• @scheneighnay said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @bloodybil said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @count-drogos said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    I don't know about you but when I see a ship leave an outpost I assume they're empty.

    I often have many treasure chests and gems for the Hunters Call still on my ship when leaving the outposts. Fish and supplies too!

  • @kalgert said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    Some players are pirates, some players are content. People have to pick.

    "Oh yeah you guys, other players are content, they aren't even worthy of being classed as people!"
    "... Why are people calling me toxic? And why isn't the game being as popular!?"

    Dude it's fine to go with the whole "Yeah this game appeals to X kind of people", but then you, or people like you, don't get to then at the same time grandstand about how this game is super unique and special and totally not like other games.

    If this game appeals to people who like survival games (That tend to be constant open world PvP), you don't then get to in the same breath say that it is a game where time investment means nothing and that everyone sings kumbaya afterwards. Everyone who has played any of these types of games in their lifetime knows what kind of audience these games attract, Sea of Thieves is no different.

    Edit: And referring to people as "Content" and having absolutely no care for anyone or the game's playerbase, but yourself and your enjoyment isn't going to win you any points in convincing that the game is going to be a long-lasting experience. Well it might be, but only with murderhobos as its constant playerbase.

    I didn't remove their classification as a person, they just aren't a pirate. And that is not being toxic. Here, I'll give you a list of things that are toxic and not toxic in Sea of Thieves.

    Being a degenerate over chat, in game mic/text or xbox live messages.
    Sabotaging your own crew.
    Spawn camping WHILE bucketing for the sake of killing.
    Hunting the same boat over and over on purpose.

    Hunting boats down.
    Sinking boats at the outpost, they are likely in the way(fresh spawns) or trying to cash out.
    Spawn camping to syphon supplies.
    Spawn camping to guarantee the sink because there are only a few holes in the boat. (think small ones in a bottom deck)
    Killing other pirates.
    Stealing other pirates' loot.

    We are allowed to and encouraged to fight other players. We do not need to alliance, we actively turn them down when people try. We do not need to let you go on your merry old way. We will chase you to the ends of the map to find out if you have loot. We are also allowed to say that this game is unique, because it is. There is no other game like it. This game is for the PvPvE crowd. If you only want to partake in half of that, it sounds like its your problem. Sure the crew I roll with does more PvP than PvE but we will do fleets(they are still kind a fun and offer good loot). I will usually shoot over and solo forts/ashen lords while they look for more boats to sink. Additionally, especially when there are new ledger rewards, we will set up a bait boat. Reapers Mark, Athena emissary(or other), and grind out loot hoping a fight comes for us. Fighting people is fun.

    As for your last line. Why should I care about other crews fun? I don't when I play any other online PvP game. And why wouldn't this game be a long-lasting experience for the people it was designed for? I've been here for 4+ years with 4000+ hours. I know many like me. I am not trying to win points, I understand the type of game Sea of Thieves is.

  • @grog-minto 1 year ago the daily player count was 2.1 million ish currently it sits at 1.6 million is. Thats still healthy but a 25% ish drop is still of concern. Theres still time to right the ship so to speak before it becomes a serious problem. Losing 500k in a year should at least trigger a review of the cause. The game simply isn't welcoming to newcomers partly because some folks view them as content to be exploited for their own personal amusement instead of protecting their experience and helping to usher them in

  • @count-drogos said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @grog-minto The game simply isn't welcoming to newcomers partly because some folks view them as content to be exploited for their own personal amusement instead of protecting their experience and helping to usher them in

    To some degree this has been accurate

    less on the malicious side and more on the irresponsible side for maintaining the environment, both on the development side and the side of the hunter

    content creators caught on far too late when they really had no choice but to catch on, they more often do the "let's let them go" thing now but for a couple of years it was all they could eat, and they ate. I'm not just talking big streamers or streamers specifically, people that over hunted for some form of content even if lightly viewed or private.

    I've talked about it for a few years, it's not sustainable on a 10 year plan. Balanced risk reward and not allowing convenience to destroy a healthy system and foundation are required for longevity. That doesn't mean it won't stick around, it means it won't stick around in a way where the organic experience flourishes.

    The quick and easy kill has always and will always be a destructive and contradictory type of hunting to enable through features and it will always have long term consequences in a food chain environment.

    The game will stick around in some form, there are ways to make that happen, but those that produce are becoming endangered and that is only worsening with more convenience right off the dock.

    Since it is highly unlikely that they will go back on much of what they have decided to do the only way to bring up production a bit is to flood the seas with low to mid risk content that produces a decent but reasonable chunk of loot.

    Organic and consistent high risk activity is dead and isn't coming back, that's just going to be a reality going forward. Over hunted to near extinction. It'll never be brought back in conditions with this skill gap and the convenient hunt enabled over and over again for action/content.

  • @da-german420 said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    i didnt touched reaper since i reached level 75. since milestones made it to the game i grind reaper again for milestone trophys. it feels not nice that i grind for something and people who join the server by portal hopping headin for me ,so other players just portal hopp and search for pvp that makes it a bit unbalanced . i think its also not good that people without a emissary can see me cause when i win i have nothing from it. for me it would be way better when reaper become seeable when they hit level 5 i get a benefit and other crews as well, but ye the whole portal hopping and reaper thing feels like a streamers service . i like pvp but its every session the same game it takes 90 minutes till other players go for me mostly 90% without loot on their ship,i just ask me for what i grind???

