisses! YES!

  • Love it.

    The only thing I would like to see is a few more markers allowed on the table.

    Sometimes I use all of them up and I still want to place some markers.

  • @lord-szarvas True, I have hit the cap many a time when marking additional locations we want to hit. An increase would go well with the proposed changes :)

  • @archangel-timmy Much too complicated. It was enough for me if I could just spit on the spot.

  • Another thing that crossed my mind would be making the map table zoom all of the way out. I see another post where someone wants the map scroll speed bound to their controllers sensitivity, but allowing a full view would help alleviate that change as you can zoom in/out pretty easily to focus in.

    I suppose limiting the view makes things a small amount for difficult for boarders to search your map, but still.

  • I love this idea. I've never seen this suggestion either. Very well put togheter!

  • Glad people are finding interest in the idea. If there are any other ways you would like to expand on it, I will try to add them to the main post when I get a chance.

  • As per some of the discussion in this thread, I have whipped up a quick mock for a possible Marker Selector Wheel if we could possibly get the option of additional markers. These are just a few that jumped right out with the classic "O" being the default.

    Marker Selection Wheel.
    Larger Image

  • Given that we can track alliances, what about tracking our own rowboat? Once a rowboat attaches to a ship, it becomes bound to that ship to a degree and can be located on the map when detached until it is destroyed, replaced, or attached to another ship?

  • This would also come in handy for the Cargo Runs which are do to get a boost in value soon, so they will become more relevant. Give us a bump in delivery time, and the map updates would benefit even more!

  • I think treasure locations should become visible on the world map as you collect individual maps - it would give players 1 more reason to infiltrate/protect the ship.

  • @archangel-timmy Wouldn't it be simpler to just have color coded O's that match the island? On Xbox at least, you have X,Y,B which match the factions by in game color already (blue - merch, yellow - GH, Red - OoS, Black - MiB/other). Or, just make it so that when you circle a correct island it does it for you and just require multiple circles if the island has multiple contracts.

  • @galactic-geek said in Map Table Enhancements - New Markers, Course Plotting, Toggle Visuals:

    I think treasure locations should become visible on the world map as you collect individual maps - it would give players 1 more reason to infiltrate/protect the ship.

    Like in automatically mark the island itself, or more in depth like marking the individual "X" from each map?

  • The easiest UPVOTE I've ever had to make.

    Such a well thought out idea, I have literally no thoughts on how to improve it.

  • @archangel-timmy said in Map Table Enhancements - New Markers, Course Plotting, Toggle Visuals:

    @archaell I could definitely get behind more ways of markings as the game expands, perhaps a "shipwreck" marker. I always see one as I approach an island and forget about them when I leave :(

    Having a slew of stamps to use to designate different things would be great, but first they need a mega update or two to add unique purpose and activities to islands, but everything you have suggested here would be great QoL additions to the game, that would aid in stories being created.

    I think another good change if it hasnt already been mentioned would be that the marker stays at the scale it is when you place it when you zoom in or out, allowing precise marking of locations for whatever reason, or maybe have a stamp that when placed on an island on the map table, it also marks it for the players map in their inventory provided they have checked the map table where the mark was placed or placed it themselves, or maybe just boarding the ship refreshes your maps.

    Great post.

  • Great idea! You put alot of thought and effort into it! I hope devs implement this and give you a shout out for it. Seems like it wouldn't be that hard for them to do it and its a very nice addition to a otherwise plain map interface.

  • It would also be a good idea to be able to measure the distance between islands in order to find the most efficient route. I also would like a small indicator of which way the wind is pointing on the map.

  • @archangel-timmy The more in-depth version.

  • @lil-fokker Thank you :)

  • @drizkillz said in Map Table Enhancements - New Markers, Course Plotting, Toggle Visuals:

    @archangel-timmy Wouldn't it be simpler to just have color coded O's that match the island? On Xbox at least, you have X,Y,B which match the factions by in game color already (blue - merch, yellow - GH, Red - OoS, Black - MiB/other). Or, just make it so that when you circle a correct island it does it for you and just require multiple circles if the island has multiple contracts.

    The color coordination with the controller is a good idea and may work as a simpler approach, but the "B" is currently the default for backing out of things so some input-swapping would be needed.

    I have a feeling more types of voyages will be added outside of the normal sets, so the proposed system would work in the long run and be easily built upon if put in place :)

  • @galactic-geek said in Map Table Enhancements - New Markers, Course Plotting, Toggle Visuals:

    @archangel-timmy The more in-depth version.

    I know that Alliance members can dig up your chests if they have an image of your map, does this work for other crews?

    Making all of the X-Marks automatically visible on the voyage table would add a whole new way of playing for sure, so I could see some way of getting ahold of another players maps as fun. Minus the Athena, a map that special is held close to the crew!

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