Hoarding Bonus

  • An incentive to make pirates hoard loot on their ship instead of cashing in smartly and often. Making themselves a juicy target and a juicy profit if they survive.

    You have two options now...

    1. You can be smart, cash in often to avoid losing your loot. This is the safest and smartest play. Has lowest risk, no bonus and is currently what a lot of us do now...Except the pirates that come to the forums to whine about how “unfair” the game is of course. 😂

    2. Going all in! Instead of cashing in often and smartly as is recommended, hoard loot on your ship. Cashing in lots of loot in one go will create a bonus payout. Have 1-2 forts worth or more and the bonus gets higher and higher incentivising you to risk it all.

    Once you have sold your first bit of loot, you have approximately 10-15 minutes and any loot sold within that window will accumulate a bonus. The timer will show under the image of the loot that pops up whilst being sold. That way it wont be on your screen all the time irritating you but will be visible during the act of selling.

    Now if you want to play it safe then do what you do now.
    Cash in often and get paid the amount you expect to now.

    Or.. Risk it all. Keep it on your ship and build up your bonus.

    More ships should in theory i reakon, have more loot on their ships adding much more tension. The system will reward you for taking on the risk...or the pirate that sinks you! Its the risk you take for that bigger payout.

    As a pirate who regularly cashes in often and early, it could be the thing that would make me take more risks and hold onto loot longer. Which ultimately will add some very tense, scary and amazing adventures for me on the waves!

    10-15 minutes should be more than enough time too for cashing in.
    After that period is up, it pops up on screen and it resets.
    Meaning if you were still cashing in whilst timer expires, you will get bonus up to the point it expires and then reset as if you has just started selling for first time again.

    It means you will want to scan the horizon before you commit to selling and make sure its safe so as to not interrupt your bonus.

    For the record too, this would be totally seperate from emmisary system. The bonus will be totally seperate to any of those activities.
    But you look to make a killing if you are grade 5 and hoard at the same time!

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  • @daringclarky that is literally what emissaries do.

  • @dominusocto7
    Not all of them mate.
    They may at times have a fair bit sometimes to try and get their grade up but they can easily unload at an outpost as they pass and they won't benefit from keeping loot on the ship.

    There is no incentive to keep loot on your ship.

    Thats why this idea is called a "loot hoarding Incentive"

    So this is nothing like the emmissary system.

  • @daringclarky

    Not all of them mate.
    They may at times have a fair bit sometimes to try and get their grade up but they can easily unload at an outpost as they pass and they won't benefit from keeping loot on the ship.

    There is no incentive to keep loot on your ship.

    I'm going to disagree on this. There is quite an amount of reasons to hoard while being an Emissary, at least until the point of Grade 5. Every piece of loot you off load prior to getting Grade 5 is loot sold with a smaller bonus. If I hoard loot the entire time I am building my Grade, that is more loot sold at the max possible multiplier.

    Selling at a 33% bonus compared to a 150% bonus is a night and day difference. That, and the ship itself is a hoarding bonus if you sink it. Higher the Grade the larger the payout is if you sink it. Dropping your Emissary status early has costly penalties of missing out on those exclusive voyages or Reaper's map advantage.

  • I am a new player. Wasn't able to complete emissary a single time yet. Always losing flag and loot to either skelly ships or some players. Not sure if timer is a good idea since many things can go wrong. I had an idea of some "insurance" system.

  • @nabberwar said in Hoarding Bonus:


    Not all of them mate.
    They may at times have a fair bit sometimes to try and get their grade up but they can easily unload at an outpost as they pass and they won't benefit from keeping loot on the ship.

    There is no incentive to keep loot on your ship.

    I'm going to disagree on this. There is quite an amount of reasons to hoard while being an Emissary, at least until the point of Grade 5. Every piece of loot you off load prior to getting Grade 5 is loot sold with a smaller bonus. If I hoard loot the entire time I am building my Grade, that is more loot sold at the max possible multiplier.

    Selling at a 33% bonus compared to a 150% bonus is a night and day difference. That, and the ship itself is a hoarding bonus if you sink it. Higher the Grade the larger the payout is if you sink it. Dropping your Emissary status early has costly penalties of missing out on those exclusive voyages or Reaper's map advantage.

    Not everybody wants to be an emmissary though and don't want the extra attention.

    When you Don a flag you are at risk from being spotted by grade 5 reapers.