    Reapers from what lore is in the game are the jerks who are like F EVERYTHING, STRONGEST SURVIVE. SCREW WORKING TOGETHER! You have to be marked on the map because you literally gain every benefit from turning in emissaries flags and stealing loot for your milestones. That is the risk/reward of being marked for basically PVP. At level 5, reapers can see anyone who has an emissary flag regardless of level. Tho I can't tell you how many people don't realize having crew watch the map so we can make passes on reapers whom see our flag cause they are level 5.

    Then to turn their flag in because they thought they were picking easy targets or coming in and seeing a reaper try to sink someone and then basically sink them.

  • @robby0316 said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @count-drogos said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @bloodybil I judge a person by their actions and if the way they have fun is ruining others fun that is worthy of judgment. I do agree though that PVP is an important element to the game but its certainly not the focus or even a fully equal component.

    I just wanted to point out the obvious, you are complaining about losing in PvP, in a game, a pirate game nonetheless, where the objective is to make gold. This is not a treasure hunting game, this game titled “Sea of THIEVES”, is a pirate game, and the name of the game itself promotes THIEVING which is STEALING. The act of thieving or stealing implies that the treasure was not yours to begin with but *someone else’s * , hence why it’s called stealing.

    Dont get me wrong, it sucks when you are trying to be casual and a person joins a server and immediately makes their objective to rob you, but they aren’t playing the game wrong. This game is a sandbox MMO where different types of players are pushed into forced interactions. I’m a passive player who runs merchant, but because I’m a great pirate, I have a 70% success rate of either escaping or murdering those who pursue me.

    Yes it sucks when you’re like me and a lot of other players who are working parents that only have a few hours a week to play this game and you just want to do something quick and get off. But choosing to do PvE is your choice and your freedom.

    You don’t know if someone who sank you, is just like you though. That random sloop who loaded in, bought some supplies, and then made it their directive to sink the first ship they saw (which could be you), could very well be a working parent who doesn’t have 6 hours of time to spend doing PvE to make gold. They could be working a full time job with two kids and hopped on Sea of Thieves with only an hour or two to try to make as much gold as possible. If that means sinking a casual player who spent 7 hours getting loot, well, they deserve it then if they sank the enemy ship.

    Some PvPers are old players who used to play for 14 hours a day during the Covid Shutdown, and now they have limited time. So having limited time and having plentiful PvP skill, instead of being able to do something more casual to make gold, they have to PvP and sink someone in order to maximize their profit considering their limited time.

    Nah, quite justifying bad behavior by saying it's Sea of THIEVES. There are honor amongst Thieves and the main issue I had when I first started though I caught on quickly when people would ram my boat to start throwing firebombs and then take their ship and grind it into islands while killing them making them lose more than what I lost. The issue is, people then take a negative experience and try to troll/make negative experiences for others. Such as me sailing past an island to get to where I am and suddenly there area two gunpowder kegs after I killed them both, patched up and moved on my way. Quite literally some how they got on the boat even though their ship was on the other side. Lucky enough for me I was able to patch up and get there where I fired peace balls, anchor balls and etc. Even blunder bombs to get them away from the anchor while circling them and killed their ship and stole their loot. 1v2 style.

    Quite literally did it just to sink me even though I had nothing. This breeds more negative experiences much like the good ole days of most MMORPGS such as Everquest, WoW and etc when they had open pvp servers in "contested" lands. Basically I will spawn camp low levels/noobs cause I got ganked/killed. Either people will quite the game and say f this or become jaded to anyone who sails on by.

    Literally people could just leave people alone unless they are a threat. I don't fire unless I need to. Stop using stupid logic to be like I CAN BE A JERK CAUSE IT IS INTENDED. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. And if you should then put on the reaper flag and play hard mode then.

  • indisputable skill issue

  • @allday-xd Thats definitely a factor . but let's not forget the other issues that rise from. Cross platform games such as load time variances and precision aiming via keyboard and mouse... all which also lend to the imbalances. But if you wanna lay it all at the feet of my ineptitude you wouldn't be the 1st.

  • @count-drogos said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @allday-xd Thats definitely a factor . but let's not forget the other issues that rise from. Cross platform games such as load time variances and precision aiming via keyboard and mouse... all which also lend to the imbalances. But if you wanna lay it all at the feet of my ineptitude you wouldn't be the 1st.

    Except there is a crossplay opt-out option.
    There is no shame in skill discrepancies, there will always be players less or more skilled than us. Part of what makes adventure interesting is the emergence and unknown of who you face, that's a key concept the devs have always praised.

  • @count-drogos said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    The get gud argument aside i can't help but feel there's some major issues with some part of the pvp formula. I've played since day one on console and 9 times out of 10 I face a slaughter in pvp. Im more than proficient
    in many other fps and combat games and yet here its all goose eggs. Ship combat is nearly as broken feeling. Besides the always toxic community that attacks on sight, the constant barrage of trolls are sucking the fun out of the game for me and I assume many others like me. The constant feeling of inadequacy after spending far too much time in the game with little increase in proficiency to combat the PC elites and other sweats is just disheartening. I don't know what the answer is and I don't know if Rare even cares. AND SADLY THEY KILLED THE ARENA THE ONLY PLACE WERE PRACTICE COULD BE HAD IN A FORMAT THAT MADE IT OK TO LOSE IN THE HOPES OF GAINING EXPIRIENCE.

