Release Notes - 2.6.1

  • Release Notes - 2.6.1
    Read our release notes for today's release to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes - 2.6.1

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
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  • @meroviel
    Thanks j0!

  • In the release notes: “Players have a chance to find Resource Crates, Firebomb Crates, Ammo Crates, Gunpowder Barrels, Tridents, Ashen Winds Skulls and even emergent Voyages.”

    What are emergent Voyages?

  • @actionijackson3
    same i see nothing

  • If it wasn't possible to fix the saving of ship customisations, it may have been kinder to at least make saving temporarily free... This is the most annoying issue.

  • @zaldonia Completely agree.

  • I don’t see any of the newly activated milestones anywhere. Can’t find the captains stash voyages either. :/

  • An update with lot of fixes!! Good! I like when the team is working hard polishing the game.

    Anyway, I have a few requests:

    • Add sounds to parrots and monkeys when launched over with the cannon.
    • Any plans of rewarding players that played and max ranked Arena with a legacy trophie to show off? I'd would be dope!!
  • why is this update 9GB big what warrants the size of this update because it seems like its nothing big and the game will end up being close to 100GB in total which is about 10% of my Space. do the foxes really take up that much space or is it just poorly optimized

  • @blue58020 The updates mostly replace old stuff so the game doesnt increase in size that much between each update.

  • @meroviel please make it so when you have a difference ship banner like lets say the feared it not inly plays the background sound but also changes the music you hear, the one now paying is nice but when you want a dark type of ship it just sound too "happy" you know 🤣 loving the update tho!!

  • Are we suposed to see The Protector and The Servant ship title alignments in ship chest and flags in flag chests?

  • Wow many bug fixes! Great news.
    It looks promising

  • @actionijackson3 like the ones that skeleton captains drop , quest bottle , possibly the coral bottle quest too (i think)

  • Solid fixes, I love seeing a long list like that... Can we add "Spawning on random islands while trying to respawn from the ferry while in naval with another crew" to the known issues? Just happened, spawned outside of render distance from either ship, and the mermaid to return to my ship would not spawn no matter how far out I swam. Likely going to take a break for a few days from the main servers due to this, seeing as I solo sloop majority of the time.

    Just to re-iterate, thank you @meroviel, and the rest of the Rare team, for all the hard work I do know is happening behind the scenes. The bugs don't prevent me from loving the game, just making it more difficult to improve, therefore preventing me from loving it even more. GGWP for now pirates. See you on the insider servers perchance!

  • Pour one out for our boy we lost.
    The fastest bone in the volcano zone.
    alt text

  • @captain-crat Known issues are not created for small insatnces or outlying bugs but for wider spread issues affecting more players. To help us assess is this is a wide spread bug you need to raise it with support so we can track it, log it and compare it.

    Thank you for your kind words! Maybe I'll see you on the seas! You'll find me on a purple galleon on EU.

  • @blue58020 In very basic terms: When we apply fixes to one little thing or add something to the game we sometimes have to fix a whole chunk of things that it affects around it, things it will interact with etc. That 10GB is not an addition to your download, but a replacement to a chunk of existing things and fixes to interactions for new items.

    Any fix or addition will require replacement of larger things to make sure the fix works with everything it needs to and we don't just force it in and risk breaking something else. We are not adding 10gb to your game size. We are altering maybe 9.5GB worth of existing data and adding a small amount for new things/fixes

  • No patch notes for the late notice hotfix that happened today?

  • @guilleont said in Release Notes - 2.6.1:

    An update with lot of fixes!! Good! I like when the team is working hard polishing the game.

    Anyway, I have a few requests:

    • Add sounds to parrots and monkeys when launched over with the cannon.
    • Any plans of rewarding players that played and max ranked Arena with a legacy trophie to show off? I'd would be dope!!

    GSD/TSD captain's cabin stuff, too!

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