    With a bonus feature, even those not participating in emmissary system will benefit from hoarding and this bonus will only be amplified if you are an emmissary too.

    It means when I attack a ship, any ship there may be more loot than usual as pirates will wanna hang onto their riches.

    It means when I go sailing, any ship is a possible fat target. Not just emmisaries.

    When you invade a ship you spend resources. So if more ships have loot and are encouraged to have more loot regardless of the ship and their objective surely that's gotta be good for pirates right?

    Or am I missing something?

  • @weisshorn2582 said in Hoarding Bonus:

    I am a new player. Wasn't able to complete emissary a single time yet. Always losing flag and loot to either skelly ships or some players. Not sure if timer is a good idea since many things can go wrong. I had an idea of some "insurance" system.

    Don't give up.
    Those pesky Skeletons are scary when you are a new player but you will eventually learn their patterns and kill them easily.

  • @weisshorn2582 said in Hoarding Bonus:

    I am a new player. Wasn't able to complete emissary a single time yet. Always losing flag and loot to either skelly ships or some players. Not sure if timer is a good idea since many things can go wrong. I had an idea of some "insurance" system.

    You don't have to wait until grade 5 (though it is the most profitable and there is a bonus at the end).
    You can turn in bit of your loot so you at least have something.

    But I advice you to learn how to handle AI without spending time on emissary (you cans put the flag up though) - that way you learn to beat them and get profit from the loot they spawn.

  • @daringclarky Seems redundant and unnecessary given that is exactly what Emissaries does (to a point). Also an overly complicated system.

  • @daringclarky said in Hoarding Bonus:

    @nabberwar said in Hoarding Bonus:


    Not all of them mate.
    They may at times have a fair bit sometimes to try and get their grade up but they can easily unload at an outpost as they pass and they won't benefit from keeping loot on the ship.

    There is no incentive to keep loot on your ship.

    I'm going to disagree on this. There is quite an amount of reasons to hoard while being an Emissary, at least until the point of Grade 5. Every piece of loot you off load prior to getting Grade 5 is loot sold with a smaller bonus. If I hoard loot the entire time I am building my Grade, that is more loot sold at the max possible multiplier.

    Selling at a 33% bonus compared to a 150% bonus is a night and day difference. That, and the ship itself is a hoarding bonus if you sink it. Higher the Grade the larger the payout is if you sink it. Dropping your Emissary status early has costly penalties of missing out on those exclusive voyages or Reaper's map advantage.

    Not everybody wants to be an emmissary though and don't want the extra attention.

    When you Don a flag you are at risk from being spotted by grade 5 reapers.

    With a bonus feature, even those not participating in emmissary system will benefit from hoarding and this bonus will only be amplified if you are an emmissary too.

    It means when I attack a ship, any ship there may be more loot than usual as pirates will wanna hang onto their riches.

    It means when I go sailing, any ship is a possible fat target. Not just emmisaries.

    When you invade a ship you spend resources. So if more ships have loot and are encouraged to have more loot regardless of the ship and their objective surely that's gotta be good for pirates right?

    Or am I missing something?

    You only get the increased bonus because you are opting into being an Emissary, which also comes with more risk because of the Reaper's Bones faction. Why do we need another bonus that comes while being completely anonymous? Your bonus for sailing as a non-emissary is a reduced risk factor.

    Your reasoning behind this is entirely circular and makes no sense.

    You don't want to be an emissary because it increases risk, but you want a hoarding bonus. Hoarding loot increases risk which you didn't want in the first place. What?

  • @d3adst1ck said in Hoarding Bonus:

    @daringclarky said in Hoarding Bonus:

    @nabberwar said in Hoarding Bonus:


    Not all of them mate.
    They may at times have a fair bit sometimes to try and get their grade up but they can easily unload at an outpost as they pass and they won't benefit from keeping loot on the ship.

    There is no incentive to keep loot on your ship.

    I'm going to disagree on this. There is quite an amount of reasons to hoard while being an Emissary, at least until the point of Grade 5. Every piece of loot you off load prior to getting Grade 5 is loot sold with a smaller bonus. If I hoard loot the entire time I am building my Grade, that is more loot sold at the max possible multiplier.

    Selling at a 33% bonus compared to a 150% bonus is a night and day difference. That, and the ship itself is a hoarding bonus if you sink it. Higher the Grade the larger the payout is if you sink it. Dropping your Emissary status early has costly penalties of missing out on those exclusive voyages or Reaper's map advantage.