    You know I’ve never really had a problem with pvp and been playing for years.
    The only time I legit fight is when I want to. I guess I just have an easy time escaping other ships as I usually spot them a mile off.

    Totally understand the pc vs console. I own both and I can tell you fighting on the Pc, you are just way more accurate shooting and a bit more nimble. It’s all due to the mouse and keyboard. It’s great.
    Having said that though, it’s still viable to fight on Xbox and I’ve killed many a Pc player on my Xbox aswell.

    I’m glad they got rid of arena though. Half your time you spent waiting in a tavern for a game to start only for your open crew team members to leave half way through.
    Forget that, would rather just solo sloop on adventure.

    Want my advice?
    If you want to only do PVE stuff, even solo. Sail a brigantine.
    It’s viable and in my 2 years solo sailing it I’ve never been caught. Ever.
    It’s just way faster than the sloop and you can kill every pve threat except kraken. But you can easily escape the kraken.
    Solo brig is amazing for solo pve.

    If you wanna pvevp then sail the sloop.
    But be prepared for a fight!

  • @shadow20642 Thanks! All really solid stuff. I appreciate the info

  • @eguzky Sucking the fun out... precisely.

    I haven't gamed in ages. This is my 1st pvp. I am learning, or trying to learn.
    Mostly I LOVE this game. I'm 2 months in (new to xbox as well, so the controller is still a learn for me too) and it is tremendously difficult to develop skills when 7/10 times I'm being chased by a pvp within 5 minutes of game start.

    It's stressful at times. And yeah I get it, that's the game. I'm okay with it (well, minus the sudden anxiety influx my brain spews regardless of how calm I am but that's my own personal mental health issue).

    Still, when I have 3-4 players board to kill and steal via spawn camping, then laugh at me about it, or spend 2 hours chasing me around the board and taunting me for it... well, that's some big no fun.

    I am well aware I'm at a disadvantage. I don't msg ppl telling them I'm new, don't have loot yet, nor that I'm disabled, etc., because I want to hold my own, not get some pity back-off play.

    I also know when I'm beat and am not a fan of aggression. Most of the time I do my best to run. A few dozen times I've been chased off into the red sea. Recently, I resorted to simply giving in. I literally stop, give up my loot and supplies, and quit. It's easier.

    I want to learn defense but most pvp wipe the deck with me in less than 1 minute. Makes me wish pve was an option, even just temporarily, because for someone new like myself, at this rate, sometimes it feels impossible.

  • @captain-coel I didn't read the rest of your salad of a post, but I will respond to this line:
    "I didn't disregard them as people, just that they are not pirates"

    Yes. Yes they are, whether you regard them as such or not.

    Honestly the term "Pirate" in this game looks a lot more like "Guy with a ship", considering that simply going off and sinking skeleton ships is considered an act of piracy, only against the dead in this case.

    It is clear that you are one of "Those" type of players, so I guess it's pointless talking to you.

  • @krushak-arankis sagte in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @da-german420 said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    i didnt touched reaper since i reached level 75. since milestones made it to the game i grind reaper again for milestone trophys. it feels not nice that i grind for something and people who join the server by portal hopping headin for me ,so other players just portal hopp and search for pvp that makes it a bit unbalanced . i think its also not good that people without a emissary can see me cause when i win i have nothing from it. for me it would be way better when reaper become seeable when they hit level 5 i get a benefit and other crews as well, but ye the whole portal hopping and reaper thing feels like a streamers service . i like pvp but its every session the same game it takes 90 minutes till other players go for me mostly 90% without loot on their ship,i just ask me for what i grind???

    Reapers from what lore is in the game are the jerks who are like F EVERYTHING, STRONGEST SURVIVE. SCREW WORKING TOGETHER! You have to be marked on the map because you literally gain every benefit from turning in emissaries flags and stealing loot for your milestones. That is the risk/reward of being marked for basically PVP. At level 5, reapers can see anyone who has an emissary flag regardless of level. Tho I can't tell you how many people don't realize having crew watch the map so we can make passes on reapers whom see our flag cause they are level 5.

    Then to turn their flag in because they thought they were picking easy targets or coming in and seeing a reaper try to sink someone and then basically sink them.

    my point is just every session when i play solo , ships commin for me without any loot or emissary flag on their ship, a lot crews just hopp from server to server searching for reapers and loot, i just think its not a healthy balance for the game cause i ask me for what i grind when other crews just hopp servers all day , my last 7 sessions goin like that , and the whole point reaper is just meant for pvp is also a bit idk not good in a slow pacing pvppve game like sot. i believe its a good solution make reapers seeable at level 5 cause it takes not long till the server fills up when i play as a reaper its just to much.

  • @schwammlgott
    Most ships I approach seem to scuttle before I can reach them... Although I guess looking through the spyglass to see "The Crusty Seahorse captained by FishSt1ck" really drops a fear bomb :)

  • @bloodybil My understanding and I could be wrong is that the opt out feature only applies to YOUR crew and not to the server. So your crew my be Controller only which isnt the same as not cross platform but the rest of the server is still populated by a mixed population . Can someone confirm either way?

