Changes to Safer Seas

  • EDIT: I spoke with @Sa1tynutz and he helped to change my thoughts on a few things. Biggest one was why captaincy isn't allowed. I now understand a bit more about what things work and what things don't. I will still stand by saying we at least need a small pay bump even if by 5%. I know some new things now and appreciate those who came forth with some constructive criticisms for me and who had conversations with me.

    I like the idea of safer seas for helping to get commendations and other things, however, if you want to actually have fun it's kinda hard.

    The reduced selling price is too low a cut for the players, I feel that 40-60% would be more fair and still give people incentives to play on high seas. It could also build some lore that the alliances are taking a cut to keep the seas safe. It just sucks to have a huge pile of treasure and only get max 5k when on open seas you would easily get 20-30k

    Not being able to sell to the Sovereign due to not being able to used captained ships is kinda lame. Since the pay is abysmal it makes it less worth to even run to the different alliance tents to sell things.

    I get the point of the restrictions to the safer seas is to give incentives for players to be on high seas, but newer players who want to have fun tend to get their fun ruined by either being ruthlessly attacked by pvpers or not getting the satisfaction of seeing gold pile up when they sell things.

  • 36
  • @rose2247 If Safer Seas is made profitable that will make Higher Seas obsolete. Profit without risk is not a pirates game anymore, just another MMO like many out there.

  • Yeah I agree, I grinded the high seas to get my factions up to 50, but bloody hell the trolls! I hate the trolls and feeling scared everywhere I go, safer seas needs at least 60% treasure.

    I don’t care about the pvp, I want to sail relaxed and enjoy the quests without looking over my shoulder.
    I had one just yesterday, I’d freshly spawned in and was chased halfway over the map, they must’ve known I was a fresh spawn from the placement of the ship but they trolled me anyway.

    I love safer seas but it needs more to not get boring.

  • @metal-ravage not really, people want to play the game and not be trolled. If there’s unique quests or stories to do in safer seas then people would play it. The PvP trolling is just ruining high seas anyway so it doesn’t matter if SS becomes more popular. A game company should want people playing their game not turning it off.
    Leave PvP players to their PvP, and let those who want to enjoy the game have the game, that way the trolls can troll each other and leave the casuals alone.

  • Glass.
    You need to change your thinking right away.
    It is not trolling to engage in pvp.
    This is a PvPvE game and player combat is 100% intended and integral to the experience.
    If you dont want to engage in it, thats fine, but if the other crew does, thats ALSO fine.

  • @rose2247

    Hello Miss or Mrs Rose , i think that safer seas solely is being percepted as a hide away place for people that get bullied out of the High Seas. And that's not why it was imported . Because of the huge experience gap between Old Pirates and New Pirates this Safer Seas gives you the oppertunity to melt a team together that can withstand the most hardened crew.

    Our Pirateband , when you would take us as seperate Pirates , we would not even get the rank mediocre , but when you let us sail together we are dangerous , we mostly never attack Pirates as we can't measure what kind of experience is sailing on the other ship but if they let the cannonballs fly then they are in for a long seabattle.

    We all have our roles , and those roles are chosen out of what a Pirate loves to do , i like to repair so if i count two hits , then my work starts , when it's repaired i'm back at the cannons , Captain Jay4dio 's role is tactical steering and shooting , and Mrs D is our Helmswoman in normal sailing situations but becomes a cannoneer when the cannonballs fly around our ears . And when i call for bailing help , one drops everything and come to help me as our ship is our house ...

    Making Safer Seas more profitable makes it that people wouldn't leave that anymore , sure they would " miss" some toxic encounters , but they would also miss a whole lot of thrilling and even hilarious encounters on the Seas... Believe me , when i say that there are a lot of Friendly or cooperating Pirates on the Seas that do help others with tips and tricks ...

    Safer Seas is great for trying to mold a crew together and to solve Tall Tales in all peace and quiet , but when those things are done , then the Real Adventures , who will be remembered in 10 or 20 years later are being experienced in High Seas ... Oh , and even though we have a great Pirateband , we still, after more than 6 years get sunk , but that is really not bad. We fall and we simply get up again . Any game where you never lose , loses it's glance for me anyways...

