Legendary sea dog title

  • The wins for legendary sea dog at this point in the games life is incredibly high, for both players coming back to the game after a break and new PL's.. Will the wins drop from 240 again?

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  • We need more people playing the Arena, making the commendations easier would do the opposite, because people would be done earlier.

  • @archaell Good point, the servers can seem dead at times especially for xbox which puts us console gamers up against PC which is a complete disadvantage making it even harder to reach legendary sea dog.. Also I'm going to speak for people that have played the game since day one, They'll eventually get burnt out from the grind and give up on SOT altogether so they really need to take that into consideration.

  • I think personally the arena is a failure in this game

  • @sunbro95 I'd say its more like a wasted opportunity than failure so far, I'm sure if there were more different arena modes like: Deathmatch, Capture the Flag or some kind of 1v1 or 2v2 player combat duels, etc. type of matches, more players would be interested.

  • The Arena is about collecting chests. I won many matches solo slooping, without firing a single cannonball or bullet, because other players don't like collecting chests. Playing on the Xbox or Pc doesn't make much difference, when you can strategically avoid the fps combat. What makes the main difference is communication which the open crews don't have. Get a teammate(s) in party chat and your win rate is gonna skyrocket even against Pc players.

    The commendations are optional. Players are responsible for their own burnt-outs. We would lose more players by having nothing to do.

  • @archaell Strategically avoid? You must have rare matches where you aren't up against other strategic players because if you were and they seen you uncontested at an island digging up a tonne of chests they'll be gunning for you to prevent you turning in. If in a match versing multiple PC sweats.. good luck with your strats mate lol

  • @mropshens69 The "rare matches" happen most of the time. Other crews fight instead of collecting chests so 3-5 are enough to win. It also helps that half the ships leave before the match is finished. Of course I lose against good players, but it's less likely to meet these than the opposite.

  • @archaell I don't get the opportunity to VS the opponents you consistently go up against by the sounds of it mate, so yes for me and my assortment of crewmates they are "rare matches" I hardly get chests dug up uncontested, I struggle to enter matches where no one collects chests. A vast majority of matches for us are clustered by everyone trying to dig up at islands we've chosen. Anyway I apprecite your response but the point of my initial post in the forum is an attempt to get a response from rare to see wether they are considering dropping wins needed for them sleek and sexy looking legendary skins 👌

  • @mropshens69 I don't believe they ever dropped the Legendary Sea Dog title from 240. I could be wrong. If memory serves, I believe they were contemplating changing it to 100 wins and offering a special Blunderbuss for those that had already achieved the 240 win mark. But after a strong response, they decided to keep the 240 win mark for the commendation, as well as the special blunderbuss for achieving it.

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