  • @robby0316 this is my favorite argument.

    People be like "don't judge a book on its cover (i.e. players based on their actions in this game)" but then others be "Its called Sea of THIEVES."

    I guess we just gotta judge books by their titles?? 😂

  • @thagoochiestman I am currently reading Lord of the Rings. About 45 pages in and there is only one ring that is being referred to as being special. Where are these "Rings" that the book promises? And the lords as well!? I have been falsely advertised to!

    I really dislike it when people try to use "Title = Description of the contents" as a valid argument, because it's bupkis. A title is just a name, something to identify something by.

    This could have also been called "Open World PvP game with boats" and then it would be a title with an accurate description.

  • @count-drogos said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:


    You can switch to play vs Xbox only but I do agreed with Arena removal being a bad move.

  • @thagoochiestman said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    this is my favorite argument.

    People be like "don't judge a book on its cover (i.e. players based on their actions in this game)" but then others be "Its called Sea of THIEVES."

    I guess we just gotta judge books by their titles?? 😂

    Participating in gameplay that everyone is aware of risk when they begin isn't an indicator of character based on the gameplay itself.

    An example would be that I often criticize over hunting and enabling of over hunting. In my opinion it has weakened activity and within that the environment suffers.

    That doesn't mean anyone that participates in any of that is guilty of anything that is character related, doesn't mean people are malicious.

    We all judge to some degree internally. What matters is action and reaction, how do we handle that judgement? People are free to have opinions about others but when it is spread in a way that is not objective and attacks the character of others over things like gameplay, roleplay, competition it does not improve the environment it only adds negativity to it.

    Those that struggle with this game are not wrong, at some point it might be determined that it is not a compatible experience but they aren't wrong for not enjoying it.
    It doesn't make others that are participating a problem and doesn't indicate anything about character flaws.

    The productive goal would be to do what has already been showing up, lower risk content with decent reward, it's easier to sell now, milestones reward even if people lose fights and get sunk.

    It's all about maintaining the environment to improve the experience, it's not personal and there aren't good people vs bad people, it's just a community that needs to regularly put in effort to coexist no matter the individual goals and preferences.

  • @captain-coel Most of those players probably didn't buy it. They most likely installed it for free via Game Pass and uninstalled it before spending a penny in the Emporium.

    With the way the gaming market is changing it might not be viable much longer to have such unapproachable niche-market games, especially if the barriers to entry/exiting have been lowered so much. Take Fortnite: I'd assume a huge reason the game has been so successful is that it has modes to keep players engaged even if Battle Royale isn't their thing.

  • @kalgert said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel I didn't read the rest of your salad of a post, but I will respond to this line:
    "I didn't disregard them as people, just that they are not pirates"

    Yes. Yes they are, whether you regard them as such or not.

    Honestly the term "Pirate" in this game looks a lot more like "Guy with a ship", considering that simply going off and sinking skeleton ships is considered an act of piracy, only against the dead in this case.

    It is clear that you are one of "Those" type of players, so I guess it's pointless talking to you.

    If by "those" you mean someone that enjoys the pvp and the pve side of this game, sure.

    You really ought to have read the rest of the post, ad I gave you a brief on what is and isn't toxic in the game.

    People that only engage in one half of this game are the problem. People need to understand that they are both predator and prey at the same time. If people want to experience the pve side only, they need to understand that they will always be prey. They are meant to be hunted, they are meant to be sunk, they are meant to be killed.

    That is how this wonderful game was designed.

  • @wolfmanbush said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @thagoochiestman said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    this is my favorite argument.

    It's all about maintaining the environment to improve the experience, it's not personal and there aren't good people vs bad people, it's just a community that needs to regularly put in effort to coexist no matter the individual goals and preferences.

    Eeeeeh.... Let's agree to disagree on that note.

  • @captain-coel We don't agree and we hate each other, so let's just not discuss this further as it'd be a waste of both our time, a'ight?

  • @kalgert I never said I hated you. Sorry if you hate me 🤷‍♂️. I just play the game as intended. Have a great day!

  • @count-drogos said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @bloodybil My understanding and I could be wrong is that the opt out feature only applies to YOUR crew and not to the server. So your crew my be Controller only which isnt the same as not cross platform but the rest of the server is still populated by a mixed population . Can someone confirm either way?

    No, the system will try to match you with other controller only crews. You can still end up in mixed but chances are low.

    @thagoochiestman said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @robby0316 this is my favorite argument.

    People be like "don't judge a book on its cover (i.e. players based on their actions in this game)" but then others be "Its called Sea of THIEVES."

    I guess we just gotta judge books by their titles?? 😂

    As the idiom says, Hope for the best but expect the worst?

    @kalgert said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @thagoochiestman I am currently reading Lord of the Rings. About 45 pages in and there is only one ring that is being referred to as being special. Where are these "Rings" that the book promises? And the lords as well!? I have been falsely advertised to!

    I really dislike it when people try to use "Title = Description of the contents" as a valid argument, because it's bupkis. A title is just a name, something to identify something by.

    This could have also been called "Open World PvP game with boats" and then it would be a title with an accurate description.

