Allow guild members to login to the same server

  • Allow guild members to login to the same servers, maybe servers that will contain guilds, this will allow guild wars
    Big pvp battles

  • 8
  • They will just become easy alliance servers, it would be abused unless there were no gold or progression.

  • Allow guild members to login to the same servers

    They can if they join the same ship/crew. You just can't have multiple guild ships, that kind of defeats the main thing about the Guild.
    Multiple Guild ships across multiple servers, working together to earn Rep at any given time.

  • Multiple guild members can join the same server; On the same ship.

    And if you mean 'On different ships', then no.
    All that would do is allow people to more easily make Alliance Servers where they push out non-Alliance players before cheesing every commendation.

  • That is a hard no. Two or more guild ships would own the server and that would be no fun for anyone else.

    Now having the opinion to have guild wars, say a guild hideout that would be your fort you defend vs an invading fleet, or 3 v 3 ship battles of one guild vs the other would be cool but no other content.

  • @trickyzerg7655 this would be opposite of guild wars...

  • That would be so nice. I see the issue with "alliance worlds" but like, we can do the same thing if we fly the right flag right? We can get a party of several ships together on one team in any server, why can't we group up with friends and guild mates?

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