Melee Island - Cant talk to Skeleton in alley (with the dogs)

  • Hello,

    I tried it two times already but I cant seem to trigger the cutscene with the dogs, therefore I cant continue the story.
    Tried it alone and with a friend but the skeleton wont talk to me, I can try take his explosives but thats it. Nothing happens and the dogs are sleeping. I did everything else and followed a guide.
    Cant find anything about this problem via Google - anybody got a clue what I can do here?

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  • No idea dude, ive done it 3 times and everything was working fine, the only problem we encountered was making Murray talk on a a tour, but after few attempts it worked. I think you are either supper unlucky or you did something so out of order it bugged the game out. Perhaps try to do it following rare thief guide and see if it makes a difference.

  • @kingst0ke the initial cutscene triggers only once, to get the explosions there is something you can do (other then to the skeleton) to get something to happen.

    Might there be something you can do with the dogs, or something close to the dogs ?

    Fyi: purposefully cryptic in order to not spoil the puzzle

    As an additional tip, monkey island itself and by extension this crossover has a way of requiring seemingly unconnected things to be completed in order to progress or get something that will help you.

    I can tell you exactly what to do but where is the fun in that ;-)

  • @zig-zag-ltu
    thats exactly what I did, but thanks

  • @callmebackdraft
    Back in the days when I played monkey island and games alike I had aeons of free time to figure things out, theses days I dont. After trying and failing for about 3 hours I gave up and I wont be playing SoT anymore because to me this looked like a bug which in todays games is very strong possibilty.

    To me it feels like Rare forgot how to tell a story, I rather play Banjo-Kazooie for the 100th time than SoT.

    But if what you are telling me is true and there is in fact a way to trigger the explosion, I missed out.

    But since I could not find anything about it online, I figured it was a bug and kicked the game from my library.

    Thanks for the (cryptic) help :)

  • @kingst0ke i sent you a DM here on the forums with the solution to your inquiry non cryptic ;) it is really in the style of monkey island games. but you do you ;) if this was a dealbreaker for you for SoT i cant change that probably

    But since I could not find anything about it online, I figured it was a bug and kicked the game from my library.

    also has had a guide for the TallTale since day one or two of its release

  • @callmebackdraft
    Thank you so much for your help, but I already knew that and of course did that many times, but the dogs won’t react to it. And yes, I followed the guide - in the videos I’ve seen the dogs are not sleeping, just hiding under the cage / box – but in my game they are sleeping. Tried all songs to maybe wake them up, but nothing happens. I thought when I change the time in the clocktower the dogs might wake up, but again nothing

  • @kingst0ke you don't drop the item you put it in the bowl with the interact button. if this isn't the problem, can you be more specific?

    edit: You are quitting sot over this? from what I can see it looks like you have played the game quite a bit. Why quit the main game over this?

  • @riptide3683
    The only way I can drop the food into the bowl is via the drop-item-button, and I have tried every angle, next to the cage, above the cage and so on.

    I don't get to the use the interact button, nothing pops up on the screen, same with the sekelleton

    Yeah, I played alpha, beta and the final game quite a while but I'm getting more annoyed with trolls these days and if I am playing its just for fun, which was gone after trying for hours for nothing to happen. I guess thats what people call ragequit :D

  • @kingst0ke
    yep, there is your problem. You have to hold the meat and click f to feed the dogs or something simular and the meat will drop onto the bowl. Also, make sure you feed the dogs the root beer infused meat, not the normal meat. You make the root beer infused meat in the kitchen with all ingredients. I suspect you were using the normal meat.

    If that's not it, could you attach a video please? I'm sure I could figure it out if I visually see it.

    Happy Sailing!

  • @riptide3683 since his dogs are still sleeping and not just cowering it seems that the initial cutscene that should play when you enter the area is triggering.

    if that doesnt trigger then it probably doesn't show the prompt to give the meat.

    or the meat might not be cooked/ the recipe in the kitchen followed but im thinking OP has that covered

  • @kingst0ke
    Im having the same issue. Im not getting a prompt to place the cooked food in the dogs bowl. I have done everything I can up to this point.

  • Thank you for all your suggestions, but I think I figured it out:

    When you run around collecting the coins you need and get too close to the skeleton the cutscene will be triggered. If you don’t wait until it is finished you might break the mission.

    If anybody starts talking, just let them finish before you walk away and everything should work out.

  • The fact that I am having this same problem in 2024 december is wild. I did the tall tale originally and somehow missed one murray location even though i went to everyone on the guide. so i had to restart the whole tall tale to get this one stupid commendation I missed and I spent 30 minutes progressing though only for this stupid alleyway cutscene to not trigger. So now i am restarting this thing for the third time hooray!!!

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