  • @rose2247 you've argued against your own point. Safer seas is designed to be a learning platform people use before they move onto higher seas so increasing all the rewards to a point people feel comfortable staying there forever goes against the whole point.

  • @clumsy-george said in Changes to Safer Seas:

    " i think that safer seas solely is being precepted as a hide away place for people that get bullied out of the High Seas."

    Yep that's right. There are players that feel bullied in this game because of it's core design.

    "We mostly never attack Pirates as we can't measure what kind of experience is sailing on the other ship but if they let the cannonballs fly then they are in for a long sea battle."

    That can definitely not be said of most HS players, They can and will attack on site of you just because they are in HS and that is allowed and expected. Remember the main differences between HS and SS;
    High Seas- Do anything you want, be as devious and relentless as you want to another crew/ship with all the tools you need to get their gold, and earn commendations as such, for this is the "pirate way."
    Safer Seas- Do anything you want, be as devious as you want to PVE enemies/ships with all the tools you need to get their gold, (At a 60% less rate) and earn commendations, (Capped at 50)

    "Making Safer Seas more profitable makes it that people wouldn't leave that anymore , sure they would " miss" some toxic encounters , but they would also miss a whole lot of thrilling and even hilarious encounters on the Seas..."

    Yes, and toxic and /or unwanted encounters are very common in HS, but the thrills and hilarious encounters are not that common. (In most cases) and If you are not gaming with your friends, they are not perceived that way by all.

    "Believe me , when i say that there are a lot of Friendly or cooperating Pirates on the Seas that do help others with tips and tricks ..."

    In the many adventures I've seen before SS came about, I can count on one hand the amount of friendly pirates I've run across, but what you've said is correct...there are friendly pirates on the HS, but in order to find out if they're friendly or not, you will sink more times than not. remember, if your in HS, it's guaranteed you will meet someone wanting to sink you, because
    this is High Seas- you can do anything you want, be as devious and relentless as you want to another crew/ship with all the tools you need to get their gold, and earn commendations as such, for this is the "High Seas pirate way."

  • @glassreaver81 If you change your perspective you will have a better time. I know the game can be daunting to new players, but you will soon see treasure and supplies are everywhere. Take your experience of being chased as a fresh spawn, you had nothing of value to lose, so why even engage? Go back to the menu and get on a new server. Sell often so if you get attacked the sting isn't so bad. Gold is easier to get now than it ever has been, High Seas usually isn't the wild west that people make it out to be. This is coming from someone who rarely engages in PvP and mostly sails solo.

  • @glassreaver81 said in Changes to Safer Seas:

    @metal-ravage not really, people want to play the game and not be trolled. If there’s unique quests or stories to do in safer seas then people would play it. The PvP trolling is just ruining high seas anyway so it doesn’t matter if SS becomes more popular. A game company should want people playing their game not turning it off.
    Leave PvP players to their PvP, and let those who want to enjoy the game have the game, that way the trolls can troll each other and leave the casuals alone.

    Pvp isn't trolling. If you don't like it play safer seas or play something else that's fun for you. Clearly SoT isn't your cup of tea.

  • Newer players.

    • don’t need to already own a captain ship. So, they don’t need a place to sell quicker.

    • aren’t in safer seas for the gold. Shouldn’t. Hence the low payout.

  • @glassreaver81 the thing is getting attacked, sunk and stolen from is part of the actual game.

    It is the MAIN risk and loss factor of said game.

    Safer seas removes the majority of the risk hence it also removes the majority of the reward.

  • @rose2247 This is no hate to you or any other pirate who agrees with you, but Safer Seas is a tutorial before the base game so players may understand the basics of the base game. You not being able to sell to Sovereigns isn't "lame" It's fair because you don't start Higher Seas being able to sell to them, you must gain Captaincy.

    Safer Seas isn't meant for money or grinding it's meant for learning and building a foundation to your knowledge so you may expand upon it.

    Sadly yes people get trolled and griefed, but it's a pirate game and nobody can tell me this happens to them all the time every session, it just doesn't happen.

