Emissary guild questions

  • Never set sail yet as an emissary guild whats more efficient leveling all factions with the multiplier from the guild or flying the flag from the specific faction oos goldhoarder merchant and for what counting the gems when i sell them at sovereigns? do athene get also a multiplier from guild emissary?

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  • Flying the emissary flag of the individual trading companies is the fastest way to level them up.

    The Guild emissary flag at higher levels only has the multiplier applied to your Guild level. A level 5 Guild flag and a level 1 Guild flag raise the individual tranding company levels at the same rate. No multiplier for them.

  • If you are doing only stuff to get a single type of loot, put up that emissary. But if you are getting a varied collection like doing natural world events, the stray bottle quest or stealing others loot, i would say do the guild emissary since it boosts everything in a pretty even spread. And yes athena does get a boost from it, but if you are doing athena stuff you probably wont be getting a big enough spread of loot to be worth it since athenas give everything.

    As a little side note, the guild emissary also boosts fish value more than you would get selling for full at a sea post.

  • @thegrimpreacher said in Emissary guild questions:

    Flying the emissary flag of the individual trading companies is the fastest way to level them up.

    The Guild emissary flag at higher levels only has the multiplier applied to your Guild level. A level 5 Guild flag and a level 1 Guild flag raise the individual tranding company levels at the same rate. No multiplier for them.

    I thought it kept the multiplier for rep with even the companies, just was not worth it if you were focusing on that company.

  • @goldsmen

    It's a negligible difference. The multiplier only applies to the Guild rep gains and not the individual companies because if it did, there'd be no reason (except ledger rewards) to run any other emissary except Guild going forward if you could level all companies equally with the multipler with one emissary flag.

  • @thegrimpreacher said in Emissary guild questions:


    It's a negligible difference. The multiplier only applies to the Guild rep gains and not the individual companies because if it did, there'd be no reason (except ledger rewards) to run any other emissary except Guild going forward if you could level all companies equally with the multipler with one emissary flag.

    I think the 2.5x on specific loot items would be the reason to run it since it is a more focused thing, since you gain a bit less rep for hoarders on a natural skele fort than an emissary fort, but for a guild that boost would be worth it since you get a wider spread for natural world event loot.

    Imo its pretty odd if you cant get that boost since its drastically smaller for faction focused loot.

  • @goldsmen

    From a "gold value" perspective it absolutely makes sense to run a Guild emissary over any specific trading company since it applies to all loot items, including the Hunter's Call and specific Reaper's Bones items as well.

    Even at a reduced max value at lvl 5 (75% vs 150%) the convenience and speed you can sell at any Outpost far outstrips the reduction in gold value.

    But you have to remember that Guilds themselves are basically another company that have their own reputation track and distinctions to progress through, so the Guild is the only one that reaps the 'multiplier' reward repuation-wise in order to keep balance between it and the other five "company" emissary flags you can fly.

    So whether you sell at the Sovereigns with or without a Guild emissary flag you receive basically the same repuation gains for the other five companies. You want a boost to your Athena rep? You fly the Athena flag, and so on.

    How would it be balanced with the other emisssary systems who only boost a single trading company when you fly them to have a sixth "company" come in and boost both it's own company (the Guild) with a 75% multiplier and not only boost one other trading company's as well, but all five other companies simultaneously (provided you're selling their specific loot)?

  • @thegrimpreacher said in Emissary guild questions:


    From a "gold value" perspective it absolutely makes sense to run a Guild emissary over any specific trading company since it applies to all loot items, including the Hunter's Call and specific Reaper's Bones items as well.

    Even at a reduced max value at lvl 5 (75% vs 150%) the convenience and speed you can sell at any Outpost far outstrips the reduction in gold value.

    But you have to remember that Guilds themselves are basically another company that have their own reputation track and distinctions to progress through, so the Guild is the only one that reaps the 'multiplier' reward repuation-wise in order to keep balance between it and the other five "company" emissary flags you can fly.

    So whether you sell at the Sovereigns with or without a Guild emissary flag you receive basically the same repuation gains for the other five companies. You want a boost to your Athena rep? You fly the Athena flag, and so on.

