Guess for Gold Competition - How many Fish have been Caught?

  • Eewwww! Fishing is lame!

    My guess is...I’m not even gonna guess.

  • 71,652! Hopefully

  • I think 72389

  • @lizalaroo 61,964 fish.

  • 15,932 fish

  • 78,283 Fish have been caught.

  • Fish? There was fish? Must been 73231.

  • 67,007 🤞🏻

  • I’m gonna guess 65,288

  • i guess 62,784

  • 67201

  • 65’842 for me would be a great number for a fish barbecue in my opinion

  • 69,696 have been caught.

  • 67,420 fish

  • My guess would be 76499

  • What is 73377?

  • My guess is a 74 357 fish have been caught in the past 24 hours

  • Ima say 78,678

  • 74,326??

  • 306,478 I know how many fish I might catch in a day

  • About 67,429

  • I'd wager it's 69,420.

  • Definately 76845 fish

  • My last 5 digital gold digits say 68713

  • My guess is 67,080

  • 27,000 fish are caught on a days average

  • @closinghare208 63.832 fishies

  • 68301 fishies

  • 72.863 have been captured by cruel pirates, easy.

  • I thinking 68538

  • I’m saying 63,000

  • 68521 fishies :)

  • 65990 fish

  • My guess is 72,240

  • 64,265 on the nose. ;)

357 sur 458