I think ive had enough

  • I got this game cause my friends talked it up big. Im still fairly new. Its amazing to sail the seas, find treasure, do riddles, all that stuff. but due to many many reasons i have to play solo. i know, i know. anything i type past this point will be ignored and the copy paste advice of look for group, get better, ect will be dropped below. BUT I MOSTLY PLAY SOLO. SOLO PLAYER HERE. i want to play this game though. i do.

    But, this is not fun and i feel like its just been a big waste of time, money and effort to try and make the game fun for myself, however other players want me to play their version of fun. I just wanna do tall tales and adventure stuff. when it takes 3 hours and 4 ships to just get the island to start the Tale...i just cant doing it anymore. its just starting over again and again and again because people just want to sink my ship full of nothing. I dont wanna fight but from what im learning from the community im in the wrong here. its my fault i cant defend from a galleon, I should have had perfect combat skills. Its my fault for being chased down, i should have perfect helmsmen skills while also doing repairs and removing water. its my fault for just trying to do riddles, i should have perfect awareness while also trying to solve a picture riddle on an island ive never been to.
    its just the same stuff over and over. People chasing me down, pretending to be cool just to kill making up any stroy they want to justify kill me and picking me and their nightly fun. "But if people are hounding you, you can just scuttle!" I know and lose 2 hours of work to someone to just happen to sail by, and be as far away as i can from the island i need to be at. "Please i just wanna do adventure stuff. please leave me alone." "Well your ship has no lights. hear let me help." They set my ship on fire and shot me. There are no tools in this game to help the player that wants to just sail the seas alone and have adventure fun, and the Community and Rare both say, "Correct. By design."

    i dont want advice. im rambling at this point. im just gonna get the same stuff repeated here about how its, again, my fault and things are easy in fact. i just had to say this. i know there with be nothing added to the game to help player that just want to not fight. those players arent rewarded. only pvp people are. they win.

    whatever. no one cares.

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  • Well, I don't think anyone here will be able to help you, literally, because you want to play solo and you're not open to changes.

  • Not sure I understand the purpose of the post. Does this really constitute a tavern tale? Is it not more a rant, cry for help, etc? I can't really respond as I don't know what you are seeking from the community.

  • since you reject everything Rare and Community has told you, then im sorry, but Im afraid this game is not for you

  • @WendyOfWoods

    I understand your pain!

    Having played the game from day 1, I spend most of the time in this game as a solo sloop and play solo about 95% of the time. I can tell you as a person who plays solo sloop, you really need to change how you approach the game. The first points I would recommend to you are as follows:

    • Check your map for 'Reapers Emmissary' on the server. If there is a Reapers, log off and find a new server without a Reapers.
    • Always check your horizon, whether on ship or land. Continually do this whilst doing a riddle, fighting skellys, X mark maps, Cargo runs, etc.
    • Always get yourself a rowboat, this is your backup plan or parachute. Albeit it slows down the progress-based gameplay. But it does allow you to move around the world more freely.
    • Sell your loot frequently, never leave a lot of loot on your ship. I typically do not invest a lot in my ship, as I know that at any point I may need to get rid of it.
    • Don't do things that put a target on your back, (i.e., Fort of the Damned, Athenas' Veil Stone, Ashen Winds, Sunken Kingdoms, etc). These events have world markers and will always bring other players to your location.

    Now, let's discuss things you can do as a solo sloop to make the game more interesting. Let's say you are frustrated with the aforementioned items which you had mentioned. Focus on more specific tasks, such as commendation completion, faction completion, and event completion. Here is a list of things I do in-game when frustrated or bored with the game:

    • Pick a Tall Tale and do it 5 times, this will earn you the 'Gold Curse' in the end. Yes, this is a tall repetitive order. But in the end, you get rewards for each Tall Tale and as I said the 'Gold Curse' at the end.
    • Need to work on your Athenas' reputation? Try doing Athena voyages in the Devil's Roar, typically this area has no players and you don't get bothered all that much, other than the annoying volcanos. Also, make sure you get a rowboat, see the previous list.
    • Most find it boring, but work on your Hunters Call reputation. Low impact fishing and work on completion of all Grade 5 accomplishments for each type of fish.
      *Bilge Rats - look through all the events and pick one and complete it, even if it takes multiple sessions.
    • Pick an island and maroon yourself, preferably one of the large islands and fairly close to an outpost. Plus you will want a rowboat for this option and plenty of food, as it is vital to not be sent to the Ferry of the Damned. You could even start by doing a voyage on the island. I cannot tell you how many times I have marooned myself on Devil's Ridge and have built a pretty large stack of loot.
    • Sunken Kingdoms - These can be done solo if you change how you do them. Go to a Sunken Kingdom or Treasury and scuttle your ship. Swim down and start the event, keep in mind that you do not want to let your character die during this method of play. As you collect treasure store it within the mermaid statue that gives you this functionality, this will allow you to collect the treasure later. Once complete, take the mermaid statue or die to return to your ship. Quickly return to the Sunken location, and swim out to the mermaid in the water to collect your treasure. Get the treasure on your ship and go sell the loot quickly. Once again, as mentioned before, check your horizon first before collecting treasure.