    Not being satisfied with your grind session is on you, if you see youtubers or streamers who stack millions and you can't manage to stack that same haul, don't beat yourself up about it, you're not that pirate.

    Again overall S.S is a tutorial not H.S, just because you have a "bad" experience doesn't mean you give up or complain move on, set sail once more and make memories on this beautiful chaotic game of ours. Safe Journeys.

  • Apologies in advance for the soap box I'm about to climb up on here.

    I agree with the OP, safer seas feels like such a let down. Yes, I get that we're supposed to play High Seas more often, and use Safer Seas for practice. But as a player who nearly reached pirate legend a few years ago, took several years off without playing the game, and has recently come back? I was so excited to see that there were 'private servers' - and I was then very let down when I realized that Safer Seas are NOT that. I use them for grinding Tall Tales. I use them for fishing so that I can just chill and do my own thing without worrying about someone coming along and sinking me for no reason other than to take fish they haven't spent time working towards. But I don't bother to collect any treasure I see floating by. I don't dig up any treasure. I don't do quests/voyages. They're not worth it in Safer Seas, and that's super depressing. It's such a big part of the game, and it's so fun! But it's not viable at its current payout.

    Before someone jumps down my throat and says that if I want to make gold I have to play on High Seas, I absolutely agree that we shouldn't be making full gold on Safer Seas. There would be little incentive to play High Seas at all if you could earn full rewards on Safer Seas, and the High Seas servers would devolve even further into a toxic PvP wasteland. It makes sense that you earn less reward for less risk. But at its current setup where you make roughly 30% of the value you would get when selling the item in High Seas? It just feels BAD. It feels so pointless, like a waste of time. It needs adjusting to be more balanced. My opinion is that earning roughly 45-55% would be a step in the right direction, pushing 60-70% of their High Seas selling price for some things like fish.

    Let me give you an example here so you can see where I'm coming from.

    I wanted to try something new, very outside my skill set and something I hadn't done before in High Seas, and I decided that doing it in Safer Seas was the way to go so I could get some experience. So my friend and I decided to do the world event where we have to fight Flameheart's ghost fleet. It's a long fight, and neither of us are experts in naval combat, so we were going to make mistakes and miss shots. It wasn't going to be fast or efficient. But we were going to learn, and we were going to have fun. We did it, even though it took us way longer than some other players would have taken. And we were proud of ourselves. It was great experience, both at the helm and on cannons... But when we got to the outpost, our moods quickly crashed: First, we had to turn in every single piece of loot we had earned by hand without the convenience of the Sovereigns. I know that a few years ago, the Sovereigns weren't a thing and all loot had to be turned in that way - and guess what, I hated it back then, too. I don't understand why the devs chose to take away that convenience for Safer Seas. If we're already earning barely any gold for our treasure, having to walk it all the way across the island is just kicking us while we're down. I've genuinely had sessions where I just give up and log out without even turning all my treasure in on Safer Seas because it's not worth the time or effort. My second complaint is the summary of the OP. After taking out Flameheart, there were more chests, skulls, and various treasure on the boat I'd ever amassed before. It was really cool to see it all stacked on the bow. We felt like we did something big and would have earned at least some decent gold. But every single turn in was so disappointing and lackluster. Watching those gold numbers roll in and be so small was such a defeat. It completely nullified any positive feelings we had about our success.

    Another example is that I'm trying to get better at solo slooping. I'm doing short sessions in High Seas, and more often than not I get rolled, and I spend time in Safer Seas trying to get better. I will admit that sometimes I run into cool people who aren't jerks, which is nice. But it's not the norm. For example, I took on a sea fort for the first time, since they weren't part of the game when I last played. I wanted to be able to take my time and focus on the task, to see how it worked and how well I could handle it, and to learn what I needed to do better. And crucially, I wanted to do this without other random players coming and ruining my day while I explored content that was new to me, because while PvP is very much a part of this game that I respect, what I DON'T respect or like is if I get on the speaking trumpet and try to talk to a ship that's coming at me and say "Hey, I'm working on this hard thing, please don't kill me. I don't even have much treasure on board, can we talk and can you maybe let me finish this thing I'm struggling with first?" or something along those lines... people ignore you, kill you, probably spawn camp you so you can't do anything to fight back, and sink your ship. That's what people usually mean when they talk about toxicity and trolling in this game. It's just rude. Are you really having fun being a bully and WRECKING that solo slooper with your 3 man Brig? If you come across someone who clearly does NOT want to engage in PvP or is at a much lower skill level than you are, and they're doing something like a Tall Tale or a voyage for another company that won't benefit you very much if at all, WHY would you still sink them? Just to be a jerk? That's stupid, and that's the kind of situation I face almost every time I login because my PvP skills are not as high as people who spend their time doing hourglass and being sweaty. I just want to chill and be a pirate. If I'm sitting there with the one single skull I snagged out of some flotsam after logging in and I'm just trying to exist, LEAVE ME ALONE.

