New XP Rules for Hourglass to Prevent Cheaters

  • The primary goal of players who use cheats in Sea of Thieves is to quickly farm XP in Hourglass battles. On various Discord servers, cheats, account-boosting services, and similar offerings are openly sold.

    If the XP earned in matches were made equal for both the winner and the loser, it would disrupt the main incentive for those using cheats and selling these types of services.

    Sea of Thieves has never been, and will never be, a competitive FPS game—it lacks the structure for that. The essence of the game lies in playing with friends and simply having fun.

    Those who abuse it and make money out of it don't deserve to be in the game.

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  • XP will only be awarded if both players remain inside the hourglass for a certain period of time, to avoid entry and exit spam.

  • Sea of Thieves has never been, and will never be, a competitive FPS game

    Praise. Someone understands this.

    Win or lose, equal Exp sounds good.
    And winners still get that streak stack which should be enough of a winning goal.

  • Cheaters don't care about XP. They are just there to 'win' or ruin someone elses day.

  • This is an interesting attempt to hide a loss farming request.

  • @d3adst1ck said in New XP Rules for Hourglass to Prevent Cheaters:

    Cheaters don't care about XP. They are just there to 'win' or ruin someone elses day.

    This. Most cheaters I've come across have under 72 hours played and are ban evaders, last thing they care about is grinding for curses.

  • As @HiradC alludes; this will encourage people loss farming for allegiance.

    Lol @ bacon actually agreeing with this. Mr. Devil’s advocate agrees once it helps him, eh?

  • @burnbacon said in New XP Rules for Hourglass to Prevent Cheaters:

    Win or lose, equal Exp sounds good.

    Worse idea ever. And that’s coming from someone who barely bothers with the HG event or PvP unless I have to or feel like it. Giving equal XP for winning and losing completely defeats the point of competition—why even try if losing gets you the same rewards? Might as well skip the event and just hand out free participation rewards. It’s a sure way to make the whole thing pointless. 😂😂-😂😂😂

    @rafaxf7429 said in New XP Rules for Hourglass to Prevent Cheaters:

    XP will only be awarded if both players remain inside the hourglass for a certain period of time, to avoid entry and exit spam.

    Players will just run until the time is up and then scuttle their ship, earning the same XP as if they won. Does that seem fair and balanced?

    Lol @ bacon actually agreeing with this. Mr. Devil’s advocate agrees once it helps him, eh?

    @rare-jumbie 😂😂-😂😂😂-😂😂😂😂😂

  • Until cheating is solved and matchmaking is fixed, a solution of equal rep is fair. Solve cheating, fix matchmaking and end the argument. If you're more sympathetic to cheating than loss farming, you have bigger problems.

  • @BurnBacon @RaFaXF7429

    Sea of Thieves has never been, and will never be, a competitive FPS game

    Praise. Someone understands this.

    RARE held in person competitive tournaments before Covid hit, officially supported two Competitive formats NAL/SoC, themed the Arena game mode around a competitive spirit element of the game, and had cosmetics tied to NAL/SoC for it's winners.
    Yet to come out and agree with OP who doesn't know any better about the games past just shows you in a bad light, not that you already lost a lot of ''reputation'' with the takes you have on the forums from the get go, never change...

    'disingenuous' really fits how you act at times on these forums Bacon, do better.

    @RaFaXF7429 said:

    Sea of Thieves has never been, and will never be, a competitive FPS game—it lacks the structure for that. The essence of the game lies in playing with friends and simply having fun.

    It lacks structure because they don't want to give it structure, the competitive community in the past asked for basic updates for the SoT partner programs servers that they had access to, but those never got updated in years. Pretty obvious as to why... Some RARE devs actually still supported the comp scene and it's known players after Arenas removal, but they were powerless in giving / upkeeping that community, well because they had their hands tied...
    End of the day, they killed Arena because they wanted to fullfill a devs dream that was Hourglass, which was released soon after, and found excuses as for Arenas removal...

    You also contradict yourself in the last sentence here: ''The essence of the game lies in playing with friends and simply having fun.''
    That means a lot of different things depending on who you ask, if a crew grows together, gets interested in the competitive community, why can't they have a chance in doing so? It's their 'fun'... That's how community's grow and prosper...
    I find it ironic how ya'll love to boast about the different communities that the game offers OUTSIDE of the competitive one, because how dare they have fun! And went ahead to not only shun it, but kill it all together (talking to RARE on the last point), and then rub salt in the wound be featuring PeiRei in the community spotlight years after the competitive community's death, as if drawing attention to it one last time to stroke you own ego's saying ''hahah look, this community no longer exist!''

    Just a bunch posers trying to look good in the publics eye yet in some are work of art in reality (The bad sense)...

    tl;dr SoT competitive existed, RARE endorsed it in the past...

  • @veronik5682

    The competitive scene ruined SoT

  • @th3-tater
    That's a odd take, I would like you to elaborate more though.
    Unless trolling, I'm surprised less then 500 competitive players in it's history managed to ''ruin SoT''.

  • Cheaters do not care about exp. A very simple fix would be to make HG require either an athena or reapers flag to sign to dive. Then cheaters would hve to grind awhile in high seas to get to dive or go through the added hassel of an alt account starting a ship for them. Which i am certain rare could chase and ban.

    • Remember that the player who uses Cheat's goal is to make the crew win, and the other members receive XP. The cheater gets banned but the other members don't, that's the point.

    • If it's unfair for both to receive the same XP, let it be half the XP for the loser.

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