Pledge of Allegiance.

  • "I, a fellow pirate of the Sea of Thieves, swear my loyalty to the winds and the waves. With my crew, I shall brave the storms, seek the treasures, and uphold the pirate’s code. To the Gold Hoarders, the Order of Souls, the Merchant Alliance, and all alliances we serve, I pledge my sword and my ship. May we sail with courage, fight with honor, and drink to our victories under the stars. For the freedom of the seas and the thrill of the adventure, I am bound to the pirate’s life until the end."

  • 11
    just for fun
  • @seathiever hey this one isn't AI like the last one right?

  • @seathiever In SOT the only allegiance that matters is to play the game in observation of the Code of Conduct!

  • @itzeggward I swear it’s not true! On my father’s grave.

  • @itzeggward said in Pledge of Allegiance.:

    @seathiever hey this one isn't AI like the last one right?

    A college teacher from the UK, Mandy, helped me. She’s from the UK, and I care about her a lot.

  • I'm sure now that an aggressive moderator, who doesn't like me, will step in and ruin my fun. I wish we could vote to block moderators. Players and moderators should be treated the same here on the forum. They are taking things personally, and they're using policies like bank account contracts, trying to find one single word to trap you in a pit of trouble.

  • yo SeaThiever its me the guy from yesterday when we tucked on the bb

  • @led106116 hey whazzzap, you playing everyday? add me if you only playing everyday and sea of thieves is you main game "ONLY"

  • @seathiever said in Pledge of Allegiance.:

    I'm sure now that an aggressive moderator, who doesn't like me, will step in and ruin my fun. I wish we could vote to block moderators. Players and moderators should be treated the same here on the forum. They are taking things personally, and they're using policies like bank account contracts, trying to find one single word to trap you in a pit of trouble.

    LBY isn't being aggressive. They are simply doing their job. If you keep not following forum rules, then you will keep getting punished for it. FAFO.

    Read the freakin' room. If punitive action is taken or a topic is locked or removed, don't then make a new topic about your old topic getting locked or removed. and then make a new topic when THAT one gets locked or removed. Take a hint.

    ...and you can edit posts on here to add to them if needed. You don't need to write 2-4 posts to reply to the same comment, or even worse, reply to your own posts to try and drum up artificial interest in whatever content you've created if it's not getting you enough attention.

  • @thegrimpreacher said in Pledge of Allegiance.:

    @seathiever said in Pledge of Allegiance.:

    I'm sure now that an aggressive moderator, who doesn't like me, will step in and ruin my fun. I wish we could vote to block moderators. Players and moderators should be treated the same here on the forum. They are taking things personally, and they're using policies like bank account contracts, trying to find one single word to trap you in a pit of trouble.

    LBY isn't being aggressive. They are simply doing their job. If you keep not following forum rules, then you will keep getting punished for it. FAFO.

    Read the freakin' room. If punitive action is taken or a topic is locked or removed, don't then make a new topic about your old topic getting locked or removed. and then make a new topic when THAT one gets locked or removed. Take a hint.

    ...and you can edit posts on here to add to them if needed. You don't need to write 2-4 posts to reply to the same comment, or even worse, reply to your own posts to try and drum up artificial interest in whatever content you've created if it's not getting you enough attention.

    Ahoy! Here be another parrot squawkin’ the same ol' words! Welcome aboard, me fine feathered friend! Come closer, I’ll give ye a good pet, aye!

just for fun
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