    Yes, you could be smug here and say "Get Good." But the whole point here is, I'm TRYING to. But I'm not going to get better if people make me hate the game and want to stop playing it, because I can't ever accomplish anything.

    So. All this to explain that I was hoping Safer Seas would be a place where I could play at my own speed, and also get better at the game - without feeling like I'm completely wasting my time. Because when I pull into an outpost after five hours with more treasure on my ship than I've ever had before, and make a TINY amount of gold? It just feels bad. It doesn't feel like I had a victory and accomplished something by trying out that fort or spending all that time taking out that ghost fleet. It just feels like a waste of time and effort. And it feels bad because I KNOW if I took the time to try these things at my current skill level in High Seas, someone else would come along who is better at PvP than I am and sink me while I'm already struggling from the long hard fight, and I won't have learned anything except that I hate people and I'm apparently not good enough to play this game that I otherwise really enjoy. Which I don't think is the message any game devs should be sending their players. Maybe that's just me.

  • @soulstinger2k20 said in Changes to Safer Seas:

    You need to chamge your thinking right away.
    It is not trolling to engage in pvp.
    This is a PvPvE game and player combat is 100% intended and integral to the experience.
    If you dont want to engage in it, thats fine, but if the other crew does, thats ALSO fine.

    You're right on the first point. It's not trolling to engage in PVP. However, it would be considered trolling (or even griefing) to wait outside outposts for people to load in, follow other players around and never fully killing them or their ship but just damaging them over and over again. Waiting until they have run out of supplies from you taking pop shots and not committing to the full fight. The game is PvPvE, so combat is expected, but harassment is not. "How can someone harass you? If they just kill you a bunch you can scuttle your ship." Yeah, and loose whatever treasure you had, whatever supplies you had gotten, and the people doing it never expended a single cannonball against you, just spawn camped you until you scuttled. It may not have ever happened to you, but it's happened to me. Many times. In fact it's what has led me to leaving the game for multiple years at a time on differing occasions only ever coming back when I have people to play with as I cannot for the life of me solo sloop.

  • @dalishwordsmith Hey Pirate ! Would you like to hop in a discord call or Xbox party to talk about everything ? I genuinely want to discuss stuff you laid out. You seem like a pirate I can sympathize with and have a human interaction that isn't full of hate or wanting to win. If you're interested please Message at @Sa1tynutz on Xbox or @mtsaltmoregamez on Discord. Lets Talk !

    It's also okay if you don't want to :)

  • @sa1tynutz said in Changes to Safer Seas:

    @rose2247 This is no hate to you or any other pirate who agrees with you, but Safer Seas is a tutorial before the base game so players may understand the basics of the base game. You not being able to sell to Sovereigns isn't "lame" It's fair because you don't start Higher Seas being able to sell to them, you must gain Captaincy.

    Safer Seas isn't meant for money or grinding it's meant for learning and building a foundation to your knowledge so you may expand upon it.

    Sadly yes people get trolled and griefed, but it's a pirate game and nobody can tell me this happens to them all the time every session, it just doesn't happen.

    Not being satisfied with your grind session is on you, if you see youtubers or streamers who stack millions and you can't manage to stack that same haul, don't beat yourself up about it, you're not that pirate.

