Looking for HG Sloop/Brig/Galleon

  • Ahoy all of you sun-dried sea dogs! I am searching for a halfway decent crew that can take me on Friday afternoon/evening for some Athena Hourglass. My usual duo partner is not going to be available, and I would like to take the opportunity to catch up on some levels and have some fun in the process. I haven't had the chance to play any HG on a brig or galleon, so really that's what I would be really interested in trying.

    I am currently 66 in Guardians and 23 in SotF, and all of that time has been spent on cannons. I am not going to say that I am pro-level, but I do get a lot of one-balls. I can bilge and flex as well, just not going to pretend and be good on helm. If you have a spot open on one of your larger crews, send me a message on Xbox at this gamertag. I usually play on PC, but I just moved into a house and don't have internet until the 3rd, so I am using a mobile hotspot, and my PC does not have wi-fi. Lol.

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  • @o-girth-maul-o Hi! I am a decent player if i say so myself. Im level 66 in guardians. Would u like to play?

  • @stentjuhh123 Sure thing. Add me. I will be on tomorrow afternoon/evening probably 5pm Eastern. I am still going to be searching for a brig/galleon though! Want a taste of that big ship stuff!

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