Big fan of Sea of Thieves but I’m a a weekly watcher of the new one piece episodes and manga chapters!
One of the big things I would love to see come to Sea of Thieves is some of the Outer Wear they wear of the show. Like for Example Luffy Infamous Straw hat, and some of the ship cosmetics from the Sunny!
I know their might be copy right issues and other things but maybe a deal with Shōnen Jump the parent company to add some of their features from the show now that the Pirate Emporium is live!
I think this would be a great feature to Sea of Thieves and it might bring a large mass of different players from a different back grounds to our community!
Imagine Sea of Thieves x One Piece products, I’m getting butterfly’s just thinking about it. I see many other games flooding the market with these deals for example Gear 5, Fortnite, Call of Duty, and Rocket league!
[mod edit]This is would be a dream to see come true!