    Again overall S.S is a tutorial not H.S, just because you have a "bad" experience doesn't mean you give up or complain move on, set sail once more and make memories on this beautiful chaotic game of ours. Safe Journeys.

    Oh I know. But say you spend a couple 20k gold on buying the 5k gold crates of supplies from the merchants (Since there's no Captaincy allowed on S.S period) and then you decide that you're gonna work to get back at least that 20k gold you spent and a little extra. That's a lot of time you would need to spend grinding, transporting, and selling. Only to get MAX 900 gold per item. sometimes ever less. I had something that normally would sell for 1-3k sell for legit 340somthing, that's not fair. I'm not wanting free Sovereigns in the S.S but we should be allowed to use our captaincy in S.S. Additionally I'm not upset that I get little to no gold in H.S, actually I get quite a decent amount, I just have to do in chunks because I'm not skilled at PvP, I've had sessions where I've EASILY made about 200k in H.S but that's only after running back to sell between each quest.

    As for S.S being a "tutorial" area kind of thing, no...There's an actual tutorial you can play that teaches you the basics. S.S is, as DalishWordsmith put in their reply, "Private Servers". S.S is more of a playground than a tutorial, but even other PvPvE games have these playgrounds and they can still offer a good chunk of change for doing quests and other things in the playground.

  • @hiradc said in Changes to Safer Seas:

    @rose2247 you've argued against your own point. Safer seas is designed to be a learning platform people use before they move onto higher seas so increasing all the rewards to a point people feel comfortable staying there forever goes against the whole point.

    I don't see how? I've asked for something that other games have done with their "playground" servers. 30% of the gold to players is too low, not allowing players who have Captaincy to use their Captaincy is kinda upsetting too. I'm all for them keeping it so you can't fly an emissary flag, but 30% is too low.

  • Just allow for Captaincy and Sovereigns. That's the only thing I would 100% support for Safer Seas.

    Selling loot the old-school way is absolutely painful and unnecessarily extends play sessions by a comical amount.

    Adding Captaincy/Sovereigns and leaving the reduced gold/progression would have a knock-on-effect of increasing the gold you can earn on safer seas.

    As someone that has no interest in Safer Seas whatsoever, I would support that.

  • Safer seas isn't meant to be fun, it's meant to be a tutorial. The threat of otger players is what makes the game really interesting

  • If the true goal is to get at least some of the people to high seas then they did it right. Gotta leave Captaincy as a high seas incentive to make that work. Same with gold.

    The one substantive thing that safer seas supporters have going for them is the wild inconsistency with risk/reward in the game. This game is massively cheesed at levels far beyond anything going on in something like safer seas.

    That won't change Rare's mind, they are gonna do whatever they decide to do but that inconsistency would be the strongest argument for changes.

    Personally I think it'll be a lot of the same going forward. I think safer seas will continue to be this peaceful chill zone without a lot of incentives outside of that and I think high seas will continue to get cheesier and cheesier.

    I really don't know why people that want profits focus so much on safer seas. The risk in high seas has only been going down post season 8. The ways to profit are only going up.

    Let it be the chill zone. High seas barely feels like high seas a lot of the time. People would do fine if they tried it more and fought against the system less.

    The next big SoT event is 2 weekends of alliance servers lol. Just play high seas if you want max profit.

  • The daily thread that complains about safer seas not being as profitable.

  • Honestly even an increase to 40% would be amazing. That's it. I just want a small gold increase

  • After talking with @Sa1tynutz I have had a change of heart on things, still would like to have a small pay bump

  • @rose2247 said in Changes to Safer Seas:

    Honestly even an increase to 40% would be amazing. That's it. I just want a small gold increase

    You could avoid doing fotd and fofs and pretty much thrive in every other situation in SoT high seas, at least most of them as long as you don't stack loot. Avoid marking your ship with your activity.

    This game is very very different than it used to be. I used to get attacked more in a day than I do in weeks now. I used to get tucked on literally every day and I almost never get tucked on now. Once in a while I'll get a rowboat/keg play but that's only after hours of session time.

    Random pvp happens but a person could very easily avoid pvp a lot of the time in current SoT.

    The issue isn't pvp pressure at all, it's that people refuse to adapt.

