What will I NOT lose if I reset my pirate??

  • I'm thinking about resetting my pirate but will I lose my cutthroat skin set??

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  • I think you’ll still have access to your pet...maybe...should...as it’s something you buy with Real Money and that’s linked to your Microsoft account not your character(s).

  • Oh by the way no need to do that. Just go to XBOX
    .Com and add another account (add family member).

    You’ll get another profile that will have access to everything your first profile owns and keep your original profile.

    Then you can have 2 pirates!

    Pirate 1 under profile X

    Pirate 2 under Profile Y


    It’s totally free!

  • @glannigan

    I hope not to lose the pet. I would think it would be bound to you if you made a brand new pirate.

  • You lose anything that has not been purchases with real money, basically. You retain ancient coin and any purchases made with said ancient coin.

  • Glannigan you are a life saver my pirates pet is bugged even making a new pirate won't fix it but I can't switch to an new account because I have an obsidian item

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