    I hope these pointers for a solo sloop player help you and it re-sparks your interest in such a magical game.

  • alt text

    It's harsh out there. It's not your fault that the experience might be incompatible with what you are looking for. It just is what it is. You get to look for what is right for you and the devs get to create what they want to create. Nobody is at fault there.

    You're gonna do what you're gonna do and how you feel isn't wrong. It's your experience.

    I hope things get better, if it is with this game or if it is with a different game.

  • Some trails are happy ones,
    Others are blue.

    It's the way you ride the trail that counts,
    Here's a happy one for you.

    Happy trails to you,
    Until we meet again.
    Happy trails to you,
    Keep smiling until then.

    Who cares about the clouds when we're together?
    Just sing a song, and bring the sunny weather.

    Happy trails to you,
    Until we meet again.

  • Alliance servers, mate. Only way to play how you want, cause adventure mode is play how others want.

  • @wendyofwoods it seems like you understand the game isn't meant to be played the way you'd like, but you don't want to accept it. this game definitely isn't meant for everyone to like and that's okay. earning loot is meant to be more exciting with the idea that it's never safe until its sold and you're a moment from losing it all. it's a hardcore concept and very punishing, but also rewarding if you enjoy risk. not everyone does and it may just be best for you to acknowledge that and find a new game or try indulging in the playstyle.

  • @targasbr i am open to changes id like this game to change a lot.

  • @guyrza dont remember where i said i rejected. i tried everything suggested. hell i just jumped on and played for 4 hours. gave it another go. lights out, avoided everyone i saw, was as paranoid as possible. someone sunk my ship for a single bronze thing and took my tall tale items and failed the tale. 4 hours wasted. i have to do that all over again. Rare doesnt respect my time i guess.

  • @captncarmichael like i kinda was sold on the item of being an adventure. Rare doesnt plaster PVP all over the adverts. But when it clicks it clicks hard. the wind, the waves, the sounds, THE STORMS?!? my god its so cool! then a guy sets my ship on fire while im on an island for 5 mins.
    its also little things. fine take my loot i dont care. Tale Talls are fun to me. i just learned today after 4 hours of playing that players can steal tall tale items and fail me out of the quest. thats a feature of the game, its meant to be fun i assume. 4 hours wasted cause i parked my boat, no lights! i gotta say that or people will think im dumb at the game. guy comes along sinks it for a single bronze piece and my quest items. Thanks Rare. money and time wasted. everyone in this thread is right. it is not for me. i honest dont know how the numbers are so high.

  • @wendyofwoods said in I think ive had enough:

    @guyrza dont remember where i said i rejected. i tried everything suggested. hell i just jumped on and played for 4 hours. gave it another go. lights out, avoided everyone i saw, was as paranoid as possible. someone sunk my ship for a single bronze thing and took my tall tale items and failed the tale. 4 hours wasted. i have to do that all over again. Rare doesnt respect my time i guess.

    they added check points specifically to assist players like you and it's a massive qol improvement for people that are in your situation.

  • @wolfmanbush you mean voting on the book on your quest table right? well see here's the thing. the quest failed cause the stolen items were 'lost', and the tall tale went away. So i have to start over. Because stealing quest items is fun for everyone.

  • @wendyofwoods said in I think ive had enough:

    @wolfmanbush you mean voting on the book on your quest table right? well see here's the thing. the quest failed cause the stolen items were 'lost', and the tall tale went away. So i have to start over. Because stealing quest items is fun for everyone.

    Once you get to a spot in the tale that has a checkpoint that's yours to re-use as much as you want until it gets replaced by a different checkpoint or until you manually remove it

    losing a tall tale item no longer is a permanent issue as you can go to a new server and lay down your check point and any necessary items up to that point will be put on your quest table.