    For whatever reason people won't stop stacking, I have no idea why people won't stop but they won't stop and they should. I don't even understand why they started stacking to begin with, makes no sense.

    They don't customize their sessions strategically.

    They get in this mindset of "I am a victim of pvp" which is definitely not a way to thrive in adventure. Nobody has to "get good" at pvp, in general that's a waste of time for most people because fights drag on too long which just slows down whatever goals people have.

    There are no victims of pvp, it's just a threat in a game like a skelly ship or a random keg in the water. Work around the threat and people do very well on high seas.

  • The only change I'm surprised has not happened yet is allowing captaincy in safer seas.

    40% nerf won't matter that players can use the sovereign plus they are capped at a certain level anyways. Using safer seas to grind gold won't be a thing.

    Players would buy a captained boat and still use it on safer seas. I don't see how that is an issue.

    I come back to the argument that there is a trinket for completing tall tales. Safer seas was added to also allow people to enjoy the story without fear of someone ruining that experience. However, if you want those trinkets you need to redo tall tales in higher seas? lol

  • @wolfmanbush

    Thank you for this, and yes, after speaking with another pirate I understand a few more things than I did before, lots of things were going over my head and I will admit I made this post at about 2am my time so tired brain be tired. I've gotten a better understanding of things and some tips on how to better avoid pvp if I do not wish to engage in pvp.

  • @dank-jimb0 said in Changes to Safer Seas:

    The only change I'm surprised has not happened yet is allowing captaincy in safer seas.

    So actually I now understand and know why it's not allowed, its the milestones. Some people really grind out those milestones, and if you could grind them in safer seas then its not super fair.

  • @rose2247 said in Changes to Safer Seas:


    Thank you for this, and yes, after speaking with another pirate I understand a few more things than I did before, lots of things were going over my head and I will admit I made this post at about 2am my time so tired brain be tired. I've gotten a better understanding of things and some tips on how to better avoid pvp if I do not wish to engage in pvp.

    Something I always suggest to people is to embrace the inexperience in adventure.

    Adventure is never more exciting and mysterious than when we are new to something. Yeah, it's tough sometimes to be inexperienced but it's so awesome to be new to experiences.

    Nothing you did here is wrong, you just expressed how you were/are feeling. It's something everyone goes through. We all go through frustrations.

    You did something that is really really important in adventure, you were open to what others had to say, you thought about it, showed humility about it, and that's what makes it obvious that you are going to do awesome in this game.

    If you ever want any tips or strategies or ideas/advice or just some general optimism about where you are in the game you are welcome to reach out.

  • @rose2247 said in Changes to Safer Seas:

    @dank-jimb0 said in Changes to Safer Seas:

    The only change I'm surprised has not happened yet is allowing captaincy in safer seas.

    So actually I now understand and know why it's not allowed, its the milestones. Some people really grind out those milestones, and if you could grind them in safer seas then its not super fair.

    I think certain milestones should not be allowed in safer seas. I'm mostly talking about tall tales and possibly fishing.

    Safer seas was in part created so players can enjoy tall tales. But you have to do them in high seas to get trinkets? What is that lol

  • @rose2247 said in Changes to Safer Seas:


    Thank you for this, and yes, after speaking with another pirate I understand a few more things than I did before, lots of things were going over my head and I will admit I made this post at about 2am my time so tired brain be tired. I've gotten a better understanding of things and some tips on how to better avoid pvp if I do not wish to engage in pvp.

    I will also say that many of us that jave been here awhile are able to answer any questions. if you ever wanted to you could put together a large list and ask for help/answers and many of us would be glad to share our experience.

  • @rose2247 has another excellent point here - if the income is severely reduced in Safer Seas, the supplies should also cost less. When I want to do fishing sessions in Safer Seas, buying a 5k bait crate is so painful because I know I'm not even going to make back 1-2k on these fish at their low selling prices. The problem is that Safer Seas needs some slight balancing, I don't think that's asking for too much. Perhaps a sliding scale rather than a hard 30% income across the board - for items that already sell for very little in High Seas, reduce them less than they are currently. Reduce the cost of supply crates - there's even a lore friendly reason that's been mentioned above, if the seas are safer, then products wouldn't cost as much to transport, and thus would be cheaper to purchase.

