Merchant is really Janky and just bad in general

  • Merchant has so many issues and needs to get a good overhaul

    The cargo keep getting bernardbeard errors with no location to sell them, lost shipment ship wrecks don't spawn half the time.

    Then the lost shipments yield low tier bad loot when you do get a successful run

    Merchant also requires you to turn in loot like cargo to really raise up the flag

    Overall this company is horrible compared to the rest and not really worth it

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  • I agree, it’s the worst faction by far for time and money. I have to do a bunch of voyages to get the trinkets and I have zero desire.

  • Merchant also requires you to turn in loot like cargo to really raise up the flag

    ??? Really?? I raised mine by doing raids, touching cargo and not turning anything in until g5

  • Yeah, Merchant Alliance got the short end of the stick with Season 11, (Treasures of Adventure, the voyage rework).

    Not only are Merchant voyages not really able to be chained together like other factions, but the payout is especially bad for the extra care it requires you to put in. On top of their quests being disproportionately less rewarding, they also lack as much variety and high value loot throughout the world, whereas OoS and GH have Kingly treasures available all over. Take all of this, and factor in the fact that they still have Commodities that are wasting away in abandonment, paired with the fact that the Cargo Runs don’t even properly give you bonuses for Guild or Merchant emissaries, and the Merchant Alliance is just really, really unfortunate. Can’t water plants properly either. Don’t get me started about supply purchasing.

    I wish to see it get brought up to speed with the others.

  • I submited a ticket last week for the same reasons (especially for the cargo run bugs) but the ticket was closed a few days later and without any details on future plans. I agree that this faction is really below compared to the GH and OOS, at least the bugs should be fixed and the different loot should be more lucrative to easily rebalance things I think.

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