    In books or games, you can easily read the description in the store to know what to expect ;)

  • @da-german420 said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @krushak-arankis sagte in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @da-german420 said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    i didnt touched reaper since i reached level 75. since milestones made it to the game i grind reaper again for milestone trophys. it feels not nice that i grind for something and people who join the server by portal hopping headin for me ,so other players just portal hopp and search for pvp that makes it a bit unbalanced . i think its also not good that people without a emissary can see me cause when i win i have nothing from it. for me it would be way better when reaper become seeable when they hit level 5 i get a benefit and other crews as well, but ye the whole portal hopping and reaper thing feels like a streamers service . i like pvp but its every session the same game it takes 90 minutes till other players go for me mostly 90% without loot on their ship,i just ask me for what i grind???

    Reapers from what lore is in the game are the jerks who are like F EVERYTHING, STRONGEST SURVIVE. SCREW WORKING TOGETHER! You have to be marked on the map because you literally gain every benefit from turning in emissaries flags and stealing loot for your milestones. That is the risk/reward of being marked for basically PVP. At level 5, reapers can see anyone who has an emissary flag regardless of level. Tho I can't tell you how many people don't realize having crew watch the map so we can make passes on reapers whom see our flag cause they are level 5.

    Then to turn their flag in because they thought they were picking easy targets or coming in and seeing a reaper try to sink someone and then basically sink them.

    my point is just every session when i play solo , ships commin for me without any loot or emissary flag on their ship, a lot crews just hopp from server to server searching for reapers and loot, i just think its not a healthy balance for the game cause i ask me for what i grind when other crews just hopp servers all day , my last 7 sessions goin like that , and the whole point reaper is just meant for pvp is also a bit idk not good in a slow pacing pvppve game like sot. i believe its a good solution make reapers seeable at level 5 cause it takes not long till the server fills up when i play as a reaper its just to much.

    Well probably because most of the sweats play reaper. I can't tell you how many times I hop in and see a level 3 or more reaper so I go to look/judge before logging out and logging back in is that most of these reapers are sloops/rarely brigs with reaper pajamas and ninja suits so they aren't as easily seen. Which is why I think name tags should be more visable like most games. That is why most people flock to reapers to sink them. And it's always fun to best them especially solo reapers who say whatever you nerd.

  • @bloodybil said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @count-drogos said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @bloodybil My understanding and I could be wrong is that the opt out feature only applies to YOUR crew and not to the server. So your crew my be Controller only which isnt the same as not cross platform but the rest of the server is still populated by a mixed population . Can someone confirm either way?

    No, the system will try to match you with other controller only crews. You can still end up in mixed but chances are low.

    @thagoochiestman said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @robby0316 this is my favorite argument.

    People be like "don't judge a book on its cover (i.e. players based on their actions in this game)" but then others be "Its called Sea of THIEVES."

    I guess we just gotta judge books by their titles?? 😂

    As the idiom says, Hope for the best but expect the worst?

    @kalgert said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @thagoochiestman I am currently reading Lord of the Rings. About 45 pages in and there is only one ring that is being referred to as being special. Where are these "Rings" that the book promises? And the lords as well!? I have been falsely advertised to!

    I really dislike it when people try to use "Title = Description of the contents" as a valid argument, because it's bupkis. A title is just a name, something to identify something by.

    This could have also been called "Open World PvP game with boats" and then it would be a title with an accurate description.

    In books or games, you can easily read the description in the store to know what to expect ;)

    Or how about just cause you can do something doesn't mean you should. I can't tell you how many times I was sunk when I first started out three weeks ago and the excuse was welcome to sea of thieves (insert insult). Like article 6 states respect new pirates and their voyages or they would state who cares this is the only way you learn cause it happened to us. Thats why they call it cycle of abuse. Only two ships full of people have given me tips and helped me and those two ships? I gave em a few chests for their time helping me.

    So no, the main issue is there is good pvp and then there are jerks who just do it for the lols.

  • @krushak-arankis said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @da-german420 said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @krushak-arankis sagte in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @da-german420 said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    i didnt touched reaper since i reached level 75. since milestones made it to the game i grind reaper again for milestone trophys. it feels not nice that i grind for something and people who join the server by portal hopping headin for me ,so other players just portal hopp and search for pvp that makes it a bit unbalanced . i think its also not good that people without a emissary can see me cause when i win i have nothing from it. for me it would be way better when reaper become seeable when they hit level 5 i get a benefit and other crews as well, but ye the whole portal hopping and reaper thing feels like a streamers service . i like pvp but its every session the same game it takes 90 minutes till other players go for me mostly 90% without loot on their ship,i just ask me for what i grind???

    Reapers from what lore is in the game are the jerks who are like F EVERYTHING, STRONGEST SURVIVE. SCREW WORKING TOGETHER! You have to be marked on the map because you literally gain every benefit from turning in emissaries flags and stealing loot for your milestones. That is the risk/reward of being marked for basically PVP. At level 5, reapers can see anyone who has an emissary flag regardless of level. Tho I can't tell you how many people don't realize having crew watch the map so we can make passes on reapers whom see our flag cause they are level 5.

    Then to turn their flag in because they thought they were picking easy targets or coming in and seeing a reaper try to sink someone and then basically sink them.

    my point is just every session when i play solo , ships commin for me without any loot or emissary flag on their ship, a lot crews just hopp from server to server searching for reapers and loot, i just think its not a healthy balance for the game cause i ask me for what i grind when other crews just hopp servers all day , my last 7 sessions goin like that , and the whole point reaper is just meant for pvp is also a bit idk not good in a slow pacing pvppve game like sot. i believe its a good solution make reapers seeable at level 5 cause it takes not long till the server fills up when i play as a reaper its just to much.

