New Open Crew

  • I feel like the main flaw with Open Crew right now is that so many players have different goals. When queueing into a game of Open Crew, you don't have any idea who's going to join you. While this is exciting and honestly kinda fun to me, it's not the greatest in practice to most people.

    A simple improvement that could be made is when matchmaking for Open Crew, you can select 3 tags based on trading companies, PvP, Tall Tales, etc. The game will then put you on a ship and/or find crewmates with matching and/or similar tags.

    This way, you can have a general of an idea who your crewmates will be and what you all are doing

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  • I think the issue is that there is no guarantee that what you are looking for is what you are going to get. There is nothing that would prevent a crew tagged as "pvp" from not doing pvp at all. A crew could tag as "Tall Tales" and then not end up doing any of them because they decided to try to steal a FOTD that just popped up.

    This basically makes a tag system about as useful as how open crew currently works.

  • the ability to kick players from your ship would be a good start

  • @heretic1873 said in New Open Crew:

    the ability to kick players from your ship would be a good start

    No. It would be abused.

    Imagine playing with an open crew for an hour. Stacking lots of loot. Time to turn it in!
    And now you're kicked because the other 3 players were in a crew & want to invite their friend to turn in the treasure you spent an hour collecting.
    And you get nothing.

  • @guildar9194 what would even be the point of a maneuver like this? it's not like they couldn't add their friend in the first place, right? so the point of doing something like this is to just make people angry, which i could see people doing, but realistically, you can be an absolute menace in open crews anyway, steering the ship into rocks, blunderbombing crewmates overboard, and apparently yell racial slurs without consequences, so i guess my question to you is, why are you even playing open crews, my dude?

  • @heretic1873

    the ability to kick players from your ship would be a good start


    Picture this scenario. You’re on a galleon with 3 other people, the shrouded ghost spawns, all excited to get that title and take it down. You’re kicked because a friend of the crewmates wants in and the majority vote to remove you. That’s you lost the chance to defeat a once in a lifetime event. You’d be absolutely raging and upset by this 100%. That’s why this suggestion has been brought up time and again and won’t happen, it’s too easily abused, and when the shoe is on the other foot, it’s extremely annoying to comprehend.

  • @heretic1873

    realistically, you can be an absolute menace in open crews anyway, steering the ship into rocks, blunderbombing crewmates overboard, and apparently yell racial slurs without consequences

    You record and report them for toxicity. Guaranteed I’ve done this more than a dozen times and each time the person has been banned. Doing nothing will result in nothing, you have to report them with evidence.

  • @tesiccl you do realize that's a slippery slope, right? you conjure an unrealistic scenario, why wouldn't they just play with that friend you speak of? nobody would play open crew just to kick people when shrouded ghost spawns, you play open crew when you don't have friends, stop acting like everyone everywhere at all times tries to screw everyone over, it's depressing

  • @tesiccl besides, you could literally circumvent that by blocking kicking during encounters

    the bottom line is: open crews needs a slight rework, and tripping over yourself to poke holes in a simple solution is not helping

  • @heretic1873 said in New Open Crew:

    @guildar9194 what would even be the point of a maneuver like this? it's not like they couldn't add their friend in the first place, right? so the point of doing something like this is to just make people angry, which i could see people doing, but realistically, you can be an absolute menace in open crews anyway, steering the ship into rocks, blunderbombing crewmates overboard, and apparently yell racial slurs without consequences, so i guess my question to you is, why are you even playing open crews, my dude?

    what would even be the point of a maneuver like this? it's not like they couldn't add their friend in the first place, right?

    "Hey guys! I just got home from work. Kick the rando so I can join."
    "Hey guys! I finished my chores. Kick the rando."
    "Hey! I just woke up! Kick the rando."

    On the hosts side:
    "We were playing with a rando. We have stacked so much treasure. Want to join? I can kick him."

    You're being deliberately obtuse & acting like kicking randos to help friends would be some 0.0000000001% rarity because you don't want to admit that it would be abused.

    Weather or not you want to accept critiques of the idea does not alter the plain fact that any idea has to be measured in how it can be used, and how it can be abused.

    And I think it would be abused much more than you want to admit.

  • @guildar9194 by your logic men shouldn't get married because if they win a lottery their wife would divorce them and sue for all the money

    who upvoted this goof?

  • @heretic1873 said in New Open Crew:

    @guildar9194 by your logic men shouldn't get married because if they win a lottery their wife would divorce them and sue for all the money

    This is a terrible analogy.

    But it's clear you're defensive over the idea of adding a kick function & don't want to accept criticism.

  • @guildar9194 this is a perfect analogy, because your logic appears to assume that all people are psychopaths

    i'd welcome some criticism if it weren't a bunch of hogwash

  • @heretic1873 said in New Open Crew:

    @guildar9194 this is a perfect analogy, because your logic appears to assume that all people are psychopaths

    No. My logic assumes some people act like jerks on the internet.
    Also; Any idea has to be measured in how it can be abused regardless if you think it will be.

    i'd welcome some criticism if it weren't a bunch of hogwash

    It's not 'hogwash' just because you don't want to hear it. Plugging your ears and going 'LALALALALALALA! I can't hear your criticisms!' does not make everyone else incorrect.

  • @boneheart1237 It would only work if the random ship tags were based on what the players were doing, if they were tags placed by the crew themselves it wouldn't mean anything, because as stated above they could mark "PVP" and decide to go steal treasures.

    And even if ships are marked by current activity, what happens to ships that haven't even set sail from outposts? Will they be left without crew because everyone will be heading to ships doing some activity?

    The truth is that most random ships don't even know what they want to do or how to do it.


    the ability to kick players from your ship would be a good start

    That would be bad, it's not that rare to happen, to be arrested because the rest of the crew has someone to call, because they forgot they were in open crew or simply want to be toxic.

    this is a perfect analogy, because your logic appears to assume that all people are psychopaths

    It doesn't matter if it's the minority of cases, it will inevitably be used badly, and it's this exception that should be observed before creating a new mechanic.

    Perhaps the captain's vote being worth more than a common vote could be more reasonable, even so, possible abuse scenarios should be analyzed.

  • @heretic1873 Still upset because I don't agree with you lol

    I'm actually thinking the same way as in that thread, analyzing the mechanics from the point of view of the exception and not the rule.

  • @lleorb i just thought you're gonna argue just because i disagreed with you, carry on, it was in the heat of the moment

  • @heretic1873 No, I'm not mad at you, I'm just discussing the topic.

    i'm trying to convince you to "see only the good in people" but there are good people, and i like to think
    that they make up a majority of this community

    So, as he said, both rules and new mechanics have to be analyzed from the point of view of those who use them incorrectly, in order to completely avoid bad scenarios. Most of the community is not toxic, but when creating something new you have to look at the bad part so as not to give them the chance to ruin the experience for others.

  • @Heretic1873 Some of your posts have been removed as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @heretic1873

    you could literally circumvent that by blocking kicking during encounters

    You wouldn’t need to restrict the kicking during encounters if the poor idea was never implemented in the first place ;)

    Don’t just take our words for it, read Rare’s response here and you’ll see it’s backed up:

    Kicking Players - Too easily abused. You could do open crew, stack for hours then kick someone to get your friend in. Again, we're not going to support practices that can be abused.

    In case you don’t click the link. From Jotoro herself.

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