Solo Vessel

  • I think that it would be a really good idea to add a solo vessel to SoT, and when it comes to the design of this, I would recommend checking out Captain Falcore's video here. He makes a lot of really good points and suggestions, and I think it would make solo pirating a much less daunting task when it comes to actually trying to make money.

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  • I think it would make solo pirating a much less daunting task when it comes to actually trying to make money.

    Explain? How would a smaller ship make you a viable ship to use? From the video, you seem to be missing a lot of stuff you would need.
    Where the Table to place voyages? Where the Map?(Having forced radial with extra stuff) Rear harpoons? Having to rotate a single cannon Left to Right? No crowsnest but auto spyglass?
    More of a nightmare to bother with.

    I see this more of a Safer Seas ship. You think being sunk by other ships was bad...being sunk on this ship...

  • @sonic6446 it could be fun.
    I'd rather alternate 3 or 4 player ships but appealing to solo players is fine too

  • -10 points for making me watch a Falcore video, and -5 points for not coming up with your own idea or at least providing more details instead of telling us to watch someone else’s video. Lol.

    His design is bad and doesn’t seem like it would fit into the game. It’s more like a streamer’s overpowered dream ship.

    For a Solo Vessel, I’d still picture a sloop design, just smaller, with non-functional barrels removed to create more space. There would be only one barrel each for food, wood, and cannonballs, along with faster anchor and mast pickup times. Maybe even switch out the long cannons for short cannons. 😂

    You could also move the map table below deck and shift the barrels to where the map table is now. That way, you’d only need to go below deck to check the map, bucket water, or make repairs.

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