    Well probably because most of the sweats play reaper. I can't tell you how many times I hop in and see a level 3 or more reaper so I go to look/judge before logging out and logging back in is that most of these reapers are sloops/rarely brigs with reaper pajamas and ninja suits so they aren't as easily seen. Which is why I think name tags should be more visable like most games. That is why most people flock to reapers to sink them. And it's always fun to best them especially solo reapers who say whatever you nerd.

    Come on, reaper pajamas and ninja suits mean you have nothing to worry about and you're about to watch them embarrass themselves.

  • @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @kalgert said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel I didn't read the rest of your salad of a post, but I will respond to this line:
    "I didn't disregard them as people, just that they are not pirates"

    Yes. Yes they are, whether you regard them as such or not.

    Honestly the term "Pirate" in this game looks a lot more like "Guy with a ship", considering that simply going off and sinking skeleton ships is considered an act of piracy, only against the dead in this case.

    It is clear that you are one of "Those" type of players, so I guess it's pointless talking to you.

    If by "those" you mean someone that enjoys the pvp and the pve side of this game, sure.

    You really ought to have read the rest of the post, ad I gave you a brief on what is and isn't toxic in the game.

    People that only engage in one half of this 2game are the problem. People need to understand that they are both predator and prey at the same time. If people want to experience the pve side only, they need to understand that they will always be prey. They are meant to be hunted, they are meant to be sunk, they are meant to be killed.

    That is how this wonderful game was designed.

    No, just cause a ship is minding their own business doesn't mean you need to hunt it down(unless you are flying reaper then I understand). People literally get their rocks off preying on new people to the point that you are driving new people away. Personally I am used to pvp from all the mmorpgs I've played but literally I've sank ships for praying on new people and as well as people who just hide on boats/blow boats up unless its around a world event. Maybe I'm insane to think yes if you both are sailing and want to fight but literally sinking someone who at a harbor who might be looking at inventory stuff at shops is a little low on the moral totem.

    Which makes it even makes it even more fun sinking terrible people over and over cause they try to seek revene.

  • @krushak-arankis said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @kalgert said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel I didn't read the rest of your salad of a post, but I will respond to this line:
    "I didn't disregard them as people, just that they are not pirates"

    Yes. Yes they are, whether you regard them as such or not.

    Honestly the term "Pirate" in this game looks a lot more like "Guy with a ship", considering that simply going off and sinking skeleton ships is considered an act of piracy, only against the dead in this case.

    It is clear that you are one of "Those" type of players, so I guess it's pointless talking to you.

    If by "those" you mean someone that enjoys the pvp and the pve side of this game, sure.

    You really ought to have read the rest of the post, ad I gave you a brief on what is and isn't toxic in the game.

    People that only engage in one half of this 2game are the problem. People need to understand that they are both predator and prey at the same time. If people want to experience the pve side only, they need to understand that they will always be prey. They are meant to be hunted, they are meant to be sunk, they are meant to be killed.

    That is how this wonderful game was designed.

    No, just cause a ship is minding their own business doesn't mean you need to hunt it down(unless you are flying reaper then I understand). People literally get their rocks off preying on new people to the point that you are driving new people away. Personally I am used to pvp from all the mmorpgs I've played but literally I've sank ships for praying on new people and as well as people who just hide on boats/blow boats up unless its around a world event. Maybe I'm insane to think yes if you both are sailing and want to fight but literally sinking someone who at a harbor who might be looking at inventory stuff at shops is a little low on the moral totem.

    Which makes it even makes it even more fun sinking terrible people over and over cause they try to seek revene.

    Why do I need to be a reaper to sink people? If I am flying gold hoarder and see another gold hoarder I'm going to want their loot. Many of us have been hunting noats since way before reapers were introduced.

    Also the person parked at the outpost looking at the stores is gonna get sunk if they are in the way. Like we want to see our loot, you remove all possible threats. That's just good practice.

  • @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @krushak-arankis said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @kalgert said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel I didn't read the rest of your salad of a post, but I will respond to this line:
    "I didn't disregard them as people, just that they are not pirates"

    Yes. Yes they are, whether you regard them as such or not.

    Honestly the term "Pirate" in this game looks a lot more like "Guy with a ship", considering that simply going off and sinking skeleton ships is considered an act of piracy, only against the dead in this case.

    It is clear that you are one of "Those" type of players, so I guess it's pointless talking to you.

    If by "those" you mean someone that enjoys the pvp and the pve side of this game, sure.

    You really ought to have read the rest of the post, ad I gave you a brief on what is and isn't toxic in the game.

    People that only engage in one half of this 2game are the problem. People need to understand that they are both predator and prey at the same time. If people want to experience the pve side only, they need to understand that they will always be prey. They are meant to be hunted, they are meant to be sunk, they are meant to be killed.

    That is how this wonderful game was designed.