  • @dalishwordsmith said in Changes to Safer Seas:

    @rose2247 has another excellent point here - if the income is severely reduced in Safer Seas, the supplies should also cost less. When I want to do fishing sessions in Safer Seas, buying a 5k bait crate is so painful because I know I'm not even going to make back 1-2k on these fish at their low selling prices. The problem is that Safer Seas needs some slight balancing, I don't think that's asking for too much. Perhaps a sliding scale rather than a hard 30% income across the board - for items that already sell for very little in High Seas, reduce them less than they are currently. Reduce the cost of supply crates - there's even a lore friendly reason that's been mentioned above, if the seas are safer, then products wouldn't cost as much to transport, and thus would be cheaper to purchase.

    that ignores their intent though. The design isn't to keep people in safer seas it's to offer it as an option for safer play. The design isn't to push people out of safer seas onto high seas it's to maintain incentives to at least do a mix of the 2.

    That's really where safer seas enjoyers would do quite well. A mix of safer and high seas. High seas for some good gold once in a while and safer seas when peace is more of a priority than everything else.

    An example is the upcoming event where people are going to do a lot of alliances, that would be a time for safer seas players to test high seas out for big gold.

  • @wolfmanbush I don't think you saw my previous comments here. I DO play a mix. I don't want to stay in Safer Seas. I just want the time I put into it to feel worthwhile. I shouldn't be miserable and feel like I'm wasting the few hours of gaming time I have to earn reduced profits. I'm stuck in this loop of, "I am not experienced enough to take on this thing in High Seas. But I hate knowing how much gold I'm missing out on by doing it in Safer Seas." So I get stuck between either trying it, and taking so long I get sunk before I even get back to my ship, or just not doing it at all. If my end decision is to just not play the game, then how is that benefiting the devs? I know you can't make every player happy in game design. But some balancing is needed here.

  • @dalishwordsmith said in Changes to Safer Seas:

    @wolfmanbush I don't think you saw my previous comments here. I DO play a mix. I don't want to stay in Safer Seas. I just want the time I put into it to feel worthwhile. I shouldn't be miserable and feel like I'm wasting the few hours of gaming time I have to earn reduced profits. I'm stuck in this loop of, "I am not experienced enough to take on this thing in High Seas. But I hate knowing how much gold I'm missing out on by doing it in Safer Seas." So I get stuck between either trying it, and taking so long I get sunk before I even get back to my ship, or just not doing it at all. If my end decision is to just not play the game, then how is that benefiting the devs? I know you can't make every player happy in game design. But some balancing is needed here.

    I am not experienced enough to take on this thing in High Seas.

    Yeah you are, everything in SoT is just doing it a few times, gaining a bit of experience with it, then working in efficiency and strategy to do it over and over again or deciding that it's not compatible with how you enjoy the game.

    Nothing I do is from winning fights or being some skilled pvper it's just from consistency and trying again.

    Thousands and thousands of in game hours later when I don't need anything or even want anything I still stick to the same basic principles that I did when I had no idea what I was doing.

    Sell stuff regularly, I never assume I am safe or that I am not in danger of losing loot, a fight, etc.

    Pvp isn't the real threat in SoT, it's arrogance and ego. Arrogance leads people to holding loot longer than they should and ego leads people to do things like run forever and get involved in these long drawn out situations. We all have to go through the phase of figuring out how to manage these in a way that is productive and healthy for our sessions.

    Sot isn't a game of skill it is a game of perseverance. Trying is succeeding.

    You are experienced enough for high seas and you'll show all your strengths in high seas if you stick to the basics and view it as a game of chess rather than a pvp game.

    If the big islands take too long, work your way up from the small islands, figure out which mid-large islands make the most sense for you.

    If the voyages take too long just sell as you get items, have back up plans to extract the higher quality loot. Hiding spots, rowboat plays, whatever your mind thinks up.

    If the attacks are often try switching up locations, switch up the pve. Skelly ships drop great loot and that'll keep someone on their ship. Many ways to customize a session.

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