Are the ghost captain sails and flamehearts sails time limited

  • Are the ghost captain sails and flamehearts sails time limited ?????

  • 13
  • Last I checked, No.

  • They've mostly stopped doing "timed" events.

  • Nope just in Duke's shop for greater visibility. Instead of being buried at the end of the shipwright.

  • how do you get the ghost sails? do you need to sell skulls to the order of the souls or do I just need to sink ghost ships ?
    Are you guys sure about the not timed part? If with a future update they will remove the ghost ships or the flameheart event, well, no more sails.

  • @neoreziel666 Ghost capitan sail= sell 50 ghost captain skull
    Burning blade = sink 10 times in the raid the burning blade, hope this can help you bud
    good hunt

  • @sunbro95 10 times is just grade2" banisher of the spectral flame" but i think you are right cause everyone say just 10 times

  • Man I sure hope not. Its going to take me a while to get 50 ghost captain skulls.

  • @noblexd they aren't

  • I don't see the sails anymore to purchase from Duke...

  • @i-fillaful-i said in Are the ghost captain sails and flamehearts sails time limited:

    I don't see the sails anymore to purchase from Duke...

    Try at the shipwright.

  • No, they just take time to destroy.

  • @lem0n-curry thanks. They are there.

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