  • @wendyofwoods said in I think ive had enough:

    @targasbr i am open to changes id like this game to change a lot.

    The problem is precisely this, what must change is your mindset, not the game.

  • @wolfmanbush there was no checkpoint yet, is what i am saying. i got the key and the skeleton chest, then a guy bombed my ship and took it to the reapers hideout. i had NOT gotten to the point when you are given a checkpoint. So i had to start all over. because players can do this and devs cheer them on.

  • @targasbr i mean there a lot in the game that could. im going to say the thing no will agree with cause i guess its a sin, but a pve server would be great. "But it'd kill the game." if thats all it would take, whats that say about the base game? but that aside the game is unblanced for people WHO CAN NOT PLAY WITH OTHER PEOPLE. "Sorry loser gets some friends, or dont play my perfect game." There is also the point of saying my mindset needs to change, but yourself not wanting change to happen yourself.

  • @wendyofwoods said in I think ive had enough:

    @wolfmanbush there was no checkpoint yet, is what i am saying. i got the key and the skeleton chest, then a guy bombed my ship and took it to the reapers hideout. i had NOT gotten to the point when you are given a checkpoint. So i had to start all over. because players can do this and devs cheer them on.

    allowing freedom of gameplay isn't necessarily condoning it.

    there are people that do not view that situation as a piratical dilemma they will sink and kill as they please

    but there are many of us that have been around for a long time that try to be considerate on a personal level in situations like these. It's not an obligation and nobody is better or worse pirates or people because of it as it's gameplay and people get to play within the rules how they choose.

    I understand that it is frustrating. As a solo that went through the tall tales I saw and experienced a lot of things that I would like to avoid doing myself. All we can do is keep trying and implementing from what we learned from trying. You aren't required to support this experience. If it's something that truly bothers you there are other adventure experiences out there within the video game world that might be more in line with how you view a shared adventure environment.

    It's never a matter of being unwelcome or not thinking you are capable, I think you are completely capable in this environment it's only a matter of compatibility and finding an experience that brings joy rather than stress and negativity based on your individual preferences.

  • When did the tavern “tales” become a place for ranting and complaining?

    I came here to read a story about something that happen on the seas. not read hate mail. :(

  • @wolfmanbush i just wanna say this back forth has been great. no jokes. this has been pleasent. if i come across as agreesive at you, its not intended.

    i do wanna touch on this though "people get to play within the rules how they choose." that is very true. but there are people who love this game a lot want to experence what the world has to offer, but then they are punished for not playing how this other person wants to. They want to put in the long hours and grind to amass a hold full of loot and good times. But cause the dont want to engage in one part of a greater whole their expierence is lessened. there's no tools for them to use to deal with. i truly think improvements could be made that make both side happy. I personally, despite all my moaning, i dont want pvp to go away. Seeing two ship duke it out inside a super cell storm is something only Sea of Thieves has. when i saw that the first time a friend showed me the game, i was like i dont want to be in there but im glad i saw it. as it stand the blanced is weighted heavy to one side. there is no threat or risk for a group to fight a solo or and adventure group. that i feel needs to change.

  • @wendyofwoods said in I think ive had enough:

    @targasbr i mean there a lot in the game that could. im going to say the thing no will agree with cause i guess its a sin, but a pve server would be great. "But it'd kill the game." if thats all it would take, whats that say about the base game? but that aside the game is unblanced for people WHO CAN NOT PLAY WITH OTHER PEOPLE. "Sorry loser gets some friends, or dont play my perfect game." There is also the point of saying my mindset needs to change, but yourself not wanting change to happen yourself.

    I'm quite antisocial and it's an incentivized game that doesn't like close people, but Sea of ​​Thieves plays with other people. Like Pokemon GO, for example, which doesn't leave the house, I particularly prefer not to play.

  • Greetings Captain WendyOfWoods,

    First of all, I feel your pain mate. I can say i'm an average Pirate with 200 hours in Sea of Thieves. You don't want advice but i will share my experience with you and it may help in a way.

    In a lot of ways we both seek the same goal in the game. The lore, the riddle, jokes creators left for us to find,... I read EVERYTHING i can find !
    I don't care much about loots (except when merchant rep is involve :) and most of all, I don't care about PVP. That's the way i choose to sail and i enjoy it a lot.