    No, just cause a ship is minding their own business doesn't mean you need to hunt it down(unless you are flying reaper then I understand). People literally get their rocks off preying on new people to the point that you are driving new people away. Personally I am used to pvp from all the mmorpgs I've played but literally I've sank ships for praying on new people and as well as people who just hide on boats/blow boats up unless its around a world event. Maybe I'm insane to think yes if you both are sailing and want to fight but literally sinking someone who at a harbor who might be looking at inventory stuff at shops is a little low on the moral totem.

    Which makes it even makes it even more fun sinking terrible people over and over cause they try to seek revene.

    Why do I need to be a reaper to sink people? If I am flying gold hoarder and see another gold hoarder I'm going to want their loot. Many of us have been hunting noats since way before reapers were introduced.

    Also the person parked at the outpost looking at the stores is gonna get sunk if they are in the way. Like we want to see our loot, you remove all possible threats. That's just good practice.

    Yeah then I kill you and sink your boat while camping you. See how that works cause I've done it. Quite literally you have voice and text to say something if i need to move my boat I'll move my boat but majority time after i dump my loot at the sovereign and need to do something on that island i move ny boat out of the way. Communication is key. And I didn't say you had to have reaper. I said unless you are wearing reaper there is literally no reason to chase someone. I literally ran my boat for an hour, had no loot and wasted their time and their loot just cause I was sailing. Literally trolled them acting like I had good loot to hide. Again, just cause you can do something doesn't mean you should. As well as there are plenty of habors to unload and I'll go to a different one. There is literally like what maybe at the most 8 boats on a server? Lol.

    Again, stop making excuses when you can literally talk in a game. This is why people do what they do because they just assume everyone is a D.

  • @krushak-arankis said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @krushak-arankis said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @kalgert said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel I didn't read the rest of your salad of a post, but I will respond to this line:
    "I didn't disregard them as people, just that they are not pirates"

    Yes. Yes they are, whether you regard them as such or not.

    Honestly the term "Pirate" in this game looks a lot more like "Guy with a ship", considering that simply going off and sinking skeleton ships is considered an act of piracy, only against the dead in this case.

    It is clear that you are one of "Those" type of players, so I guess it's pointless talking to you.

    If by "those" you mean someone that enjoys the pvp and the pve side of this game, sure.

    You really ought to have read the rest of the post, ad I gave you a brief on what is and isn't toxic in the game.

    People that only engage in one half of this 2game are the problem. People need to understand that they are both predator and prey at the same time. If people want to experience the pve side only, they need to understand that they will always be prey. They are meant to be hunted, they are meant to be sunk, they are meant to be killed.

    That is how this wonderful game was designed.

    No, just cause a ship is minding their own business doesn't mean you need to hunt it down(unless you are flying reaper then I understand). People literally get their rocks off preying on new people to the point that you are driving new people away. Personally I am used to pvp from all the mmorpgs I've played but literally I've sank ships for praying on new people and as well as people who just hide on boats/blow boats up unless its around a world event. Maybe I'm insane to think yes if you both are sailing and want to fight but literally sinking someone who at a harbor who might be looking at inventory stuff at shops is a little low on the moral totem.

    Which makes it even makes it even more fun sinking terrible people over and over cause they try to seek revene.

    Why do I need to be a reaper to sink people? If I am flying gold hoarder and see another gold hoarder I'm going to want their loot. Many of us have been hunting noats since way before reapers were introduced.

    Also the person parked at the outpost looking at the stores is gonna get sunk if they are in the way. Like we want to see our loot, you remove all possible threats. That's just good practice.

    Yeah then I kill you and sink your boat while camping you. See how that works cause I've done it. Quite literally you have voice and text to say something if i need to move my boat I'll move my boat but majority time after i dump my loot at the sovereign and need to do something on that island i move ny boat out of the way. Communication is key. And I didn't say you had to have reaper. I said unless you are wearing reaper there is literally no reason to chase someone. I literally ran my boat for an hour, had no loot and wasted their time and their loot just cause I was sailing. Literally trolled them acting like I had good loot to hide. Again, just cause you can do something doesn't mean you should. As well as there are plenty of habors to unload and I'll go to a different one. There is literally like what maybe at the most 8 boats on a server? Lol.

    Again, stop making excuses when you can literally talk in a game. This is why people do what they do because they just assume everyone is a D.

    Literally again, just like back in the day wow and other heavy pvp mmorpg with pvp servers. Just cause you are a higher level and can do something to someone doesn't mean you need to. Cycle of abuse. Lol

  • @krushak-arankis said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @krushak-arankis said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @kalgert said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel I didn't read the rest of your salad of a post, but I will respond to this line:
    "I didn't disregard them as people, just that they are not pirates"

    Yes. Yes they are, whether you regard them as such or not.

    Honestly the term "Pirate" in this game looks a lot more like "Guy with a ship", considering that simply going off and sinking skeleton ships is considered an act of piracy, only against the dead in this case.

    It is clear that you are one of "Those" type of players, so I guess it's pointless talking to you.

    If by "those" you mean someone that enjoys the pvp and the pve side of this game, sure.

    You really ought to have read the rest of the post, ad I gave you a brief on what is and isn't toxic in the game.

    People that only engage in one half of this 2game are the problem. People need to understand that they are both predator and prey at the same time. If people want to experience the pve side only, they need to understand that they will always be prey. They are meant to be hunted, they are meant to be sunk, they are meant to be killed.

    That is how this wonderful game was designed.

