Any tips to make the PvE Reaper Grind less painful?

  • I try for quite a while now to increase my Reaper rank, because I want those cosmetics, but it's also so horribly frustrating that often wonder if it's actually worth the hassle. I mean not only do I paint a huge target at my back, it also feels like anything I do barely matters. Like last sessions I finally managed to get to Emissary Grade 5 by fighting a Skelly Galleon and what was my reward for that struggle? Watching the rank bar moving a cm for each item sold. Thanks Flameheart. Often I wonder why I even bother with going Reaper Emissary, because it doesn't seem to influence the XP of the loot at all.

    Not to mention that every time I encounter another player, I just sigh and think:" There goes my Emissary rank. Time to start from scratch again.".

    So far, it seems that the best way to increase my Reaper rep is to not become and Emissary, farm Reaper Chests and Skelly camps, since the Orbs of Screts seem to give you a good chunk of xp, while trying to sneak in the one or other Ashen Lord or Skelly Fort while nobody is watching.

    But again, it's so soul draining and I also don't want to do PvP, because I suck at it and I don't want to ruin other people's fun.

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  • Based on everything you said,

    Shipwrecks for king's loot and island captain's for skulls

    throw in convenient reaper's chests (they are common captain digs now) as well as random spawns

    All you need for most things in this game is consistency and a part of consistency is making the journey manageable.

    Sometimes you'll find a random emissary flag, turn those in.

    Get some stuff turned in during bonus rep events.

    Be open to organic alliance situations during bonus events, maybe some other ship will farm and turn in good loot at reapers.

    Don't be in a rush, just consistently turn stuff in.

    Never stack loot and don't take extra risks.

  • @ninochaosdrache it is almost as if Reapers bones was designed to be mainly a pvp focused company, yes you can progress it trough pve means however stolen loot gives you more reputation as does it upgrade your emissary grade faster

  • Merchant voyage. Lost shipment
    Collect everything and reaper gets G5 fastest

    As for leveling up the faction. The best loot will always be “Stolen” loot. Since that the basic reason behind reapers. But that is more difficult.

    Wait for community weeks or 2X events for factions.
    Someone mentioned king loot or even Ashen loot (devils roar)

  • To get reaper 5 after just one world event, just go for a natural skeleton fleet, one gives you grade V.

  • @burnbacon

    I definitely wouldn’t do a lost shipment for reaper rep if I was putting a voyage on the table. Much better to hit organic world events.

    Plus, that voyage is so glitched now that I wouldn’t go near it with a barge pole.

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