Arena concept (I will never let this awesome game mode disappear)

  • hello fellow pirates,

    Today i'd like to talk about my favourite part of the game, and how it could come back : The Arena.
    I think this mode could be the next big multiplayer hit of 2022/2023 with some adjustements.

    I know that developers said they will not work on this anymore, but since i'm a little stubborn i will continue to think about it anyway.
    PS : I'm a french pirate so excuse my english :)

    So, let's begin !
    First, the new arena concept would be a stand alone F2P (or very cheap - less than 15$). This would allow the game to be played by a lot of people.
    Of course we should have microtransaction, but like in the main game, they should only be cosmetics.
    when you open the menu in the new arena, you could see every reputation like in the main game, but everything except the one of the arena would be locked. I think that could bring some new curious people in the main game.

    Now for the game :

    • 6 boats per game
    • Same level and reward as the arena now (or even better, more levels and more rewards)
    • All rewards could be used in the main game, and all the main game cosmetics could be used in the new arena (except for boats cosmetics)
    • Hull, sails and flag are imposed, but evolving with your level and/or commendations
    • Maybe a ranked mode with MMR ?

    We could have some new game modes :

    • Bring back old mode with a lot of chest
    • Actual mode
    • Battle royal mode with red sea taking the game area (last boat floating win)
    • Battle royal mode without boat, on very big island like shores of gold for exemple

    We could also have some regular tournament (like in Rocket League for those who knows)

    • Tournament tree of 24 boats (4 differents lobby, first 2 or 3 to each game go to next round)
    • Exclusive rewards for tournament winners
    • New rewards every 3-4 months ?

    To make the game financially profitable, we would have the pirate emporium like in the main game, we could buy :

    • Pirates cosmetics (clothes, outfit)
    • Pets
    • Boats cosmetics (only helms, canons and anchor)
    • Weapons cosmetics
    • Emotes

    If you're interested, i would love to see other ideas or what you think about this.
    Thanks for reading :)

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    feedbackgeneralcommunityjust for funcompetition
  • Battle royal mode with red sea taking the game area (last boat floating win)

    The only good suggestion. This is what arena should've always been, naval combat.

  • @ghabzs

    I will never let this awesome game mode disappear

    Then you better be on your good way to becoming Rare's all new CEO. Because I don't see how Arena is getting any love otherwise.

  • I really wish they would just kill Arena completely at this point. I love Arena, and it's sad to see it in the state that it's in. It's borderline post apocalyptic between the bugs and cliques: TDM'ers, Ultra Sweaties, and Newbies.

    Making Arena standalone and F2P would help a lot. Adding a true naval BR would make it incredibly popular...but honestly I don't think that's what Rare least not yet. That would just detract from all the hard work they've put into the Adventure mode.

    I could definitely see them giving the people the Arena they wanted down the line when the Adventure story is coming to an end and the playerbase is dwindling.

  • @sweetsandman

    Making Arena standalone and F2P would help a lot.

    This actually is brutally clever. To have a part of the game being free, so that people can have a taste.

    Fortnite actually started this way. The PvE part was paid while the BR was free to play. Look at them now...

  • @greengrimz said in [Arena concept (I will never let this awesome game mode disappear)]

    This actually is brutally clever. To have a part of the game being free, so that people can have a taste.

    Fortnite actually started this way. The PvE part was paid while the BR was free to play. Look at them now...

    That's exactly (unfortunately) my point. The PvE part died because the BR gained so much popularity. I reckon the same would happen for SoT and Rare knows it. They're smart enough to see what's most popular on Twitch at any given time.

    If/when the Adventure story is coming to an end and we're seeing fewer and fewer players, I think that is when they'll unleash the Arena we want so it can dethrone Adventure - their pride and joy.

  • @sweetsandman said in Arena concept (I will never let this awesome game mode disappear):

    @greengrimz said in [Arena concept (I will never let this awesome game mode disappear)]

    This actually is brutally clever. To have a part of the game being free, so that people can have a taste.

    Fortnite actually started this way. The PvE part was paid while the BR was free to play. Look at them now...

