Something between uncaptained and captained ships please

  • So I'm exclusively a safer seas sailor (I only play with people I know and they aren't huge on high seas so that's not an option) and I find it kinda annoying that on safer seas you can get trinkets and other customisations in safer seas yet you can't use them, maybe make it so that at the bare minimum we can equip trinkets in uncaptained ships or have it so we can get a form of captained ships which is only avalible in safer seas and has the ability to store the loot from previous explorations

  • 4
  • you can get trinkets and other customisations in safer seas yet you can't use them

    Wanna see and show off those rewards? High seas

  • Showing off your conquests and spoils is designed to be an incentive to dive into the High Seas.

  • I think the reward design is where it should be but I don't have any issue with Safer Seas features that allow a boat to be named and some decorations to be added for people's safer seas sessions.

    Seeing a name and some decorations can be an incentive without taking away incentives.

    100% gold is whatever for people that intend to play there more often than not. Give 'em some quality of experience without attaching any extra progress to it.

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