Rumblebeard - Kicked for Anticheat Violation?

  • This just happened to me as well. Everything was going well this past week. I assumed it was because I have it installed on an external hard drive, but all the other comments just make it seem like a common problem. Has anyone who posted previously gotten the problem resolved?

  • I got this pop up in game last night, could rejoin and all fine after that. I can't say for what you guys get up to, but I can for me, so anyone here who is genuine might be able to help us spot a false flag. My main theory at the moment is something going wrong around the tall tale I had quit in the session previous.
    From what others are saying it's happening when returning after a long break, that's not the case for me as I play quite regularly.. Some pointers about my set-up which might help spot patterns. Anyone else find the same?

    • Occurred shortly after hitting a long distance hail mary cannonshot. (From what I've read here, I'm not convinced this was the trigger)

    • Occurred in my first sail since quitting the Quest for Guybrush tall tale. I noticed there was some kind of bug where the 'mighty pirate sword' was still equipped, when I rejoined the game I had a pistol and a sniper, (but I always run a sword and sniper)

    • Was when fighting another crew that was on a Burning Blade. I was on a brig.

    • I play SoT on two different devices. My main PC and a steam deck.

    • I have the in game bug where my in game settings do not save, and have to change some settings each time I launch.

      • ^^ I had recently been checking out HDR, which added additional options in settings which won't save. I have since switched back to Standard Range.
    • Other software I run include:
      -Corsair's iCue for keyboard rebinds to an MMO mouse.
      -JoytoKey which helps add a Push To Talk button to an otherwise limited Xinput device. (It effectively presses the keyboard PTT key when I press one of the back buttons)
      -I switch to controller often during some non combat bits and to kick back a bit
      -Windows 11. Intel 13700k. RTX 4070. Corsair DDR5 RAM.

    Although I only got the boot once in the session I was seething about it. I haven't been called a cheat at anything for about 15 years in Trivial Pursuit! The accusation was wrong then as well.
    Anyone else spotting patterns from their experience?

  • Having the same issues. I just keep getting this error. Reinstalled the game, verified it via steam, rebooted the pc multiple time without any luck. I also tried to create a different microsoft account and join the tutorial but i got the same error there as well

  • Happen to me too, played like 10 times. Now I'm getting this message. My friends could load in with a unusually long loading time. I am having the same loading time and then the anti cheat violation massage. I'm also guessing it's a bug in the developer or server side. I'm hoping for a update/fix soon, I guess.

  • @popochard mano sim, fiquei 1 ano sem jogar aí consegui instalar hoje pra jogar e quando entrei apareceu que eu sou um trapaceiro ??? Tô preocupado se vou perder tudo oq comprei e conquistei

  • For the Steam version:

    In your Sea of ​​Thieves folder there is a batch file:

    After running this, it works for me.
    I hope that helps

  • so guys, i had the error for a week and got rumblebeared like 60 times. I tried evry fix online and also what the support team suggested me to do. Nothing worked.

    That's why i decided to format my pc to 0
    I then did these things:

    Installed steam
    Installed discord
    Installed Sea of thieves

    It finally worked.
    As it may seems an extreme option, if you are sure 100% that you haven't cheated, save your most importat file and format your pc. It will work 100%
    It's probably some software, application or idk that makes the EAC to force you out of the game constantly. Something that maybe start when you boot your pc without even letting you know it.
    As i didn't try to understand what it was, frustrated i just ereased everything on my pc bringing it to the factory settings.
    You shall do the same as last option

  • I just got the same error for the first time today randomly while sailing with the burning blade but the game asked me to rejoin and i was able to get back into the game. Kind of worried though because I've invested a lot of time (and money) into my account.

  • I had the same thing today, just finished a HG fight was loading into a server and then got the rumblebeard popped up on my screen, but I was able to just rejoin the game I’m so confused why this happened as it seems to happen to lots of legit players, maybe there are hackers in the lobby we are trying to join into, but that dose need looking at making player think they have done something wrong..

  • @gvnecromancr
    one of the problems this causes is why Sea of ​​thieves was added to adrenaline Amd
    it happened to me this morning, Rumblebeard
    Sea of ​​Thieves EAC considers AMD Adrenaline a third-party program compared to Battlefield2042 EAC
    ed doesn't want you to put Sea of ​​thieves in adrenaline.
    A lot of these guys like me use the desktop loophole and then add Sea of ​​thieves to AMD for fan management.

  • I've been also kicked for Anticheating - Rumblebeard, after raiding a Sunken Treasury (died 4x while doing it) and delivering the loot to an outpost. But i've been able to reconnect right away, so no loot was lost, i received just a hole in the ship after the ship crashed into the dock...

  • Same thing happened to me yesterday. Was playing for like 2 hours or so. We were mid battle with crew of burning blade (player). Suddenly I got Anticheating - Rumblebeard error and got kicked out. Returned to the game right after that. But it is weird. Don't use any cheat software, all installed programs on pc are the same last several months. Only thing that changes are regular windows and steam updates.

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