    Stating the obvious

    It's fracking hard and frustating over time. Pirates open fire at first sight and i tried everything. Every flag color, sit, dances, music, talking, letter in a bottle, surrendering, cannon aiming the sky with and without fireworks, and more.
    Most of the time Pirates don't care and will try to sink you(I'm not counting ships with reapers flag).
    If they board, you are dead and if you try to respwan they will instant kill you when you respawn.
    If you are at bay and on land or underwater, you ship will be sink.
    The rest of the time it's a mix of pirates like us or have better things to do. The worst are the kind who make an alliance with you and kill you when you will loose the most. I hate those Pirates.
    Don't think a second that behaviour will change. It's their kind of fun and you have to respect that.
    Rarely, you will find friendly Pirates who play musics and are completely drunk. Enjoy when it happens !!!

    So avoiding...

    I flee but i advice this only if you like this kind of response (i do, a lot) and if you are a good captain. I had a gallion chasing me during more than 2 hours.... and of course without any loots in my ship and they didn't take me down!!! They loose 2h of their time, every member of their crew ! I'm proud of that in a way. Of course, I don't fool myself, it will happen again. Sometime it's a win, sometimes it's not.
    I don't accept alliance anymore for the reason i spoke before. I found a lighter almost thirty years ago with 3 words ingraved on it "Trust no one". And it's true! Anyway sinking your ship is the best move in most cases... (i know, it's sad)
    I stay a lot in the Devil Roar area. I find less pirates there and it's the place i go when i'm chased ;). i know this region very well because of that and I enjoy the sun in the Shores of Plenty even further after sometimes in the Devils Roar ;)

    Conclusion : I stopped sailing 2 years ago. Too hard to be bully like this in almost every sailing session. I came back a week ago, my ship was almost happy to see me, and nothing has changed on that part. I'm still not a legend so i don't have access to the next part of the adventure but i will be there before i stop again i hope, and i have new riddles and tall tales to discover and solve :).
    Maybe take a break. Come back in a few month or years and give it another shot. You are not alone and it's not your fault but we cannot change how Pirates choose to behave. We can only adapt and hope to find what we seek, Peace.

    Thank you for those who read me and my apologize for my spelling. My english is not that good. :)

    Roudik, A Friendly Pirates in the Sea of Thieves

  • As someone who only plays in a group of 3-4, I feel the need to defend the behaviors of the larger groups. We're not all a bunch of griefers out to gank singles. Like you, we just want to log off at the end of the night and not be bitter.

    When we first started sailing, we tried the friendly route, and it always left us bitter at the end of the play session.

    You'd think that a single player would pose no risk to a group of 4, but as new pirates, when you watch a single player stroll up all friendly in port, spawn camp your entire group for 10 minutes while doing what seems like mechanics exploitative AD strafe jump/sword-teleporting, then dance on your corpses while your ship sinks... well, you change your mind on the apparent danger of a single human.

    This happened enough times that we enabled a jaded "trust no-one" policy. The policy works like this:

    1. Avoid all player ships
    2. Kill any ship or player that deliberately approaches
    3. If a ship is docked in a port that we are destined to, sink ship and kill players before docking if we have advantage, otherwise see rule #1.

    So, sorry in advance if we roll up on you in port and sink you, it's a big sea, it doesn't happen often. Dead men steal no loot.

  • i play since years solo, sometimes i get interruptet in a row while doin voyages and get nothing done, it can be annoying yes(but i like pvp at the end of the day cause without pvp pve would be boring).sometimes u can do nothing and sometimes i have playsessions where no one attracks. you can look at the emissary table if a reaper on the server leave it, maybe even when mostly the whole server doin emissaries, in my experience it raise the chance for a quiet voyage

  • @wendyofwoods said in I think ive had enough:

    @targasbr i am open to changes id like this game to change a lot.

    That's not how it works mate. You can't force the game to change around what you want it to be. All you can do is deal with how the game is and take responsibility over your own decisions and gameplay.

    Playing solo is the hardest mode to play SoT on. You can either accept this and seek to adapt your approach accordingly, which includes improving your ability to evade/defend yourself during fights. Or you can accept that this game is not worth playing solo.

  • @wendyofwoods
    I play solo most of the time. And when I do, I am always playing in pve mode. My PVP skills suck in every multiplayer game that I play. And this game is no different for me.
    I bought the game when it first came out and quickly had to take a break because I was always getting killed and sunk. I couldn't handle it. This game is too beautiful and fluid to stay away from. It kept calling to me to come back.

