other ways to get chests of fortune. voyage of not so much luck

  • been slowly working on the chests of fortune commendation. the fort grind got tired 6 years ago. having it be the only way of obtaining the CoF is annoying. with the burning blade at least it was a new world even we had to grind which provided the chest as well. i dont know if you plan to add more world events at some point and move the chest of fortune to those. but honestly i think the pool of world events is kind of getting out of hand as it is since we cant spawn the specific one we want on demand... yea you can dive to them but correct me if im wrong the CoF world event is always exluded from the dive to options.

    so when we heard about voyage of luck we thought hey finally an alternate way to get some chests of fortune. been doing about 8 voyages a luck per day with others so im nearing 120 voyages of luck by the end of this event and so far only 2 chests of fortune. 1 gilded voyage of luck, 4 auto canceled voyages (which get returned to inventory) theory we have on the auto cancel voyages is that it wanted to give us a gilded, but the island the next voyage chose was too small IE fools lagoon or castaway isle. our 1 gilded ended up being twin groves. we would always start the voyage at repears figuring it was a nice central location to hand in anything we may find.

    while we did get a bunch of reaper chests most of that was due to skeleton captains on the islands we had for the voyage of luck.

    basically with FoTD being on demand CoF this season that is still the most optimal way to get the progression... but also no longer fun. but in the time its taken to get 2 CoF from voyage of luck we could have probably cleared 15 FoTDs

    its just rough having forts history of being the most lucrative but tedious way to play to then being abandoned and then with the revamp being made somewhat enjoyable again but its still 6+ year old content and the chest of fortune being the first 6 tier commendation with needed so many chests by grinding dead content... and the sad thing is no one i know even wants the cosmetics. its more about checking that box in the commendations. the gold, the cosmetics the come with it, even the reputation dont mean anything next to that check mark.

    all i know is we have all pretty much decided after this daily voyage of luck grind that they arent worth logging in for, despite not logging all the loot to be able to get a proper break down we know that 1 item we are after most and the rarity of it being on those voyages. voyage of luck was supposed to be monthly incentive to login... we wont be doing them in the future outside of our normal season grind. which with the transition to drip feeding the season will now be like 2-3 day grind at the end of a season vs grinding at the start.

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  • In short.
    “I want to finish FoF commendations and don’t wanna grind anymore.”
    Hard to get chest and players want to make it easier. :(

  • Out of personal experience, one thing to keep an eye out for...

    Community Weekends!

    Me and my crew hopped and got maybe 6/7 Chests of Fortune in one hour last Community Weeknd.

  • @keylessword4029 you do realise the CoF has never been in the same place for multiple seasons in a row right ?

    It migrates basically every season to another world event.

    It has been in:

    Skelly Fleet
    Burning Blade

    The chest of fortune is a big incentive to keep doing world events.

    The voyage of luck is a log on bonus not tied to CoF necessarily it just gives a small chance of getting a big blowout map giving you ALOT of treasure among which is the CoF. Its RNG.

    The voyage of luck is a fun thing and so far among giving me quite a few jackpots it as always giving me at least a single piece of good loot, i love the instant ashen athenas

  • I got a CoF from one of my lucky voyages. I didn't grind 15 a day. Maybe the system sees you doing so many and nerfed your chances lol.

  • To me this thread just shows that months of cheesing events doesn't really work and is counterproductive in the long run.

    You're doing 8 voyages of luck a day and somehow that isn't worth it?

    That's not a lack of reward issue, that's a - they flooded the game with way too much reward- issue.

    That was always gonna be the issue with their new approach, where more and more and more easy reward isn't enough for people.

    Terrible for the economy of quality and organic participation.

    Easy come, easy go to a different game.

  • At this point, with the max commendation currently sitting at a whopping 180 CoFs (and I imagine it'll only go up another 30 next season), it's a daunting task for any newer or more casual player.

    Just make it a 25% chance of being in the loot pool for every world event, and a 100% guarantee in the Fort of Fortune.

    It would make all world events pop again. Please, Rare.

  • @sweetsandman said in other ways to get chests of fortune. voyage of not so much luck:

    At this point, with the max commendation currently sitting at a whopping 180 CoFs (and I imagine it'll only go up another 30 next season), it's a daunting task for any newer or more casual player.

    Just make it a 25% chance of being in the loot pool for every world event, and a 100% guarantee in the Fort of Fortune.

    It would make all world events pop again. Please, Rare.

    They never should have taken it out of the BB or ever removed it from FoF imo.

    Neither world events are worth it in current sot without a cof, better ways to get the loot, especially now that they are spamming gildeds and luck voyages. BB has no organic appeal at all after the reaper change and loot that isn't worth it.

    After 13 it should have gone full time fof, and in the BB but locked until defeated or captained, and there was no reason to go higher than grade V. Now the comm is better to skip than to get involved with.

