You answered my original question. So I'm not sure why you're still here trying to dismiss what I'm saying.
I might tack in my opinion here, I would dismiss what you are saying, because I find it rather silly. Claiming you want a reason to fight, yet at every opportunity you choose to run. You can't simultaneously want to fight, yet at every opportunity run. To me that just sounds like you always want to run and by saying you want to fight is just you giving lip service.
I'm not a fan of the "Always run " types, not because I think they are cowards, because they are the type of people who psych themselves out before the fight even begins. If you can't out sail them that bad, high chance that crew will sink like a stone. This game isn't an FPS or in the very least plays like one. Sailing skills will always trump the player vs. player portion.
There is plenty of reasons to fight, you will never see those reason is if all you do is turn tail. Hell, one of the biggest reasons is letting you get back to doing what you were doing before quicker. You will hear stories of people running for actual hours, only in turn to finally sink. Yet, had they actually just turned and fight, they would have been back to adventuring almost immediately.
Maybe lets try a different approach, what do you want exactly? Does a ship need to drop a chest on sinking regardless if it had any loot? You want incentive, but what exactly? I don't agree with the server swap on sink idea, because I quite enjoy grudge matches between crews. I welcome the return visits, because if I can sink them once, I can certainly do it again. Even if they do return immediately, its not as if they can hope to accomplish much. They have no supplies or such low quantities of it, they can't really hope to achieve much. Fresh spawns sink like stones.
So yes. I the same thread in which I said I run away from other ships, I think I'm entitled to say I don't have much of a chance to practice and try to catch up with toxic kids we've been encountering, screaming toxic stuff in their microphones, and with most likely a lot more free time to play Sea Of Thieves than I do. What you are saying is basically "get gud", and no one likes that kinda person.
Nah, I respect the Git Gud crowd, I like them. They got the right mindset, rather then force the game to change for them, they change for the game. If you are weak in one area, that means try to improve in it. To comment on your toxic voice chat problems, you can mute at any time. Its an old tool that people seem to never want to use. Don't want to be exposed to that kind of chat? Then use the tool that has been there since the beginning. There is no shame in using it.
Quite frankly, I don't think there is anything I could say to have you turn and fight. You seem to already psyched yourself out. Your comments prove it, you talk about lack of confidence in fighting, not being able to dedicate time in learning, and even blaming your crews lack of experience. Experience you will never gain if you never actually fight.