    I will say this. Not every game session will be like you describe. You will have many days where no one will come near you. Enjoy that solitude. There are more friendly pirates out on those seas than nasty ones. Many that are out to kill and sink you are trully friendly. I run into them often enough to keep me coming back.
    I play on xbox, and choose to play on xbox servers with controllers only. It's a little bit safer (IMO).

    If you can stand to be social, don't be afraid to join an alliance. Most alliances I have joined, we have sailed our own ways. The advantage is that you now have one less potential hostile ship to worry about. You may even have a chance to have fun with the other crews. To me, it's well worth taking that risk. If they betray me, then they would have probably sunk and killed me at some point had we not joined an alliance.

    Some of the checkpoints are pretty spread out in those tall tales. If you didn't need a second key for that chest that they took, always open the chest and take out what is inside. It may add that item to your menu wheel. Then the chest might not be needed any more. Then when you start from that checkpoint, that Item that you worked so long and hard for should be back in your menu wheel.

    The best advise that I have received so far is to "Sell often and to Just Enjoy the Adventure". It helps me keep the smile on my face as lose everything and have to respawn at my new ship. I still do get upset. Sometimes I get frustrated and stop playing for a while. But the Seas always call me back.

    I hope that you find your way back to the Seas. I could use more non-hostile pirates like yourself, on the servers with me.

  • This game is hard when you start, especially solo. The best is to learn how to defend yourself. This will cost you lots of fights at first and it will be annoying but if you stick to it, eventually you will get better. If you don’t want to do that and you don’t want to hear people suggesting you to join the discord to look for crew or something, then maybe it is not the best game for you.

  • Your friends talked up the game... do they not play it themselves?

  • What are Woods doing upon the waves?

    [Then looks at all of the very wooden ships being sailed across the Sea]


  • Unfortunately this is just the way the game was designed. I've no idea why they haven't made a standalone version of the game for all the people out there who have no interest in the pvp side - personally i think it would be a huge seller.

  • @wendyofwoods sagte in I think ive had enough:

    @wolfmanbush there was no checkpoint yet, is what i am saying. i got the key and the skeleton chest, then a guy bombed my ship and took it to the reapers hideout. i had NOT gotten to the point when you are given a checkpoint. So i had to start all over. because players can do this and devs cheer them on.

    I can relate to that. That happened to us when we were pretty much new to the game. But instead of the reapers hideout they took it to the red sea. 😐
    Haven't done a Tall Tale (aside from the POTC ones) since then because I like to enjoy story based stuff in peace and really get immersed in the adventure and characters.

  • Most solo players will always be in trouble/danger. (Sure there are some really good solo sloopers who can murder everyone, but not that many.)

    The thing is, SoT is a multiplayer game, a game that sort of demands cooperation and teamwork. A fully crewed galleon that does not work as a team is an easy target, just as easy to sink as a solo sloop.

    I know that the OP says he/she is a solo player, but the thing is there is security in numbers. More eyes to look out for other ships. Someone can always stay at the ship guarding it and so on. Solo slooping is the "hard mode" in SoT. So perhaps go on discord and find some fellow pirates to sail with. There are good and bad pirates out there, so you might have to go through a bunch of them until you find some you like, and fit your playstyle and timezone.

    So gather a crew, or join a crew, and the seas will be nicer to you. Also with the coming update/season, there will be more focus on crews. (As being alone as a captain, kind of defeats the point of being a captain of a ship.)

    EDIT: Not sure if this is advice or just me rambling by myself, but perhaps there is something of value in my post. :)

  • They have a matchmaking feature if you don't want to solo

  • @ghostfire1981 said in I think ive had enough:

    So gather a crew, or join a crew, and the seas will be nicer to you.

    Everyone is different. Not everyone is compatible with a crew and MANY are not compatible with the process of finding one if they don't already have one.

    Finding a consistent compatible crew is a lightning strike of luck and the social/personality requirement to go through the process that can include a lot of frustration, conflict, awkwardness can be uncomfortable and unpleasant for many.

    The difficulty for many to find schedule compatibility and social compatibility imo has always and will always be the most significant struggle with longevity/retention in this game. It's not something that can be patched, it's not something a feature or content will ever truly change. Scheduling in a time consuming game like this and personality compatibility are something a pirate has to work out for themselves and the process of that and the odds of success lead many to choosing solo life or a different game altogether after a while.

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