FS Piracy | 10/24 | Guild Level 351

  • 11 spots available - everyone is welcome!

  • Hello me and a friend would like to join my Xbox name is Spac3X#4948 and my discord is spac3x

  • @spac3x4948

    Invite sent! What is your friends gamertag?

  • could i join?

  • @rafikifsr IA Gunrock on Xbox

  • I wanna join in! Xbox user: DedSecPlayz

  • Still got some space? 3k+ hours, active most days. PvP focused but always down for some adv shenanigans.
    Xbox: JDIIZ || Discord: h6ey

  • @Piratelegend456, @Spac3X4948, @StrungBreak5858, @JDIIZ

    Sounds good! Invites sent! :)

  • Greetings !

    I'd love to join if you still have some room.

    G-tag & Discord : Drâal

  • Hello,
    I am very interested to join your Guild. I play since 30.4.2024 on Playstation but I think I am pretty good. It would be very great, if I could join your Guild.

    Your's LoeweGnu156

  • @rafikifsr are there still any open spots. I'm kinda new but understand the game and have my own sloop I can pledge

  • Still got spots? Would love to join if you do!

    Xbox: Rationality8518
    Discord: rationality

  • @Drhaal, @LoeweGnu156, @Twitch9696, @Rationality8518

    Of course, welcome! Invites sent! :)

  • im a returning player after a break for a few years, are you still accepting players? GT- aRustyDroid / Discord- aRustyBattleDroid

  • Hey! Looking for a guild to join. An old player who was an insider in the alpha 8 years ago. Getting back into the game after a long time away and plan to stay active. Look forward to hearing back!

    Xbox: Cpt Redfish
    Discord: .redfish

  • my Xbox gamertag is ‘tdhar’ and my discord is ‘td.har’ if you have any spots left

  • @aRustyDroid, @Cpt-Redfish, @tdhar

    Would be an honor! Invites sent! :)

  • I would like to join your guild. My Gt: AOD Vigil
    Thank you.

  • @rafikifsr thank you! may i get a invite to the discord as well please, my discord is aRustyBattleDroid

  • Hey I’d love to join

  • @AOD-Vigil, @crunchscura1811

    Awesome! Invites sent!


    I've sent you an Xbox-App message with the invitation, it should show up, but let me know if it isn't :-)

  • still recruiting? xbox user is LynicryEXE and discord is lynicry_

  • It's a new month and we are recruiting again.

    14 spots available - everyone is welcome!

  • still interested :)

112 sur 130