    No, just cause a ship is minding their own business doesn't mean you need to hunt it down(unless you are flying reaper then I understand). People literally get their rocks off preying on new people to the point that you are driving new people away. Personally I am used to pvp from all the mmorpgs I've played but literally I've sank ships for praying on new people and as well as people who just hide on boats/blow boats up unless its around a world event. Maybe I'm insane to think yes if you both are sailing and want to fight but literally sinking someone who at a harbor who might be looking at inventory stuff at shops is a little low on the moral totem.

    Which makes it even makes it even more fun sinking terrible people over and over cause they try to seek revene.

    Why do I need to be a reaper to sink people? If I am flying gold hoarder and see another gold hoarder I'm going to want their loot. Many of us have been hunting noats since way before reapers were introduced.

    Also the person parked at the outpost looking at the stores is gonna get sunk if they are in the way. Like we want to see our loot, you remove all possible threats. That's just good practice.

    Yeah then I kill you and sink your boat while camping you. See how that works cause I've done it. Quite literally you have voice and text to say something if i need to move my boat I'll move my boat but majority time after i dump my loot at the sovereign and need to do something on that island i move ny boat out of the way. Communication is key. And I didn't say you had to have reaper. I said unless you are wearing reaper there is literally no reason to chase someone. I literally ran my boat for an hour, had no loot and wasted their time and their loot just cause I was sailing. Literally trolled them acting like I had good loot to hide. Again, just cause you can do something doesn't mean you should. As well as there are plenty of habors to unload and I'll go to a different one. There is literally like what maybe at the most 8 boats on a server? Lol.

    Again, stop making excuses when you can literally talk in a game. This is why people do what they do because they just assume everyone is a D.

    We both know if you're parked your most likely losing your boat a d losing your spot at the outpost. We don't need an excuse to hunt and kill in this game. We don't have to ask you to move your boat.

    This isn't being rude, it's designed mechanics. We are just out to adventure the way we want to, usually high on the murder.

    If you can't see past that, you sent understand this game.

  • @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @krushak-arankis said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @krushak-arankis said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @kalgert said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @captain-coel I didn't read the rest of your salad of a post, but I will respond to this line:
    "I didn't disregard them as people, just that they are not pirates"

    Yes. Yes they are, whether you regard them as such or not.

    Honestly the term "Pirate" in this game looks a lot more like "Guy with a ship", considering that simply going off and sinking skeleton ships is considered an act of piracy, only against the dead in this case.

    It is clear that you are one of "Those" type of players, so I guess it's pointless talking to you.

    If by "those" you mean someone that enjoys the pvp and the pve side of this game, sure.

    You really ought to have read the rest of the post, ad I gave you a brief on what is and isn't toxic in the game.

    People that only engage in one half of this 2game are the problem. People need to understand that they are both predator and prey at the same time. If people want to experience the pve side only, they need to understand that they will always be prey. They are meant to be hunted, they are meant to be sunk, they are meant to be killed.

    That is how this wonderful game was designed.

    No, just cause a ship is minding their own business doesn't mean you need to hunt it down(unless you are flying reaper then I understand). People literally get their rocks off preying on new people to the point that you are driving new people away. Personally I am used to pvp from all the mmorpgs I've played but literally I've sank ships for praying on new people and as well as people who just hide on boats/blow boats up unless its around a world event. Maybe I'm insane to think yes if you both are sailing and want to fight but literally sinking someone who at a harbor who might be looking at inventory stuff at shops is a little low on the moral totem.

    Which makes it even makes it even more fun sinking terrible people over and over cause they try to seek revene.

    Why do I need to be a reaper to sink people? If I am flying gold hoarder and see another gold hoarder I'm going to want their loot. Many of us have been hunting noats since way before reapers were introduced.

    Also the person parked at the outpost looking at the stores is gonna get sunk if they are in the way. Like we want to see our loot, you remove all possible threats. That's just good practice.

    Yeah then I kill you and sink your boat while camping you. See how that works cause I've done it. Quite literally you have voice and text to say something if i need to move my boat I'll move my boat but majority time after i dump my loot at the sovereign and need to do something on that island i move ny boat out of the way. Communication is key. And I didn't say you had to have reaper. I said unless you are wearing reaper there is literally no reason to chase someone. I literally ran my boat for an hour, had no loot and wasted their time and their loot just cause I was sailing. Literally trolled them acting like I had good loot to hide. Again, just cause you can do something doesn't mean you should. As well as there are plenty of habors to unload and I'll go to a different one. There is literally like what maybe at the most 8 boats on a server? Lol.

    Again, stop making excuses when you can literally talk in a game. This is why people do what they do because they just assume everyone is a D.

    We both know if you're parked your most likely losing your boat a d losing your spot at the outpost. We don't need an excuse to hunt and kill in this game. We don't have to ask you to move your boat.

    This isn't being rude, it's designed mechanics. We are just out to adventure the way we want to, usually high on the murder.

    If you can't see past that, you sent understand this game.

    Again, you keep saying the game is designed that way. Again and again and it's a fallacy arguement. It falls back just because you can does not that mean you should. I never said you had an excuse. I am just giving constructive criticism of this cynical excuse you have. That's along the lines when people get surprised pikachu face when their account gets banned because they exploit a bug or something and then said it's part of the game.

    I understand the game quite well, I love how you attacked me on this. You keep being cynical.

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