bone caller nef

  • bone callers need to be nerfed they are too powerful and common. They for sure need to spawn less skeletons (maybe depending on the size of the boat they are thrown on), the skeletons should probably have less health and at least be one shot to pistol. Also maybe have them do less damage. it is very annoying when artificial intelligence can have such a strong influence upon a games pvp system.

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  • bone callers need to be nerfed they are too powerful and common

    Three skeletons, one sword Dash. All gone. Common, only because of an Exploit.

    They for sure need to spawn less skeletons (maybe depending on the size of the boat they are thrown on)

    Three is too many? Or you refering to each pirate can spawn Three.
    I think it should be, Crew/Ship only one pirate can summon three. If another crewmate throws one, the others get destroyed.

    the skeletons should probably have less health and at least be one shot to pistol.

    Sword Dash = Instant death. Lure dart distracts them. They are pretty weak to fire and blunderbombs. What else..

    Also maybe have them do less damage

    They can't even kill a single normal skeleton or Non-captain by themselves, they pretty weak already.

    it is very annoying when artificial intelligence can have such a strong influence upon a games pvp system

    Skeleton Ships, Phantom Ships, Fortress Cannons defense, Island Cannons, would also need to be weaken...since they fall under the issues you seem to explain.

  • @burnbacon
    1.) the skeletons dont just align for you to kill them all with one sword dash and not everyone uses a sword, plus its hard to lunge while fighting another player/getting shot at by cannons etc
    2.) sure i guess it could work like that but i think if a bone caller is thrown on a sloop it spawns one, brig two, galley three would be better and give smaller crews a needed advantage
    3.) again not everyone uses a sword and lure darts are very inconsistent, rather not fire bomb my own ship mid fight either
    4.) when there are three skeletons attacking you simultaneously you die very fast, at least take away the ability for them to sword lunge you off of your own boat.
    5.) those are all naturally spawning pve encounters that can usually be avoided, and i am mostly referring to hourglass where none of these are a factor

  • @burnbacon they don't die to sword dash, try playing the actual game before making up imaginary advice

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