    That's exactly (unfortunately) my point. The PvE part died because the BR gained so much popularity. I reckon the same would happen for SoT and Rare knows it. They're smart enough to see what's most popular on Twitch at any given time.

    If/when the Adventure story is coming to an end and we're seeing fewer and fewer players, I think that is when they'll unleash the Arena we want so it can dethrone Adventure - their pride and joy.

    The games are very different, and people come to SoT for different reasons too, you can't compare it to FN 1:1.

    Anyway, I don't think Arena can dethrone Adventure at any point, even if it received regular attention. At most, it could serve as a "demo" into the actual SoT game, as well as a door to e-Sports scenes.

  • @greengrimz

    Maybe...but it begs the question: Why haven't they done it yet?

    If us peons can see that a F2P intro into SoT via a really good Arena BR is a good idea...Why haven't they done it? The framework is there. A few tweaks and it'd be perfect and not require a whole lot of dev work. Why haven't they done it?

    IMO, Arena just needs to go away (for now) and be considered one of the greatest Time Limited events that SoT ever had.

  • @sweetsandman said in Arena concept (I will never let this awesome game mode disappear):


    Maybe...but it begs the question: Why haven't they done it yet?

    If us peons can see that a F2P intro into SoT via a really good Arena BR is a good idea...Why haven't they done it? The framework is there. A few tweaks and it'd be perfect and not require a whole lot of dev work. Why haven't they done it?

    IMO, Arena just needs to go away (for now) and be considered one of the greatest Time Limited events that SoT ever had.

    I'm sure they've considered this long before we came up with the idea. And for some reason somebody/some group with the power to decide, has decided it's not worth Rare's efforts. The reasons could be thousands, and many kinds, like serious ones: "this idea contradicts with how I want to run my game"; or they might as well be as silly as "because my grandmother doesn't like wearing brown socks". The "why" part is really not our business. As peons we are to either deal with it or beat it. Simple as that.

    As for Arena being completely removed, I'm sure Rare have been tempted to do that at some point, but there's too many commendations involved over there, so the lesser evil was to just leave it there to rot. Besides, it does soak a part of the sweatlord TDMers, so that's still a small win for the community managers.

  • They need to do something. Either save Arena or put Sea Dogs in Adventure. Doing nothing at all is just malicious, IMO.

  • I think they need to make small changes to get the game mode playable before they'd consider investing a huge amount of development time on a major revamp and have it flop again.

    First thing is the lobbies and the loading times. The black screen time needs to be reduced at the start and end of a round. The lobbies need to be given a maximum wait time, or a countdown of some kind so that people who get into a lobby know how much time they are going to be waiting. A lot of people quit out because the lobby seems to be taking forever. Give the lobby 2 minutes, 5 minutes maximum, and then start the game with the players that are there. Constant merging and sitting in a lobby for 10+ minutes is the main interest killer. This mode should be quick rounds, low down time and then more action right away.

    Fix the chest beacon. In Galleon mode, add another chest or two to try to compensate for the higher cannon volume.

    It would be nice if they could merge partial crews together within the same lobby, but given the way it appears that the party system works I don't think this is possible.

    Once these are fixed, see if the game mode gets more popular and reevaluate whether it's worth it to continue development.

  • It's not the game mode that's the problem. It's the disgusting human behavior that is exhibited in said game mode!

    Actually the game mode was never the issue. It was that it never worked. You just sit there for 45 minutes and when it finally starts...
    If it ever find yourself alone on a Galleon

  • @sweetsandman
    No, adventure would never die as a result of arena becoming more popular. Arena would still be seen as an alternative game mode and existing SoT players would continue playing adventure. A BR arena becoming more well known would only help Rare as they would still have countless players on adventure.

  • @phixy42 said in Arena concept (I will never let this awesome game mode disappear):

    Battle royal mode with red sea taking the game area (last boat floating win)

    The only good suggestion. This is what arena should've always been, naval combat.

    What a bad opinion. The TDM community disagrees.

    There should be both naval and non-naval modes.

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