[Charity Stream - 24 hrs - Macmillan Cancer Support 6th Dec 7pm GMT!] The Old Salts!

  • Mark the date in yer calendars, ye scallywags!

    The Old Salts will be sailin' in aid of a very worthy cause and ye can help @Musicmee and @J4dio and crew stay afloat by tuning into the stream and lendin' yer support!

    All donations gratefully accepted at any time!



    Follow 'em on Twitter for updates!
    The Old Salts

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  • @katttruewalker This is going to be so fun, so many people ready and willing to make this ship sail and aid those in need, both in game and in real life!

  • @deviousdogz I am putting money on Jay and George sticking it out for the full 24 hours.

    We're going to need a bigger boat

  • Hooray for good causes! 😍
    Bonus points if they can stay afloat the entire time. 🙃

  • Yarr... I'll save the date me Mateys.
    One to Watch... One to Support!!!

  • @galactic-geek That's the aim... no promises though!

  • @musicmee said in [Charity Stream - 24 hrs - Macmillan Cancer Support 6th Dec 7pm GMT!] The Old Salts!:

    @galactic-geek That's the aim... no promises though!

    Not if I get near the wheel!

  • So proud to be an Old Salt and part of this event, it's going to be awesome. Also don't forget pirates, we will be giving away some goodies during the stream, Thank you all in advance for your support.

  • Did ye say free loot??!

    @j4dio said in [Charity Stream - 24 hrs - Macmillan Cancer Support 6th Dec 7pm GMT!] The Old Salts!:

    So proud to be an Old Salt and part of this event, it's going to be awesome. Also don't forget pirates, we will be giving away some goodies during the stream, Thank you all in advance for your support.

  • This no doubt... will be the first bump of many... for this thread.
    Personal stories... and of the like.
    Now for the serious bit.

    1 in 2 people will develop Cancer in their lifetime..... it's a Fact.

    A personal story.
    I find myself at the age of 43.
    I look back to when I was 13.
    I lost my Grandmother to Thyroid Cancer.
    It was a cruel death..
    She hadn't smoked a day in her life, but memories of the effect it had on my family still run deep. It was a couple of firsts to be honest, the first time in my short life i had experienced the consequence of death. What it was, to see/ experience a lifeless body. To experience the loss of a loved one. To see & experience the effect it had on my family. Something, even till this day it seems so unfair. I had little understanding then, and I still now question this thing called "Cancer". What I do know, only with our help, whatever it is, this can maybe one day be a thing of the past, or at least help those in their final days/months/years.

    If you can, please support this great event.
    I don't necessarily mean donate cash, although if you can, that is a Prime Objective, but it's not the end all.

    Just tune into the event, lend your support, make a point to be there.
    Being a Community, will mean so much. (I will be cheering from the side lines btw)

    We will certainly all be impacted in one way by Cancer ( whether ourselves or family ), what is important is that we stand together.
    Give what we can, in whatever form, Money/Time or both. Whether here or elsewhere.

    I hope to see you all there, I will.

    Not posting this to put a "Downer" on the mood.
    Not at all.
    It's serious stuff, it's Real Life.
    It's stuff whether it is easy or difficult to talk about, regardless can't be ignored.
    And yes... I believe "Gamers" can change things!!!
    Lets raise some money, have fun in the process, and make a difference.

  • @piratecraggy It's not putting a downer on things at all; it's explaining the need for this kind of thing to happen to raise money.

    My Wife lost her mother to breast cancer when she was seven. In a cruel twist of fate, at the very same time my own Mum was in treatment for breast cancer and survived.
    We lost my Nan to Pancreatic cancer, we lost my Uncle to Lung cancer, my Father-in-law has had tongue cancer. It affects us all and it needs to be eradicated; so lets get all the money we can in for the stream.

    get donating please!

  • I've bought you a pet!

    To that end @J4dio I'm going to buy someone during the stream a pet!
    I intend to get a code (either for XBOX Store or for SoT if I can) for you to spend on Ancient Coins.

  • @sshteeve Xbox Gift Cards are where it's at! That's what I plan on doing - Also got some Zavvi ones for the store.

  • Great ideas guys! It’s always good to see people come together to help great causes.

    And it just so happens to take place the day after my birthday. So this will be the days hangover entertainment :P

  • @piratecraggy Dude, like seriously thank you for your post. It is something we are passionate about, as you stated, it is something that can change many peoples lives. Also feel free matey to hop on in, you don't need to cheer from the side lines, if you have time and we have some space, don't hesitate, we are, and always will be one community, the love of the game, the energy of each other is what us pirates are about ! Thank you again.

  • @j4dio
    Thanks matey. If I have the time, that would be awesome. Very busy time of year ( like for a fair few of us ). I'll probably be watching a good bit while working away, if I get a chance ( or I can free myself up )... would love to.. even if only for a short time. Sure... we'll talk closer the time.

  • Just going to drop this here as a shameless plug and a massive thanks to @lizalaroo.