    How would it be balanced with the other emisssary systems who only boost a single trading company when you fly them to have a sixth "company" come in and boost both it's own company (the Guild) with a 75% multiplier and not only boost one other trading company's as well, but all five other companies simultaneously (provided you're selling their specific loot)?

    I see it as balanced just because it is a fairly low multi, i do see your reasoning, but since its low enough i see it as fair enough. Especially considering gilds always make rep still even without the emissary, and with emissary it is still really slow to level it.

  • Ty guys i just understood it wrong thought every faction get a multiplier.guild dont have a lot unlockable cosmetics?

  • @da-german420

    Not too many. Four sets of outfit parts based around ship roles (Helm, Cook, Navigator and Cannoneer) unlocked in your clothing chest automatically as you progress through your Guild levels; and a ship set you gradually unlock and four tiers of a ship-in-a-bottle trinket, both for purchase at the Shipwright.

    Then of course, there's the emissary ledger reward tracks that award you trinkets and portraits to decorate your ship with if you place high enough every month; I believe we're up to the third trinket/portrait set now.

    Plus a host of comms and titles to unlock.

  • @thegrimpreacher. Ty, never took a look surprised the guild have ledgers,i will go for it i like decorate my sloop

  • @thegrimpreacher said in Emissary guild questions:

    Flying the emissary flag of the individual trading companies is the fastest way to level them up.

    The Guild emissary flag at higher levels only has the multiplier applied to your Guild level. A level 5 Guild flag and a level 1 Guild flag raise the individual tranding company levels at the same rate. No multiplier for them.

    Are you sure? Just read this from Rare:

    “ How do Guild Emissaries work?
    You can unlock Guild Emissary play at Guild Reputation 15, and activate it at the Sovereigns.

    If you are a Guild Emissary, then you will get bonus Reputation for both the Company and your Guild when you hand in at the Sovereigns. This is a smaller bonus than if you were a Company Emissary.”

    Therefore, if you want to progress in a specific Company, their own Emissary is more powerful but you will earn unboosted Guild Reputation. If you are a Guild Emissary, you’ll progress your Guild faster but progress the individual companies more slowly than if you were their Emissary.

  • Ah, I stand corrected.

    I hadn't noticed an appreciable difference to my other trading company increases while running Guild Emissary, but apparently there is.

    I wonder what the percentage difference is...

  • @thegrimpreacher if it 75 its not bad

  • @thegrimpreacher

    No idea mate. I’m interested to find out though!

  • Sailing a guild emissary flag is akin to having a cheater Magnet attached to the rear of your ship. You will get the "eat cancelers" (i.e. using hacks for infinite health) and the autoaim bots galore. They can't even see you on the map, yet, somehow, they know exactly where you are. Hmmm.... remind you of the loot tracking hack that tells you where all loot on the game is? I don't think it is worth running the emissary as you can just stick to one thing at a time and work your way through. I like a good fight, just as anyone else, but when you have cheater after cheater after cheater after cheater, it gets old. We all know that Easy Anti Cheat doesn't work. Obviously. If it did, then why woukd we have to report every instance of cheating we run across WITH VIDEO to Rare for anything to be done? Heck! We might as well all start running alt accounts and running hacks. The only way Sea of Thieves gets saved at this point, is if Rare makes Safer Seas a full-fledged game mode. (I.e. you can do everything in Safer Seas that you can anywhere else: all events, burning blade, all commendations, all reputations levels, captains ships, all achievements, full gold amounts as if in High Seas, and the ability to run whatever emissary you want.) This is the only way Rare doesn't lose their game at this point. I literally hung back from a guy, just to watch him. I would hit him and back off while he fought skeletons, hit him again and back off, hit him again and back off. What I was doing, was checking him. He NEVER pulled out any food. NOT ONCE. He also didn't kill me. His aim was sooooooo bad. But. He never healed, and he was hit by me and my skeletons. His buddy died normally. Him? Nah. His excuse? "Eat canceling." Which we all know danged good and well doesn't exist. So, there's my long-winded answer for you. Don't run the guild flag, unless you like recording cheaters all day.

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