"SoT Matchmaking has failed" - Please advise or FIX!

  • So I get the "Sea of Thieves Matchmaking has failed. Please try again (Greybeard)" - error every time I try and do open crew. Is there a server glitch they did not inform us about or what is going on?
    Anyone else have this issue?

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    matchmaking error
  • @roguedk Ahoy matey!

    This is an issue that the team are aware of and are working very hard to resolve. However for now, this does remain a known issue.

    One fix you could try though, is to boot into a session as a closed crew and when you are in, change it over to open crew... I hear that has worked for some!

  • @musicmee said in "SoT Matchmaking has failed" - Please advise or FIX!:

    @roguedk Ahoy matey!

    This is an issue that the team are aware of and are working very hard to resolve. However for now, this does remain a known issue.

    One fix you could try though, is to boot into a session as a closed crew and when you are in, change it over to open crew... I hear that has worked for some!

    So this is a intermediate error then? Any timeframe when it'll be looked at ?

  • @roguedk

    It's been going on for a few months but has become more noticeable recently... there is no timescales for a fix, other than they are working on a fix so I wouldn't expect it to be too long.

  • @musicmee said in "SoT Matchmaking has failed" - Please advise or FIX!:


    It's been going on for a few months but has become more noticeable recently... there is no timescales for a fix, other than they are working on a fix so I wouldn't expect it to be too long.

    I hope it gets fixed soon. Im not a huge fan of using the in-game group finding, but it does come in handy at times. - Game itself is also really laggy for me. Maybe a month of more bug fixing and less content would be good.

  • Agreed @RogueDK
    i have seen posts about this from 2 months ago now i have just started to get this error when my friend can play open crew just fine. I'm just trying to play arena and cant even start it from a closed crew. I don't even play adventure so there isn't really a work around for me to play

  • For anyone trying to play arena mode, Since this has been going on for 2 months now and most likely wont be fixed anytime soon there is a work around to get into arena in a closed crew. when you highlight your cursor over closed crew on PC hit enter then hold escape right after you hit enter. For xbox hit A then hold the B button. Try it a few times and it will load you into arena in a closed crew. For those playing adventure just load the game up using closed crew then when you are in game hit escape and go to "My Crew" then click "Crew Type" and change that to open crew. you should get some players coming in without having to use the group finder

  • Weird thing that started for me when the open crew issue started a week or so ago is when I go to closed crew for my sloop as the game is loading I hear random people talking on open mics

    alt text

  • I've had it for 3 days and I don't know what to do

  • i was just about to buy 4 copyes for me and my friends, thank good this error show that devs sucks with his customers. It prevented me to waste money on this game.

  • @musicmee
    That's so unprofessional. Few months with such simply error? I can't play for 1month already. Closing all tickets with status "resolved" = problem does not exists (at least for managers who watch only statistics and charts). I think that someone did screwed his job and now is hiding it from managers.

  • @lemur2679 Ahoy matey!

    If a ticket gets closed to you, it just means it has been passed onto the relevant department. Imagine how many tickets there are would be in the system for this one if they were all left open.

    The team at Rare are fully aware of the issue and hope to have this fixed ASAP.

  • I was checking back every day, Then once a week. Still getting the error every time. I think that's it for me. This is ridiculous.
    It really seems like they don't about the players at all.

  • @musicmee
    That kind of bug should be fixed within several hours with well designed error handling mechanism. If they can't fix it for few months, then it means they have serious problem with software development process or application architecture.

  • @lemur2679 Its actually been a nightmare to track down by all accounts, a client update was pushed out to Pc users to even get a bit more tacking info on it.

    From what I have heard it seems to be quite random who gets the bug, and once they have it they have it for good.

    I do know Rare are trying to pull out all the stops for a fix being pushed out VERY VERY soon but I would wait for an announcement on this.

  • I started getting this a few days ago, and now it's all I get when trying to open crew. Yes the work around works in adventure mode to change crew status after you log in but in the arena it doesn't let you log in at all in a closed crew unless you have other players. Im solo 95% of the time and RELY on the ability to get others to play with using that option. This sucks and is making the game unplayable for me at all to do the Arena. For as long as it appears this is a known issue, it's incredible to me given the game play impact that it has not yet been addressed and fixed. '

matchmaking error
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