    Not everybody wants to be an emmissary though and don't want the extra attention.

    When you Don a flag you are at risk from being spotted by grade 5 reapers.

    With a bonus feature, even those not participating in emmissary system will benefit from hoarding and this bonus will only be amplified if you are an emmissary too.

    It means when I attack a ship, any ship there may be more loot than usual as pirates will wanna hang onto their riches.

    It means when I go sailing, any ship is a possible fat target. Not just emmisaries.

    When you invade a ship you spend resources. So if more ships have loot and are encouraged to have more loot regardless of the ship and their objective surely that's gotta be good for pirates right?

    Or am I missing something?

    You only get the increased bonus because you are opting into being an Emissary, which also comes with more risk because of the Reaper's Bones faction. Why do we need another bonus that comes while being completely anonymous? Your bonus for sailing as a non-emissary is a reduced risk factor.

    Your reasoning behind this is entirely circular and makes no sense.

    You don't want to be an emissary because it increases risk, but you want a hoarding bonus. Hoarding loot increases risk which you didn't want in the first place. What?

    Allow me to clarify.

    So basically lots of ships on the seas but not much loot in them.
    Not worth the 50 cannon ball exchange.

    But if you reward players for turning in big hauls in one go then more ships will carry more loot.

    You get them to do this by paying a bonus for big hauls of loot in a short space of time.

    Nothing to do with emmisary.
    Yes emmisaries are sometimes a big fat target but not always.
    Why cant the majority of ships be worth the effort?

    Well by paying a bonus a lot of ships will be.
    Of course if you play it safe then you wont risk much but that means forfeit the hauling bonus.

    There isnt much to really be confused about and i dont see how this has anything to do with emmisaries.
    This is just to incentivise ships to take on more risk by delaying their cashing in of loot. I dont understand how this cant be anything but a good thing.

    Not only for the ships carrying and cashing in lots of loot but also for the ships that intercept and sink them.

    Even better, those who would rather take lower risk can freely do so it just means they wont get a bonus on top of their normal loot.

    Emmisaries are totally seperate and nothing to do with this idea.

    For the record i never said i didnt want to be an emmisary. I actually prefer high risk. But this would mean that regular ships that want to fly under the radar will still be tempted to carry big hauls of loot.

    The idea behind it is that the factions have a weekly quota to hit and so will pay more up front to get closer to fufilling their quote and appeasing their bosses.

  • @daringclarky said in Hoarding Bonus:

    But if you reward players for turning in big hauls in one go then more ships will carry more loot.

    You get them to do this by paying a bonus for big hauls of loot in a short space of time.

    This is the emissary system. Why would they add a duplicate system that accomplishes the same thing but without the flag?

    Not only that, but this is more convoluted and harder to convey to the end user.

  • @d3adst1ck Emmisaries dont need to horde loot to get their bonus. They get a multiplier based on the total loot they have sold whilst keeping the flag.

    But that loot is long gone and sold many hours ago.

    Im talking about a system where you must keep this loot on your ship at all time and THEN sell it.

    If you are hoarding loot as an emmisary you are doing it literally for no reason as by selling it, it contributes to your multiplier and isnt reliant on selling in one big go.

    As a pirate, a ship laden with gems and chests should be far more valuable than any grade 5 emissary flag.

    Emmisaries stand to profit even more so long as they hold onto their loot. Its not a duplicate at all its an extension.

    So thats when this idea kicks in.
    Understand now?

  • @dlchief58 said in Hoarding Bonus:

    @daringclarky Seems redundant and unnecessary given that is exactly what Emissaries does (to a point). Also an overly complicated system.

    Its not complicated at all.
    Its pretty easy.
    Cash in 1 chest starts a 10 minute timer.
    Any loot sold within that window of time accrues a bonus that is paid at the end of those 10 mins,

    More loot, bigger the bonus.

    After 10 minutes it resets and selling any loot after restarts the whole thing.

    How is that overly complicated? Thats pretty easy to understand.

  • @daringclarky I've always understood the idea, but it seems pointless to me. The emissary system is how they are incentivizing loot hoarding and granting bonuses. Adding a separate system that does basically the same thing on top of the existing one seems like a waste of time.

  • @d3adst1ck

    Its not the same thing though.
    They dont need to hoard loot.

