Error loading guilds. There was a problem loading guilds. Try again shortly.

  • Why do I keep seeing this message?

  • 19
  • day 1 of new update
    lots of activity
    working out the activity/bugs/glitches

    would be my guess

  • Same issue here for me and many of my crew mates, any solution?

  • @mibswagg Ждать

  • 5 days since the update and I STILL cannot do anything guild related because mine always has a loading error. Help, please!

  • 3 weeks into the update, every time I get on i'm having the same "Error, guild's can't be shown"

  • I'm still getting the "Error, guild's can't be shown". I also can't access anybody's shop in the game to buy quests. I tried deleting and re-downloading the game but that didn't work.

  • @dodobird8 I also can't load any of my ships.

  • @europa4033
    I am also not able to. I was invited to my friend's guild and I accepted. I want to pledge my ships to the guild but am not able to as well as nt being able to access my own ships about 80% of the time

  • It happened to me all through Season 10, and today [Season 11, 29.1.2024] I've had no luck getting into guilds at all.

    You're not alone! :)

  • Same problem here! "Can't load guilds at this time". Been this way for months.

    I briefly had access when one of the guilds kicked me, but it was intermittent. Somehow I managed to accept a third guild but I can't access any of them.

    Submitted three trouble tickets for various issues related to it but the only response I've gotten is to watch socials and that it will hopefully be resolved in a future update. I've been waiting for this since basically guilds were released.

    I'm guessing it's not an issue we can resolve on our end? I'll try being kicked from one of my guilds again.

    Rare! Please help!?

  • It has worked for me for a vary long time, but now suddenly is dosent work.

  • Not sure if this will help everyone, but solved this on Xbox Series X at least:

    1. Go to Settings, General, Network Settings, Advanced Settings, Alternate MAC address
    2. Select Clear
    3. Restart

    Basically the game would take almost 5 minutes to log me in, then when I went to guilds couldn't load, the What's New had the padlock on it, couldn't access my ships etc, could only get into game if chartered a ship, not ideal. Tried a bunch of things saw online like clearing cache, changing DNS, IP address of Xbox etc and nothing changed., nothing worked. Tried installing game on PC, worked with no issues, was able to access guild, which makes me believe that the issue people are having is device specific. Once did the alternative MAC address it worked and game loads fast again, no more issues. Might be able to do something similar on PC/PS5 if this issue comes up.

  • This has happened to me as well ever since I got a ship it hasn't worked

  • I'm on PC myself - only fix has been to exit from all but one guild.

    Last time I tried adding a guild the errors started and I had to be kicked, because I can't even access to leave the guild 100% of the time.

  • Hi, I'm playing on Ps5 and I'm having the same problem. Guilds don't load and when the logo appears I instantly get an application error. I can delete the game, my save nothing to do, and the support doesn't help and tells me that the problem comes from my side, it's nonsense.

  • I have this issue too, restarting, verivying files and reinstalling game all dont work

  • @krakmo8424 Following up to this, I am in a second guild now and it seems to work well

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