    We are talking hundreds and hundreds of attempts for players without the experience/crew/performance to defend and extract consistently. Which is a silly organic requirement considering how many experienced players are quickly doing these comms every season in non-organic play. The fleet of fortune sunk itself nearly the entire season, people just hopped and grabbed the cof outta the BB. People alliance server the fotd for cofs.

    Cheese it or avoid it shouldn't be the design of comms, imo.

  • I'm pretty sure receiving a Chest of Fortune through the 'Voyage of Luck' does not count towards bilge rat progression as it was not found at the Fort of the Damned.

    180 is too much. Some people chose to cheese it or just grind it when it was easier, which even then is a bit overkill. There is a lot to accomplish in this game and tasks become harder over time.

    Example: (10) Burning Blade 8 streaks is much more difficult than when it was introduced and will continue to become harder for this grind it immediately.

    Make a second event location where the CoF is available would be a practical solution .

  • @cainbong

    Not how it works, you get the +1 once it' sold to ANYONE in the game.

    Some commendations requires you to sell (insert item) to a specific person/company but with the CoF you can sell it to anyone. Mainly the older commendations that got that requirement.

  • @itz-majman

    Good to know. Not overly clear in the description as it says 'Found in the Fort of the Damned' so I assumed those voyages would not count towards it.
    Thanks Matey!

  • @cainbong said in other ways to get chests of fortune. voyage of not so much luck:

    I'm pretty sure receiving a Chest of Fortune through the 'Voyage of Luck' does not count towards bilge rat progression as it was not found at the Fort of the Damned.

    180 is too much. Some people chose to cheese it or just grind it when it was easier, which even then is a bit overkill. There is a lot to accomplish in this game and tasks become harder over time.

    Example: (10) Burning Blade 8 streaks is much more difficult than when it was introduced and will continue to become harder for this grind it immediately.

    Make a second event location where the CoF is available would be a practical solution .

    A lot of people have lost interest in the CoF because of the insanely high number you need (not just the current total, but also per season since most casuals won't get 30 per season). You can clearly see it in how often the FotD is up. The first time the CoF was in there it was up almost every time. Now i don't see it up very often. To many people have just moved away from trying to get it and the higher skilled players who are still trying to get them are often just diving between servers to find someone who is doing a FotD (and not doing it themselves). The CoF pretty much has lost a lot of interest by the community.

    I would say after this season add another 20 to the total (so it takes 200 to complete) and redo the grades so every grade takes 20 to complete (so in total 10 grades). The rewards stay with the same grades. Making it 10 grades so they can complete the new set (the first set took the first 5 grades, so...). It would mean that the people who already have completed it so far, by the start of next season also completed grades 7, 8 and 9 and only need to complete the last one (so still need 1 season worth of CoF's). The CoF will then be available in all non-divable world events (FoF, FotD and BB) and will remain there. After next season then just leave the CoF as it is and bring a new shiny thing for people to go after.

  • @super87ghost said in other ways to get chests of fortune. voyage of not so much luck:

    @cainbong said in other ways to get chests of fortune. voyage of not so much luck:

    I'm pretty sure receiving a Chest of Fortune through the 'Voyage of Luck' does not count towards bilge rat progression as it was not found at the Fort of the Damned.

    180 is too much. Some people chose to cheese it or just grind it when it was easier, which even then is a bit overkill. There is a lot to accomplish in this game and tasks become harder over time.

    Example: (10) Burning Blade 8 streaks is much more difficult than when it was introduced and will continue to become harder for this grind it immediately.

    Make a second event location where the CoF is available would be a practical solution .

    A lot of people have lost interest in the CoF because of the insanely high number you need (not just the current total, but also per season since most casuals won't get 30 per season). You can clearly see it in how often the FotD is up. The first time the CoF was in there it was up almost every time. Now i don't see it up very often. To many people have just moved away from trying to get it and the higher skilled players who are still trying to get them are often just diving between servers to find someone who is doing a FotD (and not doing it themselves). The CoF pretty much has lost a lot of interest by the community.

    I would say after this season add another 20 to the total (so it takes 200 to complete) and redo the grades so every grade takes 20 to complete (so in total 10 grades). The rewards stay with the same grades. Making it 10 grades so they can complete the new set (the first set took the first 5 grades, so...). It would mean that the people who already have completed it so far, by the start of next season also completed grades 7, 8 and 9 and only need to complete the last one (so still need 1 season worth of CoF's). The CoF will then be available in all non-divable world events (FoF, FotD and BB) and will remain there. After next season then just leave the CoF as it is and bring a new shiny thing for people to go after.

    U don’t see how the total is impacting the requirement or interest, every 30 you unlock new cosmetics just as it did for us all getting up to 180.

    As far as i see it the cof is still highly wanted and they should have done the same thing with the Skull of siren song, now that is one element of sot that is ignored 95% of the time

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