    The entire point of it is to hoard loot. Emmisaries can turn in as often as anyone and minimise risk.

    How is that the same, please explain how that is exactly the same as a system that makes it where you are only rewarded by turning in 20 plus chests in one go.

    I give up.
    Anyways thats my idea.
    This forum is an absolute nightmare, Im gonna take a break.

  • @daringclarky Because any time you sell, you have 10 minutes to get a bonus. Sell 1 low price item, then all your good stuff. Then go do some more and sell again after 10 minutes has run out (not hard if you're sailing a decent distance).

    This doesn't create any different scenarios in regards to hoarding than what we currently see in the game, because the bonus will always be active after you sell your first whatever. People will just continue on playing as they always do but now they get a bonus on ALL X-1 ITEMS with no increase in risk.

    This is just gold inflation for no reason. You'll just need to accept that this is a bad idea and move on to your next one.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Hoarding Bonus:

    @daringclarky Because any time you sell, you have 10 minutes to get a bonus. Sell 1 low price item, then all your good stuff. Then go do some more and sell again after 10 minutes has run out (not hard if you're sailing a decent distance).

    This doesn't create any different scenarios in regards to hoarding than what we currently see in the game, because the bonus will always be active after you sell your first whatever. People will just continue on playing as they always do but now they get a bonus on ALL X-1 ITEMS with no increase in risk.

    This is just gold inflation for no reason. You'll just need to accept that this is a bad idea and move on to your next one.

    That would still be a low risk thing and the bonus payout wouldnt be there.

    Bonus kicks in from like 20 - 30 items minimum and then expand further the more loot you have.
    Ideally you would want the big juicy bonus which would be like 60 + items. You couldn't get those in less than 10 minutes. As you are nearing the 60 loot count or whatever in the meantime you are a huge target for a pirate with a lot to lose be because you will have well over 20 chests or so. which is the point of this.

    If you can get 30 - 40 chests in less than 10 minutes please post your strategy in the gameplay tips section.

    When I say a hoard of loot I mean a literal hoard. Like 30 + chests.

    Bonus won't kick if it's a small amount of loot.

    That's my point. That's why it's nothing like emmissary.

    The selling doesnt contribute to a pot like emmisary does.
    The bonus is paid for the frequency of loot sold within a time limit.
    So if you sell a lot in one go thats when you see a bonus.

    So to get a bonus you need to carry a lot to actually qualify.

    I probably should of explained it clearer.

  • @daringclarky This is called risk/reward. You can be found by a reaper or you could play it safe and not have the multiplier and a bit of extra money.

  • @daringclarky said in Hoarding Bonus:

    Its not complicated at all.
    Its pretty easy.
    Cash in 1 chest starts a 10 minute timer.
    Any loot sold within that window of time accrues a bonus that is paid at the end of those 10 mins,


    Bonus kicks in from like 20 - 30 items minimum and then expand further the more loot you have.
    Ideally you would want the big juicy bonus which would be like 60 + items. You couldn't get those in less than 10 minutes. As you are nearing the 60 loot count or whatever in the meantime you are a huge target for a pirate with a lot to lose be because you will have well over 20 chests or so. which is the point of this.

    Sounds like it is complicated then.

  • @d3adst1ck The problem is that it is written down.
    If somebody was to actually sit with you and speak it out loud it would click and youd be like...”oooooh now i get it”

    Things seem more complicated written down.

    Just think how long winded and confusing it would be if you wrote step by step instructions of making a cup of tea
    I’d be like...How much milk is that? Eh? I stir it for how long? Take the bag out when?

    Trust me mate is not complicated.
    Just looks that way because its written down.

  • If rules don't make sense when written down, they are bad rules.

  • @weisshorn2582 said in Hoarding Bonus:

    I am a new player. Wasn't able to complete emissary a single time yet. Always losing flag and loot to either skelly ships or some players. Not sure if timer is a good idea since many things can go wrong. I had an idea of some "insurance" system.

    I must agree with clarky, I've only been playing for like 3 months and I can kill the sloop on my own. Just make sure they dont ram you and your good. Gallons though... there a little tougher like 30 cannonballs all hitting. Word of advice: dont get on the broadside

  • I think a better option would be to offer loot items that start at a minimum value, then from the moment it's first "claimed" by a player, it slowly gains value over time, to a maximum. The longer you "hoard" it, the more valuable it becomes, until you eventually cash it in.

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