    Her endless talent and patience with me as a crewmate deserves all the praise it can get!

    alt text

  • @lizalaroo Looks so cool. What an amazing and generous gift, you are a true legend. Thank you.

  • @j4dio said in [Charity Stream - 24 hrs - Macmillan Cancer Support 6th Dec 7pm GMT!] The Old Salts!:

    @lizalaroo Looks so cool. What an amazing and generous gift, you are a true legend. Thank you.

    Her pieces are one of a kind.
    I still have my lantern on my desk at work!

  • So excited to help out and although I won’t be sailing the full 24 hours (nutters!) I will be with you guys for as much as I can.
    My hubby has leukaemia, so raising money for MacMillan means a lot.

  • @lizalaroo
    Tell your Mr , than i am hoping and asking God for a full heal...i know He will listen.

  • 3 more sleeps to go!
    Though @J4dio rarely seems to sleep and there is still discussion as to whether @Musicmee is one single person or a collective!

  • @sshteeve

    there is still discussion as to whether @Musicmee is one single person or a collective!

    Pretty sure the money is on....

    alt text

    If nothing else @Musicmee has taught me " Resistance is Futile " :)
    Raises me tankard

  • So happy we are stepping out of the shadows a bit more, and for a good cause! I will hopefully be able to get some time in for it, if it had been 2 weeks ago when I did mine, I would have just sailed with you for the whole day! @J4dio and @Musicmee, I know you two are planning the full 24 hours... Enjoy :), if you can get @Clumsy-George on board, you know you wont sink with his legendary carpentry skills :D

  • So true, so true.. This ship will not go down "not on Georges watch"... or actually if something crazy happens that we can't help... well you know - we will come back stronger.

    Donation page
    Mixer Streams

    Also on Twitch

    All other streamers channels will be on screen and in the chats during the stream.

    3 days to go ! eak...

    Thank you already to those that have donated both funds, and giveaways, make sure you tune in, there are some awesome people streaming, and some amazing prizes to be won !

  • @j4dio said in [Charity Stream - 24 hrs - Macmillan Cancer Support 6th Dec 7pm GMT!] The Old Salts!:

    So true, so true.. This ship will not go down "not on Georges watch"... or actually if something crazy happens that we can't help... well you know - we will come back stronger.

    I'm steering during my stretch!

    Time to give old @Clumsy-George something to test his skills!

  • As a dormant US based Old Salt, I look forward to donating to a great cause.

    If ye be needing more crew mates, please bee feelin' free to send me a message or be needin' some help. I be available after 18:00 EST/23:00 GMT.

  • @friedwilly If you're on Discord Jay has sorted out a spreadsheet for us all to add ourselves to.
    There's still space matey!

  • @sshteeve said in [Charity Stream - 24 hrs - Macmillan Cancer Support 6th Dec 7pm GMT!] The Old Salts!:

    @friedwilly If you're on Discord Jay has sorted out a spreadsheet for us all to add ourselves to.
    There's still space matey!

    @Sshteeve Thanks, I will review on Discord.

  • ( - Oh oooow, you have to stop putting weight on Old George's shoulders , this morning he woke up ,all in sweat while still hammering in thin air shouting and crying in panic " You can't go down , you may not sink oh my Lovely Giant Seamaiden"...This was the thirth nightmare he had so please lift the weight from his shoulders and don't mention him anymore...He needs to go in ,without having the feel of being watched or he crawls in his shell again * Bla bla bla, if he sticks out his neck then it can be chopped off, bloody Moron...Allthough ,in all honesty , i hope he doesn't let that ship sink , he would feel devastated as he sees it as a symbol...i like to hum " tease" him but i don't want him as misarable as a few years ago...i will try to let the true Moron come out - You sit down or i tie you on yer stool , you're not taking him over , Sunshine * Yek , yek yek , we will see , Captain Tearface , we will see...Iiiiihihihiiii)

  • Bumpty.... Bump

    2 Days to go!

  • @piratecraggy said in [Charity Stream - 24 hrs - Macmillan Cancer Support 6th Dec 7pm GMT!] The Old Salts!:

    Bumpty.... Bump

    2 Days to go!

    Indeed it is!
    🏴‍☠️~~ ☁️💀☁️ ~~🏳️‍🌈



  • Planks: check.
    Nails : check.
    Hammer: check.
    Great Crew : check.
    Nervousness: check.
    Improvision Adrenaline: uhm, can only be triggered at the moment itself ,if the Sea Gods allow "the Wave" to start rolling...Oh , i do hope the Sea Gods come around…
    Motivation to keep ship afloat : More than check.

  • Not long to go!

    Motivational music from "Rocky" works too...
    Good Luck Guys!!!!

  • Today is the day!

    Come join us playing Sea of Thieves for 24 hours.
    Starting at 7 BST some of us will be dropping in and out throughout the 24 hours whilst @Musicmee and @J4dio will be going the whole shebang!

    If you can spare a few gold then why not DONATE and be in with a chance of earning some lovely loot in one of our giveaways!

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